r/EngineeringStudents duke it out over whether Pepe is a hate symbol or not

69  2019-05-13 by ardasyenden


I think hate symbol is taking it too far.

I'd go with a symbol of mental retardation.

tbh i agree

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

That's not even Pepe SMH.

Does not matter to me, that frog looks smuggishly aryan to me enough.

smuggishly aryan

pure blooded, probably lactose tolerant too

Yes it's apu, who is canonically a different character. A pepe offshoot by another forum.

I cant imagine completing my higher education before losing my virginity. Inspiring


Highly upvoted, most highly upvoted comments are supportive, got to sort by controversial to find the good stuff.

Overall analysis? All engineers are nazis, but we need them to build the gas chambers first before we gas them for liking green frog fren.

Bonus points for quoting the deleted comment so people would now the stupid shit they wrote. Would’ve been awesome if he had tagged the user lol .

That’s a beautiful comment.

I accidentally followed for this specific hate group to you specific monsters and we are totally reporting people now and following you, doxxing you now. Good luck everyone!

Lmao nice

I believe your usertag should be reported https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz

Why are you linking an unconstitutional German law?

Oh no, it's retarded.

Seriously, what the fuck are you on about?

Sub trended and got noticed. Bots doing their thing now. Good luck all. By telling a few we get to pull some treads also. Watch the bots crawl. Chase down some y'all Qaeda. Subvert domestic terrorists.

You don't have a botnet kid. You wouldn't even know where to begin with setting one up. I really hope you're just a troll and not actually that stupid.

How old is my account? Is not not newly created for a reason? Is this not a hobby? Tell me why people are afraid here right now then? Also holy hell 1K karma on this account that I made to find you and root you out in just days.

Nobody is afraid of you dude. They're baiting you for shits and giggles because we all know you're retarded.


Also, I'm here from r/MasterHacker. This is my first time on r/Drama. So who exactly are you "rooting out"?

Did you forget to take your Zyprexa?

No? That is a very reactionary and defensive statement that I consider to be a position of weakness from your side.

You should talk to your doc about changing meds. This one's not working out so well.

Hate monger in a white nationalist Nazi hate group says what?

But drumpf controls the FBI now, are you sure he won't have us white nationalist agents murder you?

No one will murder me and I could live in Compton CA as a white man and hang out at 7/11 24/7/365 and still no crime will happen to me. That crime is drama is the fake drama. The drama is that online hate groups need to be found and the people tracked, identified and reported to the FBI as possible domestic terrorists or future terrorist, get you in the database. You said something about how you will murder me so now you get to be in a database at least. Bots will now follow you and report back.

surely blrampf is not as white nationalist as you purport him to be

this comment triggered stress eating a documented symptom of fat shaming something that I have endured my whole life being fat is random and you have no power over it

Stress eating a document means evil corruption lol, bot follow him. Report back back lol, confirm or deny these documents are Nazi\hate group related.

New copypasta

Cool beans, data-mining with bots for the FBI.

Keep us updated pls

Having a bot follow you now. That is your update.

gonna need some proof bbcakes

Counterintelligence comrade? This is not the 101 class.

do you not understand how bots work lmao

Bots follow you and will report any hate speech abuse. There is no boys will be boys of online hate speech now. We see you and report.

so, show me?

We both know you just had to delete child porn you sicko

Of course, 40000 tb in fact

I’m sad to see it go, but a nigga gotta do what he gotta scooby dooby doo

can you update me on the bot

can you update me about the bot

What are you even talking about?

The fact that /r/drama is a hate group for white nationalists Nazi I found by accident and now I have started following users and reporting activities to the FBI.

I dont know man, that sounds like BS to me.

Cool, keep it up then. We do a good job eventually. Tell me how you feel about Jewish folks well I'll have a bot find out about others here but tell me.

Well quite frankly Chaz I don’t like the chosen people all too much.

That sounds like Nazi terminology and we thank you for self identifying yourself for the bots to track you now.

I fuck bots.

Incel AF

Have sex.

I hope that the women you rape find Justice. As they have in the past. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz

I’m going to tear your bussy 🙏🏻open you little twink 👅👅👅👅👅😩😩😩

How about you pm me your FBI credentials with todays date and your username and i tell you my opinion of the Jewish people?

I work in I.T. security for a large multinational corporation and not for the FBI. I did make some nice little bots to follow people and report back though.

So they pay you for browsing Reddit in hopes of finding "nazis"? Really?

Want Nazis? Go to /pol/ you are wasting your time here.

I do it in my spare time to help humanity. Also I told this sub I found them by accident because a post was trending. Your little dark corner got lit up like a fucking Christmas tree and now we enjoy the fact that we get to watch you all run now. Cockroaches hate light and I turned on a light switch.

Im not even subbed here mate, also policeing the internet wont do any favors to anyone, if you somehow close this sub then they will migrate somewhere else, just look at r/cringeanarchy, pretty much everyone in Reddit agrees that the admins should have given them their contained safespace because they ended up going to other subs and spreded their bullshit there, you are wasting your time, do something else other than putting bots on people you dont know.





/r/Drama is a Russian psyop to embarrass the Jews who secretly control China and the CIA/FBI are Chinese institutions so I don't know what you think you're going to occomplish, half of us are Cia plants and at least 2 of us are Donald trump's love children with Russian matriarchs.

Oh god the Jews control China lol /topminds you are the dumbest person today I see online now.

The matriarchs will be pleased that we convinced you to think this way.

Dude, seriously? So slow. So so slow....

On the contrary, I am very fast.

Reported you, thank you for self incrimination.


Lol Germany doesn't exist.

Okay I have to take more stupid time now, this is stupid time. Weird.

Okay I have to take more stupid time now, this is stupid time.

Can you rewrite that as if you we're a literate person?

Good points, tbh.


/u/JohnGenericDoe Did you know 13% of honklers commit 80% of honks?

>American tax payer money. What Side? Do you not know? Do you not understand how to follow money, politics, war crimes? Are you over 18? Lets say Arya Stark will visit you and show you then okay. It is that simple. Trump is the Lanistter family and the Stark family is going to have a lot to say about murder soon. Stark's are the Dems, good luck without hope


lmao he's a swordshitter in r/Politics too

Dude has to be a troll

Continuously bitches about it.

Ok, stop bitching about it.

I was never bitching about it.

Why do they do this?