Mayo's culturally appropriate basketball Americans (again smh πŸ˜”).

26  2019-05-13 by BlasterBallz


The trend is legit though. Mixed ("exotic") women are en vogue. They're idolized in mainstream culture. This doesn't affect men nearly as much, if at all. Darkskin black guys are among the most influential pop icons of today, which does not apply to black women. Being "too black" as a woman is still not palatable to mayo-American mainstream culture. This is of course all the fault of wh*te men, who fetishise mixed women as a representation of white colonialism on a reproductive level.

And if you think this is irony posting, you'd be very wrong, sweaty

Tbh, I unironically find actual Africans much more attractive than African Americans. But that is just my take.

Well yes, mayos ruin everything

I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Nigga Whoever posted this shit is white I bet

Snallygaster you're as white as they come.

The fuck you talking about nigga I’m black as shit

Lmao isn't a little really for this shit? Or did you stay up all night drinking again?

Nigga speak English so I know what your white ass is saying

White people are disgusting, they smell like sour milk.

Das right nigga

Snally no 😭😭😭

prove it lmao



There's no way she's not at least 32.

I think she is 25 or 26

I want to fuck her slightly chubby body and just on her face so bad

Lol, bitch is gonna end up with melanoma if she keeps tanning like that.

Guido culture is getting skin cancer from tanning machines

slightly chubby

Also those thicc Auschwitz babes.

Imagine what she smells like


Man, a friend of mine actually mentioned how Ariana Grande used to be way whiter but I never realised it was this extreme haha

It's a shop. But she still is pretty dark.

She's not Mexican? I had no idea she was just a boring old wog.


Wog is Australian for Italians, Greeks etc.

I'm trying to grow the diversity of this subs ethnic slurs.

Ewww bogans

Educate yourself. Italians can be regular Australians, bogans, wogs, or a mix of all three.

Excuse me sweaty but I am Italian so please don’t appropriate our experience.

So am I you silly goose.

Aaah come sei finito su r/drama? Qua Γ¨ pieno di italiani smh

Este govichi? Gavalataro, voy sonatΓ­ qua Γ© bapa da boopi

no πŸ‘‹πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ŒπŸ€›πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘

Try harder

Damn, my fake Italian just doesn't cut it anymore.

Ah sorry, I meant Italian Australian, I thought I was talking to an American not an actual Italian.

Volcel if you wouldn't

Who wouldn't bang her? Shit I'd knock her up and try to claim child support or some shit.

Wouldn't even need NEET bux then.

broke: voting yang 2020 for poverty-level neetbux

woke: impregnating rich foids to claim child support to buy a condo with a pool

Brave stance

Blackfishing is basically blackface but it’s realistic and isn’t meant to offend, but imitate, but still ends in offence.

This kind of intellectual affirmation is what keeps.mayocide on hold.

imagine thinking tanning is racism

She went from speaking to the manager to being thrown out by one.

"Accidental" racism?

Tf you talking about, calling white people Mayos is not racist.