Atheist Inquisition excommunicates member who isn't quite sure that people born as men should compete as women in sports

52  2019-05-13 by byebyeinoreader

The Atheist Community of Austin is behind the Atheist Experience show, which has been around for over 20 years and takes calls from religious people who have questions for atheists. They've recently had this British atheist e-celeb as a special guest on two shows, but it turns out that, despite being all for LGBTQZ+¹²³%¢ people (he often makes videos for their rights etc.), he isn't sure that sportspeople born as men should compete against those who have always been undoubtedly women by all standards.

Their immediate response was to post a statement cutting all ties with him and denouncing him as transphobic.

The non-SJW and SJW sides of the community are now partaking in a godless holy war over it.


It’s funny how atheists call everyone else dogmatic when many of them are just as irrational.

people are so swept up in ideology when will they realise that literally nothing matters at all

If nothing matters, everything matters.

People forget that before late millenials and zoomers based their entire lives around Harry Potter, early millenials were basing their life philosophy around Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The above is the lesson of the final episode of the spinoff show, Angel. It has come up in almost every Internet atheist argument for fifteen years.

nihilism is also an ideology

It's wrong, but at least it's an ethos

Heads up, you got a copycat LARPing as a black guy from Baltimore

Yah.. just an assblasted chapo

I thought it might have been a CAfugee

A lot of vocal internet atheists were raised religious, and secretly haven’t outgrown the need for dogma and structure. They just get it from a different source now.

See also, Chapocels.

I think this also one reason why so many internet atheists will only read the bible just as literally as the fundies, and they refuse to acknowledge that many mainline denominations don't really encourage this but instead embrace historical-critical scholarship.

Broke : Believing in god.

Woke : Being an atheist.

Bespoke : Believing in religion itself.

atheism being such a big thing

What is this, 2012?

I guarantee you being "spiritual" is the next fad. Atheism is so out.

I already have a twat that lives near me that considers himself a Buddhist even though he apparently just "meditates". He even told me that he had never read any Buddhist texts.

Implying sedevacanism isn't what's hip with the kids these days. 🙄

It's over for Popecels.

Bring back astrology tbh


Wow, any other predictions from 1994?

Trans people in sports is probably the dumbest widespread position LGBT1488HH advocacy has taken. If left unchecked, the movement won't stop until female sports are 100% dominated by men who identify as women yet take no steps towards transitioning, at which point wokies will start writing articles about how cis women are marginalized in sports.

Honestly foid being thrown out of sports is a pretty good thing, because it mean we get 2 quality olympicsinstead of only one.

2 quality olympics

Except for the fact that tranny athletes are men that weren't good enough to cut it in the cis category.

Still better than foids, tho.

Who would you rather watch swim, Amanda Beard or “IT’S MA’AM!”?

Imagine being against dickgirls in swimsuit.

You disgust me.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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I've seen a few vids by this Rationality Rules guy and he seems totally insufferable, lol. Always arguing in this really juvenile way by breaking down argument chains with graphs and pointing out logical fallacies. Like he's extra rational by structuring his videos in such a robotic/autistic way.

The guy is retarded. Glad his ideology is biting him in the ass

Mob turns on Robespierre for being too bourgeoisie.