Homegrown swordshit drama featuring Ed_smuttered_toast himself

24  2019-05-13 by Momruepari


Based Ed putting swordshitters in their place.

Medieval capeshitters need to be banned from the planet.

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Oh, well, okay, let's have this thread then.

Tl;Dr dany's arc was set up like this, maybe not totally well, but this was always on the table.

Jaime is the character everybody should be pissed about.

If you're more upset by Dany than Jaime, you're a normie pleb smolbrain drooling autist retard and probably a gussy

I don't understand why people are mad about Dany.

She is a foid and hormonal so she is prone to this happening. All woman are susceptible to this. She was probably on her period that day and not thinking straight and that's why she committed genocide.

I found this episode to be refreshingly honest and accurate.

I'm sorry but this absolute disaster was obviously going to happen as soon as they decided to end with a six episode season

They would've needed a whole 'nother season to wrap things up properly. The actual problem is that d&d are shit writers and much of the fanbase is retarded and eats up any crap that gets thrown their way (see r/gameofthrones). The show went downhill as soon as they ran out of source material.

I can't wait till those two hacks do the next Star Wars trilogy, the seething will be glorious.

well, yeah

I know it's probably unlikely but Cersie and Jaime could.maybe still be alive. I could see them making Jaime a cripple like Bran

If you're more upset by Dany than Jaime, you're a normie pleb smolbrain drooling autist retard and probably a gussy

Unironically this. The best part of this GoT season is that all the yass-qweeners were put in their place.

Did Ed make a return trip to this sub just to argue sword shit or had he been back?


lol /u/ed__butteredtoast we actually are kind of syncing up right now

death to all dany dickriders

pretty much lol

Oh so I’m just retarded.

depends, should Jaime have killed Cersei?

I'm kind of mad at how weak the Clegane bowl was. Should have ended with Arya saving him and them escaping together then banging by the bay

Truth be told I haven’t made it past episode two of the new season. As a die hard fan for years idk why, but it just feels different.

those are the least egregious episodes

episode 3 made episode 2 mean barely anything

I like episode 4 except that ambush was too successful (really like the spreading gossip about Jon)

5 i think is mostly good, it would be less horrifying but still hard to rewatch all that slaughter, but fuck how they handled the Lannisters

GRRM is at fault for this season kind of sucking. If he had finished the series and gave them a better road map I think it would be in much better shape. This season is full of mishandled plot turns and character developments and lacks any kind of iconic ends to main characters that the early seasons and the books were known for. I'll obviously watch the last episode but I'm looking forward to Amazon's Wheel of Time and one of the best endings in a major fantasy series

Sounds like I should just go ahead and push through the second episode. I’ll be pretty bummed if they finish the series in a shit manner like the Sopranos or True Blood, from the amount of bitching I’ve been seeing that’s what it seems like.

Spoilers are out, it'll be shit.

If they hate this Dany in the show, I'd love to see what they thought of her in the books.

Hint: she practised the sort of moral relativism normally attributed to psychopaths, and was mostly only 'fair natured' because she had been brought up to act like a pretty little princess.

Dany killed everyone cause she got dumped by her nephew lol.