Goodbye again

191  2019-05-13 by Momruepari


Also Rip r/dramabutwithpinging

good thing there's no other subs we can ping people from amirite guys?

r/Familyman is a pro ping subreddit. Come on by

I'm subbed. good thing I'll never use that sub to ping or harass users of this site

T_d will be banned before the election and then drama should be in the next few tiers. /v/drama is coming 🤢

Why do you think so? Spez doesn't want to deal with the collective spergouts of all the boomers on Reddit.

Nah this is bigger than him. They know controlling information, and yes even dumb ass memes have a ton of influence now. If they banned t_d now it would just migrate somewhere else like it inevitably will. They will do it a little before the election to help diffuse w/e influence it does hold. This isn’t just reddit, this is across the Internet, just since 2016 the internet has had a serious crack down. Spez literally doesn’t factor into the decision

Who's they and do they care? 😮

Establishment/ruling class, etc.. Many would just blame the Jews, but it’s simply ‘the haves’ wanting to maintain absolute control. Trump wasn’t supposed to happen, he never got that nfl team for a reason, he knew all the Nixon secrets from his uncle and dad. Doods literally weakening the value of the US dollar to fuck these people IMO. Sorry for the serious posts, but you asked.

You've convinced me. We have to stop the NFL before they give everybody brain injuries! 😮😳

Even you?

Oh fuck. I'm seeing double. 🤪

You must have been hit a little too hard lol

You're not the real me! 😠😠😠🐴

How would you know? What even is real?

Why did TaysThirdGussy get banned?

Why are you asking me?

Because you are him? 🤷

I don’t even know who tays gussy number one is. Let alone the third. Who are you? Maybe you are him.

If you're really me, you'll be able to say what race I am. Hint it's muy complicated.

Hispanic Irish

Ok you are me. Then this is confusing? Are you from the future?

I’m from the present. You are from the past

Oh. So you're not TaysThirdGussy? Because he got banned today for being an imposter.

What kind of imposter?

Lol you should read up on it, drunpf is still seething about the nfl thing.

weakening the value of the US dollar

Check exchange rates lmao it's the exact reverse

He’s goading the nips into selling off US bonds, it’s one of their only legit plays. If they start over regulating and ducking with our companies even the fake news is gonna have a hard time running cover for that. Look at Vox reporting about the concentration camps etc

Dude I'll help pay for a site not on voat. Might as well completely disband because voat will be unusable for us

It’s pretty bad, but tbh the only way it will get better is by integrating non incels/rightoids/meninists. And as each successive tier gets taken down by AHS most normies would migrate. Principle and free expression are literally the only thing that makes the internet attractive, ever been on like a companies intranet? That’s gonna be reddit at this rate

with their voting system we'll be at the mercy of all the weirdos that already populate voat and I imagine that drama isn't too popular anywhere outside of our sub. If we were to get vote brigaded we would only be able to make a post or comment something like every 8 hours. It's what happened when all the qucks migrated to voat and tried to create their own Q sub

Ohh they rate limit with down votes? 🤔 Man sounds like they got cucked by capitalism. Or do they do it on purpose to maintain a alt right user base.

I'm not sure why it's set up like that but when the reddit qucks created a new voat sub or whatever the voat qucks vote brigaded them to the point where they could barely use the site then Q tabled the voat exodus and moved them all to 8chan. I'm sure some of them assimilated. Voat seems to let the users dictate content and policy as long as it doesn't break the law(too much). I was tempted to use voat during that time just to watch all those conservative Christian qultists squirm

Honestly that’s kind of cool if you could get it to be more centrist somehow. Tbf to voat, Qucks are like the lowest of the low, even lower than Antifa bc they are mostly boomer-mayos that are not only out of touch with reality, but also hold some influence in society/own property, unlike antifas. So they don’t have as much of an excuse to be that retarded.

I'm quitting the internet before I go to Voat. If they ban /r/drama I'll probably just hang around and torment Reddit with troll accounts.






If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.

How dare they take away pinging that is part of our culture

The first thing that colonizers do is drive out the local culture.

Wtf I hate imperialismo now. 😠😠😠

They gentri-fucked our bodega up.

Unironically a day of mourning for dramanauts. I bet it was u\TaysThirdGussy bullying the lolcows that got it banned.

Maybe. That would be severely un-epic.

Not mad at him. Just he was pretty rough with the lolcows. Or maybe we just lost favor with Allah?

Combination of a few things prob. It was a thin-ice couple of weeks for us.

I blame jc


The first thing that colorizers do is make the wizard of oz look garish, thus driving out the local culture.

that is part of our culture

You're right, this is cultural genocide.


I don’t think I’ve ever done a ping because I’m slightly antisocial but next time pingaroo is happening... I’m gonna be in it to ping it.

It’s honestly not that entertaining these days. The problem is people just ping insults instead of drawing them into the thread and interacting with the lolcows. A chain of like 5 pinged shit-talking comments isn’t that great.

If the lolcow is truly prime beef, they find their way here anyway. At least the ones from subs where snappy is visible.

Damn. Drama has lost its finesse :(

Yeah the new Drama needs work, and I say that as a new friend.

Theres still pinging, you just have to be an approved approved submitter. /u/justcool393 see? The mods are fucking with you guys

What is approved approved. You mean approved+consent to pings?

It's a really short list the mods made. We get to ping along with some other perks like a communal fleshlight and a copy of The Conquest of Bread written in Swahili

Damn I wanna be on that list.

I thought we told you not to tell anyone about that 😠

But how else can I dab on the singularly-approvedcels?

They hard-coded this shit out. Checks if /u /NOT-YOUR-USERNAME is in your comment now before sending any /r/drama comments.

Seeing as, like, at most two Reddit admins are competent enough to make something like that, I really don't see /r/drama having pinging ever again :(

/u /spez plz gib back

oh wait we literally cant ping now? lol

They blocked it in the comment box.

just admit ur scared of being pwned by the bantz of a trollxchromosomes user like i am 😔😔

I’m just scared of their their dead clacking ovaries.

Admins, why do you make pinging send a message to users and then complain about harassment when it is done? Why do you then also ban people from linking user urls? Why do you even let people view comment histories? Why do you keep supporting features that are mostly useful to annoy people, then get surprised when they are used to annoy people?

because the admins are retards

Now I want reddit to implement the opt-out of public post/comment history. Imagine.

Now it will rest on the beautiful fields of eternity alongside our pantheon of Gods. RIP

Pinging's gone ?

The admins have written a custom script or some gayass computer nonsense that bans it specifically on this subreddit and no others

we're special

that being said I haven't tried to ping elsewhere so it could be a more signifcant shoah than it appears to be

Oh splendid.

I'm sure it was the AITA or relationship advice hippos/male feminists that cried to the admins.

Looks like drama posters couldn't behave 😢😟


Well there's nothing stopping a bot sending letting someone know they were pinged wink wink

a more signifcant shoah

Extremely centristpilled.

Had one fun ping exchange while it lasted. Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened.

Sticky this comment, coward.

Too generic/boring to sticky

I'm not sure you're a drama mod material 🤭

Rip 😭😭

Is it gone everywhere or just drama?


(le edit: it's actually just drama)

Mega rip

not true. you can still ping on other subs.

source: just tried to do it on the superior drama sub, /r/freedrama

Implying r/deuxrama isn't superior 🙄




Both look worse than the festering sore Chrischan calls a vagina.

Lol no, it's just /r/drama where pinging's been banned


Everywhere you want to be

Where were you when pinging was kill?

Losing money at WSB.

We'llz just couldn't behave

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

It's too bad the reddit code on github is not updated anymore. We could see pinging be removed before it goes live :(

The most tragic event of this year, and yet the mainstream media does not shut up about the Chewbacca furry guy while giving the dead of pinging in r/Drama zero coverage, smh.

Fuck the hypocritical admins


🦀 🦀 Pinging Is Gone Again 🦀 🦀


/u/spez I demand pinging back for the rest of drama. Your code cannot defeat me

Had 4 caps now I'm pinging 🤪

I love pinging. There's nothing in this world better than the sensation of that little mail button lighting up in the corner of your screen to tell you that someone wants your undivided attention on their long, thick post. Something about it is just intoxicating. Imagining them getting all hot and bothered as they angrily type away about how shitty your ideas are and how much you should keep yourself safe... hnnng, it's sooo good...

So please, ping me! Ping me so hard I won't be able to show my face in public for a week! I want you to ping me right in my tight little username until I moan for you to stop, but I won't want you to! I want to to keep pinging me, because getting pinged is so kinky! Do I enthusiastically consent to being pinged? Yes of course, but the phrase "enthusiastic consent" doesn't even cover the breadth and depth of my desire to be pinged. I want to be your pingslut. I want you to ping me night and day, nonstop, until I can't think about anything else. I want you to ping me out in public as well as in private, on my way home on the train where anyone could see the vile things you want to do to me. I want you to ping me on my phone and on my computer, so there's no escaping from the pleasure of your rants and seriousposts. I even want you to ping me in front of my coworkers and classmates, so that I have to suppress my groans from being heard when you link stale copypasta to me for the 12th time that day.

I cannot overstate how good pinging feels. There's no better sensation than having a random stranger type in my username and request my input on something. Especially when they harass me! It sends shivers and tingles up my spine every time I get pinged into a thread to be called a retarded faggot! Oh god, just thinking about it excites me!

But just because I like it when strangers do it doesn't mean I don't want to be all yours, baby. Come on, you know you want to make me into your personal pinghole. You want to use me whenever you feel frustrated by your lack of ability to ping lolcows from a juicy thread full of drama. You want to vent your rage on someone, and I desperately want to be that person.

So go ahead, do it. Ping me. Oh please, dear god ping me...

Why’d we lose it this time?

Same as always, retards abusing it and mods not stepping in to do their one goddamn job on here, which is (was) to regulate pinging.


B-but /r/drama is (((radically centrist))) how could this happen?