“We The People Will Build the Wall” campaign just revealed today in their opinion money may be diverted to pay for a ‘million dollar’ yacht and high-flying lifestyle.

246  2019-05-13 by sakfad


Tfw you're poor and you get scammed by some rich but it's okay since you owned the libtards epic style 😎😎😎

The only redeeming factor to fent nation is their dedication tonthe idea of murdering ppl like distortedlines

With facts and logic.

Libtardocide when?

This but no /s

based and bamboozlePilled

Libtards owned by YACHTS and LOGIC.

Tfw when you take a picture of a tweet for serious news.

Rednecks and getting fleeced like the rubes they are, name a more iconic duo

Rednecks and fentanyl

rednecks and continuing to get fleeced even though the scam has been outed.

Someone has to buy all of those lottery tickets

Billie and Peyton


Rednecks and that redneck's cousin

Rednecks and beating up transgenders

The yacht is for patrolling the Rio Grande.

Rightoids are so stupid

Leftoids are stupid, non radical centralists are stupid. 🙄🙄🙄

Rightoids: are stupid

Rightoids: "B-b-buh no u"

Mate I am about as soy boy left as it gets. 🙄🙄🙄

These are the same smooth brains that invested in Iraqi dinar because of some incoherent shit trump said about it lmao

Oh fuck i completely forgot about that.

Fucking topminds is terrible for keeping up with quality retarded conspiracies like that now, smh.

god i need that trump bump for my endeavors. looks like it's worth millions.

I've been hearing 'smooth brain' as an insult for quite a while around here and every time I hear it I picture a horrifying brain that's completely smooth and slightly shiny.

yeah that's the idea

A fool and his money are soon parted. I have no sympathy for those who donated to the campaign.

As for him, I don't know. I'd like to give him a pat on the back for swindling so many idiots, but I really want to see him face the law.

Side vote this comment if you’re not surprised. Post bussy if you are surprised

Unironically based

Conservatives are the real nihilists in 2019.

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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How did they expect the campaign to work?


To be fair, it's a better investment than a wall.

This template is complete bullshit. Look it up.

Imagine my shock!

God damn white people are dumb nigga

So are people who can't make a comment without "nigga" in it and who keep trying to make new accounts.

No, you are wrong.

What the fuck You talking about nigga. Why does this sub piss you off so much

I’m not mad, like your father, I’m just disappointed in you.

You forgot to say nigga