Game of Thrones has been a waste of my life.

96  2019-05-14 by HardIsLife

Gotta be mayo men that ultimately save the day after years of women killing it. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Women ultimately can’t be trusted. Let me find out the writers are Trump supporters. Or Bernie supporters. Ok.

I’m literally crying right now because a decade of my life has been wasted on a show ultimately guided by the mayo male viewpoint.

Literally if you think that after a decade of Dany learning how to be a leader and how to rule and how to have compassion for people, that this is a natural story arch, you are a simple-minded twatwaffle who can't be trusted to have good opinions about storytelling.

Jon Snow is stupid, I hate his story arc, I hate people who stan him, and I will hate it when he reluctantly and boringly takes the throne next week. 😒


You would have known this if you had ever read or experienced high quality fantasy.

The only silver lining that I can see about the whole saga is if it inspires people to truly appreciate the genre and seek out the WAY better ones.


>high quality


Do you have a recommendation

Legend of Drunken Master starring Jackie Chan

Based and China man pilled

bet you weren’t expecting that 🤗

You got me doc

Different work of art from the previous clip:

Fry : Poor Bender, you're seeing things. You've been drinking too much, or too little, I forget how it works with you. Anyway, you haven't drunk exactly the right amount.


You posting any songs today


Shut up nerd

Anna and the Apocalypse

The Sword of Truth. Have you ever read Atlas Shrugged and thought, "This needs to be cliche fantasy"? Then this is the series for you. It also has lots of death and rape for those convinced, and rightly so, that realism requires grit the size of mountains.

The Sword of Truth.

The only thing I know about it is that tons of redditors rec it, which is exactly why I won't read it.

I've only seen it called shitty wheel of time.

SoT isn't too bad... but it is a bit pushy on the "collectivism bad" narrative. I mostly agree with "collectivism bad" and still felt it was too preachy.

It probably kickstarted my my bdsm fetish in my early teens.

Conan is the only good fantasy ever. LotR is gay.

oiled up muscle men

not gay

my neighbor have you been on any fitness forum ever?

Conan may have fucked some dudes as a sign of dominance or because he was in jail, but he wasn't gay. Everyone in LotR is gay.




Bible Black

Malazan Book of the Fallen series (and The Kharkanas Trilogy once it's complete) by Steven Erikson, Paladin trilogy by Daniel Ford, First Law World series by Joe Abercrombie and Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson are excellent choices. If you haven't yet read something from this list you're a lucky guy as you get to experience it for the first time.

There are more I would recommend (Witcher books or Hussite Trilogy by Sapkowski, Prattchet's Discworld if you want pure humor and satire, early books from Raymond Feist), though except the Haerne books I'm too biased to be able to vouch for their quality since I was a kid when I first read them.

Gentlemen Bastards by Scott Lynch are also excellent quality, but Lynch went through a rough divorce or something like that, had heavy depressions and now has pronouns in his twitter bio and is tweeting about Trump, so I'm afraid he won't be writing more books even if he tries to try from time to time. So you would have to have them without a conclusion to the story. Iron Druid series by Kevin Hearne (except the last book Scourged and some of the short stories) which are very good if you don't mind missing the closure or being pissed after reading Scourged and it's urban fantasy, so not exactly the same genre.

You’re mixing up your harassment campaigns, honey. This isn't the one where you all think I can't care about a TV show. It's the one where you pretend I can't call out racism on the left because I live in Portland.

mmm how dat fresh pasta taste

Literally if you think that after a decade of Dany learning how to be a leader and how to rule and how to have compassion for people, that this is a natural story arch, you are a simple-minded twatwaffle who can't be trusted to have good opinions about storytelling.

She literally murdered her way out of every problem while traipsing around slaver's bay and has had to be talked down from burning King's Landing for two seasons.

Cry moar

You're a regressive conservative woman hater, and you're not even brave enough to attack women with your real name and face up on here.

Imagine giving a shit about any Dany except the one who had a truly dramatic life and death.

I am a far left progressive liberal. You are a conservative who hates women and is lying about living in my neighborhood. You're not working class. You're probably a 17yo white guy living with your parents.

It must be hard when your ideology and favorite show diverge.

The history of Lebanon is so tragic.

I was hoping OP wasn't seriousposting...

I actually think I recognize the bit I quoted from that portland femoid whose twitter tantrum got linked here.

Fuck you for not linking that delicious sauce, you lawlzlooking bastard

you lawlzlooking bastard

That’s uncalled for!!!! Now I’m not going to link the source!


That foid's feed is the Nile of retardation.

Imagine being a woman in 2019 and still trying to make people think you're cool by saying Hillary is bad.


Literally if you think that after a decade of Dany learning how to be a leader and how to rule and how to have compassion for people, that this is a natural story arch, you are a simple-minded twatwaffle who can't be trusted to have good opinions about storytelling.

i think you're letting your emotions get the best of you. the entirety of danny's arch has been an examination of nature vs nurture, and no matter how hard you try nature will always win 😭

I make a lot of money because of my brain, and if your brain worked at a minimum level of competency, you'd probably find a way to insult me that actually made sense. An incel more creative than you made fun of the moles on my face, for example. Think outside the box!



Was that you that tweeted about it

Would you agree that what you're saying is that white people should be silent about other white people's racism? Would you agree that when I, a white person, points out the racism of other white people, that I am the real racist?

That's what you get for supporting a retard just because she has dragons.

Imagine thinking this was a good response to my correct claim that Dany has never shown a proclivity for killing innocent people.

That Love & Robots shit you recommended is pretty bad too, but at least the episodes are only 12 minutes long to fit the attention span of Fortnite-addicted zoomers. Also I get bored and stop watching at 6 minutes, that helps too. 🤔

I liked it better when Hillary said it.

Was it really that bad tho? We all knew it had to end this way.

This is what a targeted harassment campaign looks like.

You kinda had it coming though. You shouldn't watch shows based on books written by cis mayo men.

Imagine thinking anyone other than Jon would end up the main character after decades of building up the whole L+R=J thing.

What does Stan mean I'm not retarded sorry

I live in a historically white neighborhood, so tell me again how this is a vicious self-own. Here's a tip: When you have to Google articles to even pretend you know what you're talking about, just choose shutting the fuck up. It's free.

I don't get what you're talking about, I'm not retarded sorry. I genuinely don't know what Stan means in this context.

Being a hardcore fanboy of somebody, it comes from the Eminem song "Stan".

Anyone who didn't see Dragon-Titties fucking it up coming from a mile away should keep themselves safe.

Oh, my bad, I'm being held accountable by a Reddit harasser for gentrification is the city I live in. Imagine thinking this was a smart thing to say to a single mom and renter with 6 figures of student loan debt. Go ask your parents for your allowance, freak.

Anyone who didn't drop this show already deserves to be disappointed and his time to be wasted.

It's like a repeat of lost.

Learning to be a leader? She fucked up in Meereen, let her fuckbuddy take the helm, and bailed.

Dany has been murderous twat the entire series. Where have you been? Silly to think GOT would have a happy ending. I will watch the last episode with glee knowing how heartbroken you will be when Jon Snow stabs Dany in the gut and taking the throne.

You're a beta, dude. It's time for you to take all these Ls and move on with your life. Prob get therapy for those Daddy issues that left you so insecure and unsuccessful with women.

Think you need an Alpha to settle down with. Maybe spank you bit when you misbehave.