Female r/Drama mods out in the wild

469  2019-05-14 by ArlenBilldozer


Based and tranny pilled

Subscribe to /r/blacktraps !

black Snally


Unironically yass queen

God I wish that were me πŸ˜”πŸ˜žπŸ˜’

ftmtf pilled

I want to fuck you so bad

Have you posted bussy yet?


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Eh... TECHNICALLY, Snapster

You transphobic incel, go back to r/drama or whatever hate sub you came from. 😀😀😀

Trans women are __________?

best women

The only women


I don't think yikes is an adjective.

Not with that attitude

Full of issues.

Bussy lmao

in need of mental help

This is the most based reply

So, like actual women then?

why else would they mental problems if they’re not trying to be like women?

trustworthy, unlike women

The most radical of all centrist takes.

The only women worth your time.

The cut straight to money the dont even try to pretend its not very femenine

Oppressed by capitalism

Mentally ill gay men



how many trannies are in r/drama mod team?

69 πŸ˜‡

shooo filthy srdine

le editerino: SEETHING trannies banned me for this

Based mods.


Tfw no black trans amazon gf to beat me up 😞😞😞

does r/drama say trans rights genuine question

without a doubt

Un subbed tbh


enjoy your tranny mods lol

Oh lawdie

Why do trans women make themselves look like this? This isn’t feminine or attractive at all.

Welcome back, you fucking degenerate.

communism will win

down with the evil american empire

nothing can be salvaged, the old must be destroyed utterly and the new country rebuilt from an original design

we need a cultural revolution

Is this an ironically funny post?

There are no female drama mods. Well, none that are biologically female.
