HBO 🚫 📺 Network executives throw GoT producers under the bus 🚌 for past two shortened seasons

79  2019-05-14 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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All good things come to an end. Shit writing was inevitable, Sean Bean got out when the getting was good.

Reminder that we got multiple seasons of character development for a giant retard (retard giant?) who can only say one word and culminated in one of the better scenes in the show, but we got less than a season of development for the most important relationship in the whole story lmao

culminated in one of the better scenes in the show

Lol that scene was pure fucking schlock

God I can't even ping Hodor the tard about this

why even live

why even take a breath's his thread

His name is either pronounced “Seen Been” or “Shon Bon.”

I can't wait for the Star Wars drama they bring

Trans Jedi hype

Trans Jedis are Jedis!

No, they're Sith.

Listen here you fucking biggot. To in anyway associate trans babes with a negative body like the Sith MAKES. ME. FUCKING. SICK. How dare you suggest that the wonderful process of cock chopping and slit sewing has anything to do with oppression, WE ARE OPPRESSED. each trans xe or xer has an unbeatable light in us, you could call it the force.

Yeah, we did that shit, also I've checked your post history. Checkmate.

Only a Sith deals in gender binary

I hope there's a massive boycott that ruins their careers, and they end up writing daytime soap operas.

Based and vindictivepilled.

lol they want to do a "confederacy won the civil war and slavery is still a thing in current year show" The second the trailer for that drops, with the "quality" of writing they've shown over the past two seasons they're losing that movie.

I've never met someone who's prime interest is a piece of mass media who hasn't had some serious mental illness (anxiety, depression, bipolar etc). Excommunicate all TV, movie, and video game fans.

real anprim hours who up

Unabomber gang

Ted's 'tists

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Yeah, it's a real shame the internet happened and Reddit became a thing that could possible exist. It's a fucking shame.

The real 14 words.

Quoting Uncle Ted 🤤

I'm working from home, trying to save up so I can spend the month of September out in the woods.

Real OGs go postal without secured funding.



Conclusion: you are a modernist coward.

I'm not trying to be an OG. I'm just a boy, standing in front of a ponderosa, asking it if he can beat off onto it.

Based and hunting/fishing/camping pilled

Ima fish the big hole and other rivers around that time too

Ima fish the big hole and other rivers around that time too

Based and Western Americanpilled

Imagine being an urban non wilderness cuckhold lmao with dog parks instead of actual woods lmao 😂😂😂

excommunicating people with mental illness

shit this is america fam if you did that there wouldn't be a person left here

Actually being American


inb4 I colonize your thoughts

based and kaczynskipilled

That bastard GRRM off the hook again.

It is easy to see how the last 13 episodes of the series could have been 20-30 episodes if the showrunners had decided to take their time, taking an unlimited budget from HBO, respecting the opinion of the series’ creator, and doing service to fans who would loyally show up for a decade or more if asked. Instead, they wanted to be done, and rather than leave and hand the show off to someone who actually wanted to be there, they’re just blasting through it, and clearly, it’s suffering as a result.

they're a living, breathing "i wish i was at home" wojak at a party meme

random autoplayed a video about Megyn Kelly

forbes really triggers my 'tism

They didn't throw them under the bus. The only 'news' about HBO execs is from a month old interview WITH THE PRODUCERS (show runners). HBO didn't throw them under the bus - they mentioned it themselves in an interview.

The network executives wanted 10 seasons and D&D wanted 7 seasons. HBO had to give them more money in order to get the shortened seasons 7 & 8.

well it’s not over yet and maybe the finale will set up other series or spinoffs like TNG and DS9 that turned out to be better than the original

In a perfect world it will be like threes company and spin off into shows that no one in the world watched or remembers.

The only way for them to fix this is to kill Jon and have the red head sit on the iron throne at the end. That or have one of those blsck dudes from overseas show up and fix everything. If the showrunners don't do one of these 2 things then they should probably be charged with a crime or at the very least have to testify under oath before Congress

Spoiler ahead::::

Bran becomes king. The crippled King lmao

> yet another cloakshit thread on drama

there's at least 10 subs you mongs could be discussing this in

It's the biggest tv show in human history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! think about it as the moon landing of popular culture

I am 1000% certain that this can all be traced back to HBO betting on Martin having finished the series by the time we got to this point. The showrunners are hacks but it's also obvious that they were never seriously anticipating being in this position. They're probably just as sick of this shit as we are.

I think the truth is that D&D aren't capable of writing the material necessary to stretch it on, without it being even fucking worse than it is now. Instead they are rushing to the end, and ending ASAP.

Had my adblock disabled and went to that site, I forgot how horrible the internet is without proper protection.