Joe Bernstein tries to deplatform a 14 year old gussy [Soph], as of last night she can no longer upload videos to youtube

117  2019-05-14 by unrulyfarmhand


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Bonus tweet, a video of Sam Hyde telling Joe he'll never work for the NYT gets more likes than the original post.

sometimes, sam hyde is a prophet

He saw deep into the future and it broke him

Which is why he's a van-dwelling bloatbeast now

You make that sound like a bad thing

half the replies are people telling him that lmao

After sam hyde pushed his shit in in a live interview a lot of people remind him under his posts that he’ll blog and tweet until he’s dead and nobody will care.

Who is Joe Bernstein? Never heard of him.

A blockhead who will never work for the New York times

This should tell you all you need to know:

The type of jew that is ushering in a new holocaust.

gets more likes than the original post

Maybe he can keep getting away with it??

Sam Hyde is possibly one of the absolute ugliest people to ever have existed

Link the YouTube channel

It's a shame, ltcorbis was always ahead of her time

Oh it's that kid, I thought she got banned after YouTube's pedogate thing.

Removed damb

They move quickly

Wtf they deplatformed her?

One of her videos has been removed and she can't upload anything, seems like the ban is coming.

All this will do is make more people turn right. They're attacking children now like wtf.

They're attacking children now like wtf.

Didn't learn anything from the Nick Sandman thing, did they?

I redpilled the fuck out of my GF just by linking crazy lefty shit from reddit. And my mother by showing her Paul Joseph Watson videos. Thanks for the ammo, retards

Oh come the fuck on. If a website banning some dipshit teenager for acting like a racist shit head on their platform turns your political views, you're a retarded person

She isn't racist

This is your brain on honk

I think the doxxing and harassing her family over this has more potential of turning someone. But hey, she gained like 70 thousand subs today, so this kinda backfired.

I mean her channel is probably going to get banned so we will see.

im so shocked and upset

Talia Lavin has joined in and has been harassing Soph’s father via phone calls and texts.

Maybe he should get harassed for being a really bad parent. Aren't you MDEgenerates supposed to care about traditional family values?

He voted for Hillary, either he has been active in her life and she has rejected his ideology, or he hasn’t and she became this way on her own. A young girl being scared of rape by muslims is not an unreasonable fear, seeing as the UK completely covered up thousands of underage girls being raped.

Either way, she found a way to express herself and writes her own bits, which I respect. If she was on the left and some turd like Ben Shapiro tried to deplatform her I’d be just as disgusted.

A young girl being scared of rape by muslims is not an unreasonable fear

After 20 years of hearing that sharia law in America is just around the corner, I'm starting to get impatient.

I'm specifically talking about rape gangs that the authorities in the UK covered up for decades, which I believe she was referencing.

Imagine thinking that Muslims were even keeping pace with British mayos at raping kids over those years.

Fair point, I admit Jimmy Savile is a monster and the (((bbc))) covered it up, but pace is not the metric you should use to prove the muslims are less rapey

britbongs just love fucking kids fam, something in the water i imagine. no reason to get mad at the muzzies for trying to assimilate

💉🤤 I dont need fentanyl anymore. My drug of choice is now rightoid rage copypastas

no one who isnt terminally retarded will give a shit about this beyond wondering whats wrong with her parents

i love how they think they dont have to convince people why something is bad and just remove it instead

really makes peope change their opinions, certainly doesnt reinforce their ideas

Anyone who gets their opinions from a 14-year old sperg is beyond convincing.

After being contacted about the story, YouTube reviewed Soph's channel. It removed the video containing the death threat against Wojcicki, but not "Be Not Afraid" or any others. The company also issued Soph a strike, which prevents her from uploading videos for a week.

Not entirely, they fired a warning shot. It seems like this was her intention with the death threat video.


You will never work for the new york times joe


14 year old gussy

Call me a faggot, but that does not sound appealing

She looks like a 10 year old boy with a wig

Okay, call me a pedo but that actually sounds really appealing. I need to go do some research.


Out! Out out!

Say what you will about libertarians but at least they dont try to fuck the kids who look like ben shapiro

What if the child who looks like Ben Shapiro consents?

The real ancap question is who owns the child

mdefugee unironically referring to a 14yo as "gussy"

why is this not surprising?

Using the vernacular of the subreddit I’m in as a sign of respect and you’re absolutely buttblasted by it.

positively seething

I see u

Nobody tell Darqwolff

-stein 🤔

Activates the almonds for sure

Clearly (((they))) are conspiring to silence the wisdom of the aryan race's greatest thinkers and philosophers!

CLEARLY, randy needs more cofe

I'll be honest. I dont know what the big deal is. It literally just reports on what she says and has said. It's not even a hit piece and she was deplatformed before this article was posted. What was reported explains why. What's most infuriating is simply that her humor and this article is just boring.

Whatever you say, Joe.

Thanks. It's nice to know you accept facts for what they are.

i'll fart in your butt

Do it pussy

Imagine having to hide behind an alt account for this.

Imagine being a SRDine 😫🤢🤮

We are in a sub 🤦‍♂️

Oh god, we got a live one

t. titaniumjew

They're censoring people, that's the big deal. This is terrifying.

After a user explicitly broke their rules. This is not one of the unfair demonitizations.

Telling the truth is breaking rules? Hmm.

Well that's one way to artificially make yourself angry.

If you get angry about someone telling the truth it's because you have something to hide.

I mean I wouldn't say that muslims support pedophilia is a truth. Especially when you're a catholic. That's just one thing though.

Damn can’t believe the blue check marks are attacking a 14 year old just for wanting to genocide all Muslims

Smh so much for the tolerant left.

I believe this because there's no way agenda posting chapotards would ever spread bullshit.

She proposed genociding a few thousand, not all. Based centrist soph.

didn't you notice? that's just ben shapiro in drag

it's probs better if Youtube deplatforms her for her own good. And every minor uploading their political opinions to YT. If their neglectful parents won't shield them from experiencing embarrassment later and prevent their stupid teenage beliefs from affecting their career prospects then at least someone will

Pretty much the best thing that could've happened to her.

In 5-10 years nobody will properly remember her apart from a few very online people, if she keeps this up and media outlets will keep spitting out articles that could change.

860k subscribers.

Doubt it, dork.

I don't understand. Are you saying her having 860k subs means she'll be remembered in 5-10 years if she stops making videos now?

She’ll have a million by the end of the week, and she’s not going to stop creating content just because joe bernstein wrote a hit piece

Oh well someone else should tell her to stop them. Maybe after a few more hitpieces YT will delete her channel?

Think she was deplatformed already lol.

875k now

These people aren't going to have career prospects regardless of their activities in childhood.

Teens have always been doing and saying really stupid shit tho, and most of them eventually grow out of it. The fact that the stupid shit not only has the potential to be accessed by the public well after the kid grows up but may also viewed by millions is going to ruin kids who would have otherwise matured and lived a normal life.

eh if ur saying stupid shit gets you a million youtube soyscribers, that's a career

the money usually dries up, and what if she wants an actual career doing something more meaningful than milking a bunch of pedos of their NEETbux? plus like most child actors/internet celebrities there's a decent chance that she's either not making a lot of money to live off of or it's being mismanaged and she won't be able to live off of it. letting children become youtubers/celebrities is bad enough; letting them do it through controversial means is even worse.

Soph's videos are extremely intelligent. The only stupid people are the ones critcizing her because they fear her.

being such a massive brainlet you think edgelord 14 year old political theory is valid.

You sound like a cult member.

DDF unironically calling other cult members

you make it really hard to not saying anything straight out /r/politics because thats some classic boomer projectionism.

lol you're so triggered.

sure thing sweaty ;]

Cringe culture is an alt-right pipeline.

retarded memes are a gateway to a retarded ideaology.

Or are you trying to tell me /r/latestagecapitalism isnt a gateway to being a retarded chapo?

imagine saying this about a politics youtuber

It's not really worth discussing this with me or talking to me... I'm one of those peeps who turns everything into tribal politics and actually thinks SJWs want to destabilize western democracy as part of KGB psyops.

when does your hellspawn get a YouTube channel?

lmao at pretending this is somehow out of concern for the kids and not because of the content scaring nerds

nobody's pretending that it's out of concern, but banning her and other woke kids would be to their benefit regardless of what YT's intentions are. when children end up in places that'll get them into trouble then whoever's in charge should do what their shitty parents should have done and ban them

i find it hard to believe they have a genuine concern about this and not all the "toy review" videos of kids in their underwear

or that ten year old drag queen that adults rape and give ketamine to

Yeah that was mentioned, "she's definitely had the account since before she was 13, should just be banned." Toy review kid is 8 I think and one of the most heavily monetized channels on youtube.

its amazing watching conservative delusions go from 10 year old drag queens are common because of one picture, to 10 year old drag queens are common and are also raped because thats how being gay works.

lmao have you not seen the instagram thing where hes sitting with some faggot who mentions ketamine and he mimics sniffing

also are you really denying that kids parents pimp him out to pedos

She can leverage this into a bunch of paypigs if she plays her cards right.

how long will she be able to do that until she gets too old for her audience, and what if she wants to actually have a career?

if that r'slur belle dell is making 180k a month, soph can definitely get enough neetbucks to comfortably invest and maybe be okay.

that woman is making more than any other instaho by far; the 14-year-old is relatively obscure and probably not making nearly enough to live on for the rest of her life. and even if she were, it's fucked to put a child in the spotlight like that, especially by making them say controversial things. I thought the right was against woke kids...

making them say

She writes her own shit, if this was her parents putting her up to it I'd probably think it's dumb, but she's doing it out of rebellion. Also I'm not as annoyed with youtube as I am with Joe Bernstein being a fucking rat, this constant rat behavior with no real recourse is kinda infuriating.

Drag kid Desmond is on live streams with adult men in drag joking about doing ketamine at 11 and most people on the left refuse to have a serious conversation about it. They've never cared about exploitation and they don't suddenly care now. That little weirdo with the "lemonade stand for the wall fund" apparently thought it up by himself and his family got doxxed and harassed for his troubles.

This kid is making actual positive change in the world through her videos.

snally is right. this stuff severely limits the girl's career prospects. she'll have to change her name if she wants to go to college.

College is the reason men are asking their wives to peg them and women are making cupcakes out of their period blood.

i agree, college rules

She's based af, she has a bright future ahead of her. I love her videos.

We must destroy this girls income to protect her future income. If she wasn't deplatformed she'd have more than enough money to retire in 10 years time

Fucking brainlet

Yeah let's destroy a child's career prospects for a million dollars or so, it's not like internet celebrities and child actors usually end up struggling once people get tired of them...

You fucking flid, you can live well off a million dollars np. Money makes itself at that point, you can literally let some financial rats autopilot it for you

Even if you're a died in the wool spacker, it's not hard too change your appearance and legal name as a worse case.

How many neurons are u operating on?

Incidentally, I learned that Anne Frank is not actually dead, she just attempted suicide. Jessie Slaughter is basically a NEET hillbilly.

Isn't Anne Frank basically living in her in-laws' basement right now? And yeah Jessie became a full-on NEET munchausens-by-internet kind of person, pretty sad stuff

In laws? She's like 16. All I heard was she spent time in a mental hospital and is now back with her family.

How fucking desperate are rightoids for gussy attention that they turn to your average edgy teen whos whole identity is the fact that she knows about /pol/

Same as the left with Greta Thunberg.

Greta Thunberg

Im glad i dont know who that is

I do. 😔

autistic child actor, very popular with European climate panickers and high schoolers that don't wanna go to school on Fridays.

she can feeeeeel the carbon emissions man

according to stage mom Thunberg, in the book she wrote about her miracle family.

Can’t hear you as david hogg’s jizz pours out of your mouth

It tastes delicious 😍😍😍😍😍😍

post hogg

I'll never understand how Bernstein survived being on the Shitty Media Men list.


I thought he was gay?

He is but as a male feminist he is still required to rape gussy.

Found her chanel, clicked on a first video, it started with a best of r/im14andthisisdeep & r/fatlogic and then turned to altright and pizzagate stuff... this one has a potential of switching horseshoe sides every 6 years and not being subtle about it...

Skip to 5:55 to watch complete lack of self awereness

look at all the honk retards in the comment section there. They get their politics from 14 year olds on youtube, the master race everyone.

That 14 year old has quick wit and high iq. Or maybe its all scripted by someone older

Its basically fed to her by her brother

eh u cant fake her character tbh

u jelly

Lol they openly call for our genocide, crickets from you. Soph returns the sentiment, pearl clutching ensues.

Stop being such an embarassing retard

Only if you post a cum tribute

yes but u didnt say it funny

The worst reboot of Evalion since 3.33. You can (not) oppose (((them)))

She sounds like a shitty alt-right Henry Rollins. If you get your insight from this and you are not her age, you need help. And her parents need to have their hand slapped with a ruler.

I wish California were a crypto-caliphate. We would have more BOMBAKLAAA videos from all those bussy-lovers getting thrown out of buildings. And in HD!

I can't wait until she inevitably renounces her edgelord ways and joins breadtube. The seethe will be divine.



Based gen z.

No one under 18 should have a YouTube account

This child is sent by God.

(((They))) always go after the children.

Joe Bernstein

Literally Who?

Joe (((Bernstein)))

Just stop. Stop.

Thank god!