Bitfinex users unable to withdraw funds, $430 million drained from exchange cold wallets

26  2019-05-14 by GodOfDarknessWine


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Will cryptocels ever learn?

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Currency Where This Regularly Happens


Broke: it’s a currency

Woke: it’s a Value Storage Unit™️

Bespoke: it’s a god damn Ponzi scheme you imbeciles

It's not a Ponzi because we are not getting fucked in our asses by a single person.

Are you daft? One man at the top the whole time:


And that's a good thing.

Wrong. This happens to thousands and of currencies smh. All of them being crypto is just a kwinkydink.

The currency of the future!


They get so mad when you compare their magic coins to Beanie Babies.

Beanie Babies are a real thing tho, SK there's that.

coincels missed the boat on the real currency of the future.

VGA 85+ Gold Super Mario 64 boxes.

Guess they had to keep Tether solvent somehow.

Tone Vays, a former Wall Street analysts, believes that the implications of Tether “blowing up” could actually have a positive impact on the price of Bitcoin.

A literal "This is good for Bitcoin"

former Wall Street analyst

Former because he was really bad at it?

He was really quick up the stairs with the Starbucks, they kept him around for a while.


I'll believe it when I'll see actual screenshots of support tickets, otherwise it sounds like another exaggerated rumor tbh...

Coincels getting grifted over and over really just proves that they're stupid enough to deserve it.

How much did they withdraw at the same moment? I tried with 10 ethereum and it works.