Prager U soyboy does an AMA, hilarity ensues.

48  2019-05-15 by Ghdust2


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Peak reddit.

Pretty much. Act overly smug and like correct in all of your opinions


My favorite part is when he talks about sources and recommends a title to look at the sources for his own opinion articles are listed as sources.

Where are the answers lmao

Downvoted to oblivion, unfortunately.

I don't like Marvel movies, so I don't watch it


Hey, Will. I've been struggling as a young conservative and could really use your advice. I keep telling the jocks in my class 'facts don't care about your feelings' and quoting PragerU and they retaliate by pranking me. They shove me into lockers, Will.

I'm in college, Will. Colleges don't HAVE lockers. They take me to a local middle school to put me in one.

They also bully me for my love of feet pics and cock and ball torture. Will, is it okay to like cock and ball torture? Am I still an alpha male if I like it?

Please help me :(

Edit: the silver is nice, but Will hasn't responded. We still don't know whether cock and ball torture is okay in his eyes. I'm going to cancel all my sessions for the moment.

Edit 2: okay, so apparently you can't cancel a cock and ball torture session

Bullshit, my 830 cock and ball client cancelled on me. Fucker knew today was car battery day

You need a replacement?

Always 😍


If you were a fucking professional you would go do it anyway.

Prager U lol

what's prager u?

fake university that puts out pro-white nationalist propaganda.

Very much "Hitler actually wasn't right wing, but also hitler wasn't actually that bad"

i mean... he wasn't.

He ruined fascism AND eugenics for everyone, so no, pretty bad

oh no! not those guys!

He very much was right wing. However, I utterly agree that he wasn't that bad.

As an Austrian, I actually want to reach through my screen sometimes and strangle all these INCREDIBLY retarded fucking anglos trying to ignorantly revise my country's history.

What's austria??

Oh, I think you were doing the "Hitler did nothing wrong" meme, nvm

he was a liberal, so that means i don't like him

Okay THIS I can get behind

Hitler was 5'9".

Dennis Prager

Orthodox Jew

pro-white nationalist propaganda

Damn, (((we))) really are taking over everything


Jews are Schrodinger's white

We're white when it suits us, PoC when not.

I dunno, supporting movements that advocate for their own destruction in the long-term is kind of a typical Jewish thing. See: Chomsky and BDS.

An israeli funded propoganda channel

A Youtube channel that calls itself a university and smugposts /r/iamverysmart level videos.

2: Why do you claim to support police while also hosting a convicted felon on your lectures?

I’m confused. If the dude served his time, I thought Reddit wanted the convict to be treated normal? And what happened to fuck the police?

All the top replies were just PragerU conservative retardation logic turned back around him because there is something about american burgerstanis and being massive ideological Hippocrates.

Reddit doesnt actually think Ben Sharpio should be called benjamin so he gets flashbacks to highschool gym class.


Lol okay

sub i barely touch

lol okay, nice COPE attempt to defend "science isnt real and heres why democrats are the REAL racists" the youtube channel.

Men have penises

conservatives endless obsession with trans penis

thanks i forgot the real obsession.

This guy doesn't know about the mouthfeel lol

Muh mouthfeel. Fuck off back to /r/traa


barely touch

You recently participated in it. Don't give a shit

😳What if we kissed in the McDonald’s playplace?😳 (And we are both boys🤔)?

look in other discussions for conservacope and complete unawareness that 90% of the top comments were conservative copypasta with words replaced.

I'm confused. What did he say?

From what I'm reading into it he doesn't really answer anything other than a few softballs and uses it more as just an ad.

I guess this isn't the first time so now it's become tradition I guess to ask questions about suppressing your sexuality, which knowing the PragerU audience is probably pretty spot on to what they probably get for private questions

If you're going to bring your bullshit to a forum that you should know is ideologically opposed to you and what you do, you should be a bit more prepared, answer more questions, and maybe even honestly own up to the legitimate examples of you and/or your organization taking contradictory positions or otherwise engaging in hypocrisy. That was almost as bad as the "Ask me anything...but only about Rampart" Woody Harrelson AMA. I can't even find this idiot's responses.

You’re serious posting sweaty

Yeah, cuz this guy was seriously dumb.

Be better


lots and lots of cope in this thread :^)

seems like you just can't handle a bunch of whiny Redditors getting taken down by actual arguments. This sub gets further left by the day...

Dafuq is a "political influencer"?

shit is like twitter humour what are people even doing

How many teaspoons of mayonnaise do you consume a week?

Zero. I think mayonnaise is disgusting.

This is white genocide

Based. Not even pilled.

Hey will, you’re a stupid jerk!