The nerd rage that will come from this will be enough to raise the value of dramacoin for decades 😍😍😍

48  2019-05-15 by Ghdust2


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The only thing that might stifle the drama is the political angle. Blue checkmarks won't rush to their defense against "entitled fanboys" like they did with Rian Johnson because of what they did to Slay Kween. Their new starshit might be hated, but we won't get anything close to a TLJ styled conflict over it.

I wonder if they will make Rey burn down the galaxy

If rey turned evil it would be the best thing that would happen. Finally a character with an actual personality.

Personality? Boy, this is starwars. That shit isnt for this franchise. Now enjoy footage of all these retards pointlessly swinging lightsabers.



They could have personality, or they could have the good guys be an incestuous Aryan family, a megachad, a tard frog, and MasterLawlz' dog.

It's set in the old republic and completely different from the Skywalker saga

Somehow, somewhere, Rey would be written in.

Twi'lek tits

Tfw no twi’lek gf

Hutt pussy

Hussy is already claimed for horse pussy so fuck off

Twi'leks are the best sexy alien chicks hands down.

Twi'lek tits

google couldn't find any result for this research

can somebody go whip the libertarian in charge of this R34

Fitting sequel to TLJ

Couldn't be any worse than the last three, honestly. Maybe these new ones will have dragons.

Ep 7 and 8 make 1-3 look good in comparison

I never thought I’d see it and yet here we are

Lol, star wars is already fucked from the nerd pov, I doubt they are expecting a fury road type revival.

Lol I never gave a shit about spaceshit, I'm looking forward to it

more Star Wars

Please stop.

Capeshit is dragonshit is spaceshit. This is confirmed.

The one good thing about this is that they're working on an old republic movie, maybe the story of Revan

I bet it will be better than the latest trilogy.