Alabama gussys on suicide watch

28  2019-05-15 by The_Live_Ghost


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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pinging mods is okay silly-billy

Nope disabled i tried

Sorry world for my garbage government

I love democracy

You love your mom more though. Did you call her and tell her on Mother’s Day?

> be poor as fuck

> "now if only we could increase our population of unwanted children"

Don't let the citizens off the hook. They're as much to blame for the shithole.

Real shit


Big Condom strikes again

Okay. I work for a large manufacturing company. We are planning a new plant for the South. We are considering 3 sites in Alabama and 1 site in SC.

I’m gonna kill the Alabama sites tomorrow.

hmm yes huge capex projects like that are often decided on a whim without review or repercussion

what would really happen in abn actual non-fantasy scenario: “hey this Alabama thing is bad press, let’s see if we can use it to squeeze some more money out of the Alabama bids”

"You just raped the subreddit of r/Drama. You just aborted the entire subreddit. You just took every autist and every tranny who has been raped and you raped them all over again. That's right. I said it."

-- Democratic Senator Singleton

Leave it to Alabama to ban abortions in cases of incest

Well it would be dumb to pass an abortion law that didn't cover 85% of Alabama pregnancies.

Alabama cels should vote in non retards if they don’t want retarded legislation.

Another win for the Party of Small Government.