A message to /r/Drama:

3  2019-05-15 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat

Drama?, sorry couldn’t spot one, I can’t believe you would mindlessly link to someone just because they made a wonderful decision and decided to imbrace it, proably something you could never do, considering your exploiting other ppl for karma, what a greedy scum you are, the real trashy opinions are yours, I should take a screenshot of your username and post it here, but no, I’m normal and don’t have human greed, unlike you who just blows through the average greed in humans. I bet you feel pretty good about yourself, exposing someone like that, how about you post a picture of youself and link to your own posts, oh wait, I forgot, you're here for karma, not for addressing trashy events from around the world to alert people on horrible crisis, I bet your the reason the world is getting hotter, ever think of that, no? Thought so, I hope you delete this a rethink your life as a whole.




You just raped the subreddit of r/Drama. You just aborted the entire subreddit. You just took every autist and every tranny who has been raped and you raped them all over again. That's right. I said it.

bitching about someone karma exploiting while trying to Karma farm and bait post at the same time..........well Okay then.......