Alabama fetuses NOT BTFO and r/politics is not happy

90  2019-05-15 by Tzar_romulus


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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America is becoming a fascist dictatorship

No I don't think people should have guns, why do you ask


Is it a fascist dictatorship if the people of Alabama voted these people into power?

Anything Democrats dislike is fascism

That’s not so :/ We want to prevent fascism

We want to prevent fascism

only the state needs guns


Yes i can read you don’t have to repeat that

What will you do when Daddy wins again in 2020

He won’t win again, :) i have a feeling he won’t win

But when he does, he will abolish term limits

No he wouldn’t, that would be a dictatorship and i would revolt if he does. He already had interference in our election, he sexually harasses women and the Stormy Daniels case also happened and he can’t sink any lower than that

Okay but none of that is a bad thing

Yes it is you fucking retarded fascist if i can break your neck right now i would. BLOCKED :)

No it isn't tho

He sounds pretty bad ass when you put it that way tbh

How would you revolt if you don’t have a gun

I bet he’s molested 20% of the women your average male feminist has, so at least he’s better than Beto on that front

Can I have your stuff when Big Dick Daddy drops you off the edge of the Wall?

um sweaty that’s not very body positive of you

Yes he is very sweaty

The state are the only ones who shouldn’t have guns. I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about this.

Non-state militias working directly at the service of the ruling party/leader is actually a significant feature of fascist regimes in history.

How is it fascism if Alabama voted these people by a huge margins into their state senate?

Alabama is a backwards state 🙄 there’s history of racism, bigotry and shitty education from there for years

Alabama is a backward state

Seems like you are bigoted against Alabama.

Are you messing with me? You cant be bigoted toward a state stupid

You sound really dumb tbh

I have a journalism degree and i went to college, what have YOU done

I have a journalism degree

When will you learn to code

I’m not bothering to reply to you incels anymore. Both of you are blocked :) don’t bother replying to me because it won’t work and if you guys get on different accounts to harass me i will report you both to the admins.

The admins don’t care

I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself against the nasty drama trolls.

slay queen!

Yikes. This is a hate crime. Please delete. Thank you

Lol I fell for your bait before but I’m not now lol. I too have went to college also

Far more than you ever will while also not resorting to low effort bait to get attention

I learned to code.

is this pasta/meme account, or are you genuinely this retarded

This has to be bait.

journalism degree

oh no no no no

You should learn to code.

Literally laughed out loud, thanks you fucking retard

Nah check his history. He’s pretty ebbic.

Is he for real!

You literally think southerners, as an identity, are just dumber. You’re a confirmed bigot, I hope you’re happy,

Who said anything about Southerners? Alabama is statistically one of the 5 stupidest states.

You’re a racist idiot. When you adjust for race/ethnicity, Alabama and other southern states score similarly to other states.

The south is very black, and as well established, black students tend to score lower on standardized tests (for whatever reason, no clue why, probably social disadvantage).

So are you just gonna go around calling places “stupid” because they have a disproportionate number of black students, or are you gonna be mature about it and acknowledge that the people there aren’t “stupid,” they’re probably just socially disadvantaged.

When you adjust for race/ethnicity, Alabama and other southern states score similarly to other states.

Are you retarded? Alabama’s literally the whitest state in the South.

You don’t see California, D.C. or even Maryland having these problem.

It’s the 6th blackest state in the US, you whore.

That’s not my point anyway, it’s that Alabama people aren’t dumb as much as they’re socially disadvantaged, it’s just 90% of people can’t conceptualize disadvantage as an excuse/reason for underperformance unless you bring black people into it.

You don’t see California, D.C. or even Maryland having these problem.

Also DC Absofuckinglutely has that problem. They are the lowest-performing district in nearly any standardized test and have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the nation.

California is mostly Latino, white, and Asian.

It’s the 6th blackest state in the US, you whore.

And the least black state in the Deep South.

And less black than California, South Carolina, and Maryland.

it’s that Alabama people aren’t dumb as much as they’re socially disadvantaged

Oh yeah that’s true, the state’s just poor as shit and does come from a long background of institutional sabotage

Ijs if you just correct for “race/ethnicity” and no other factors you’re gonna end up with some weird fuckin numbers. Like, suddenly California has the highest test scores in the world.

As someone who lived in Alabama for five years and still visits regularly:

Alabama is absolutely fucking backwards lol, anybody living there will tell you that

I know many people from Alabama and they all say it’s backwards but want to move back. Lol

Any sane person is.

So let them be that way? Why is that our problem, people can(and should) leave Alabama.

no they can’t lol

if they could, they would have decades ago

How about we start a fund to help move people out of Alabama who don't want to be there?

sounds expensive but alright, I mean it’d be a good thing

against fascism

thinks that people from a certain state are too incompetent to govern themselves and thus require a wiser <<actual fascist government >> to rule them instead


do you have any idea what fascism is lol

You’re just a chronic orange man bad agenda-poster, so I’m probably not gonna take whatever definition of fascism you have seriously.

i’ll give you a hint: it’s not when the federal government overrides a state government

and my agenda’s way broader than orange man bad. that’s just an easy talking point.



What does electoralism have to do with fascism?

we want to prevent fascism support economic terrorism against your enemies both domestic and abroad

Honestly republicans have done a lot worse stuff than any democrat

Republicans are also liberals

Are you actually fucking retarded?! I’m actually worried for you if you actually have this mindset. I can’t even be bothered to educate you

The philosophy of theGOP is classical liberalism, just because they pander to rural retards doesn’t mean they aren’t right-liberals

Technically, the Republican Party is right-neoliberal, while the Democrats are left-neoliberal.

“liberal” = doesn’t want to get rid of capitalism

galaxy brain

That is why they get the bullet also.

The true progressives tbqh.

Sweaty, lying about getting a blow job is impeachable and much worse than being a retard and obstructing an investigation multiple times, even though you're mostly innocent.



I tried and they took the bait, but no one replied to argue with me 😢.

Where is pizzashill when you need his autistic ranting.

So you purposely spelled sweetie as sweaty lol

Shit is fucked when I can tell if you're being ironic.

You’ll never know will you

I am pretty sure you're just a teenager fucking around and trying to be edgy, you did the same with the snailygaster account and multiple others.

I have no idea what your talking about. I am 35.

Are you new?

you aren’t up to date on our most played out, ancient memes? for shame

bothered person announces they're not bothered

Because i am unbothered? I think your bothered enough to reply to me

i'm not bothered reee

By stifling free speech?

Wouldn't going against the vast majority of the will of the state be fascism?

Why yes Timmy, people peacefully electing rightoids is a sign of fascism. Not to be confused with the peaceful and democratic process of electing Democrats, who are kind, loving and tolerant of all people, regardless of their political ideology 😇

Except non-Democrats. Those are fascists.

Democrats are fascism lite. Fascism that's embarrassed of itself and has a bit of shame.

Republicans are fascists who won’t commit, Democrats are diet fascists

The only real democracy is Swiss style plebiscites on absolutely everything


Um yikes sweaty. 🤪 Sounds like you forgot monarchy is the best form of government.

Thank you for taking care of writing this for me

Am confused on what you don't just make your own usename?

Cause I have my own. Our own.

You don't have flair. Ha.

We both don’t need it do we.

Agreed. 🤗

While u can be russian czar i will be a hollenhozern of g*rmany ok?

Whatever nigga

The only realest democracy is Sortition

Switzerland isn't a democracy. No western nation is a democracy.

Imagine S E E T H I N G so hard about not being able to kill your kid


SEETHERS destroyer by FACTZ and LOGIC

It’s over for seethers and anti-logic cells

Absolutely undeniably unquestionably BTFO

imagine unironically defending Alabama, objectively the worst state in the country.

I've never been there, but I've heard it's a sweet home and the sky is blue.

Imagine being you.

i'm pretty awesome, and not some brainlet who defends Alabama of all places.

What's so wrong with people living the way they want to?

because there are other people who live in that state, people who aren’t the fucking Taliban lol

Everyone should be forced to live by MY standards because MY way of life is the only way of life acceptable for the entire nation!

yeah, that’s what the state government of Alabama does. like when they intervened and passed a law to make sure Birmingham couldn’t raise their minimum wage.

under 25% of Alabama citizens support a total ban on abortion btw

Alabama governing Alabama? Oh my god :O

Maybe the 75% of citizens who don't like republican abortion policies should go vote for some democrats. 🤔

Alabama governing Alabama?

What are you talking about? That’s never happened.

Maybe the 75% should go vote for some democrats.

It’s Alabama lol. You think they let them vote?

I can't tell if you're genuinely retarded or only pretending.

Based on your responses, it seems more likely that you just have reading comprehension issues.

Says the guy who wants to force 12 year old to give birth to their rapists child

Just living the way she wants to

Why do you support rape?

OK look at it another way: straight men have balls, and they don't see them as sexual. Boobs are the female equivalent of balls, so they can't see boobs as sexual either. I guess it therefore follows lesbians love balls, but my logic isn't good enough to be sure.

I couldn’t care less about Alabama, soy cuck

objectively the worst state in the country.

Retards don't know about Mississippi smh 😤😤😤

Or Kansas

Mississippi is objectively the worst state in almost every way

I’ve been to both. I’d rather live in Mississippi. At least there are beaches and places to hike there. Kansas has shit.

In Mississippi we rejected a similar bill in a referendum when it came before us. This is all in Alabama for loving rape so much.

This just makes Alabama even better

Yeah why would you want to not have your rapists kid?

Well yeah that’s just dumb. Lol

If you live in Alabama and you get raped, it's either because you were too fat to evade or too dumb to remember your gun.

That, plus God's plan, you gotta keep that little retard.

Lets not pretend that that makes up even 0.00001% of baby murders.

Has to be birthed to be a baby.

The idea that passage through the pussy magically imbues a baby with a soul is some of the funniest shit to come from the "scientific" left.

You don't seem to know what prochoice people think.


I don't speak religious delusion. Anyways until it's birthed it's basically a parasite that the host should be able to remove at their leisure.

Fine, "personhood." Your belief that it magically transforms from parasite to person the moment it makes physical contact with the pussy is as delusional as any religious belief. It has no basis in science and it doesn't hold up under any philosophical scrutiny either.

Now if you want to talk about a right to kill anyone who can't survive on their own...

Elections in America are a horse and pony show, they do not reflect the will of the people in any sense.

Yeah, what difference would that make?

Alabama isn’t fascist though, they’re more like the Taliban

How dumb do you have to be to realize that only fashie pigs should be allowed to own guns? Are you a chud or something?

Of course, why didn't I think of that

Centrist take:

Abort the baby with a gun.

Now we're talking

Implant a tiny handgun so you can shoot it in self-defense

I'm pro-choice, but I have no sympathy for the left on this. They've tried janky shit like this on guns (an actually spelled out and enumerated right in an amendment) and then turned around and screamed about the Constitution which requires something of a tortured interpretation to say that the 14th amendment lets you coathanger a fetus.

Then there's the even more ideological problem I have to deal with in that nobody from Alabama should ever reproduce. Gonna have to think this one through.

see, this is why we have a Socialist Rifle Association

Alabama wants to save their incest babies

Based and incest pilled


Republicans will go to any lengths to increase their voting base

But the vast majority of would-be aborted babies come from democrat-voting demographics, so I think this would hurt inevitable voting base if anything.


Almost all incest children are mayos source

COPE: source

Trust me, banning abortion is a good move for the mayocide.

To be serious for a second. Alabama has gone to great lengths to make sure poor black people, who don’t vote anyway, aren’t able to vote even if they wanted to. So their population increase doesn’t matter in the long run

Oh shit, I mean COPE

Voting isn't the only way people impact the world around them.

literally duh

it better not be, because it doesn’t have any impact

I thought they were pakis.

being born in Alabama

Damn, that's pretty cruel

Tbf, the state senate really did punish the baby on this one.

Now their gene pool is going to get smaller due to all the incest babies that can't be aborted.

60% of abortions in Alabama are black and 36% white so it’s probably just gonna make Alabama more Democrat.

Lol Alabama turning blue due to all the unaborted black babies would be hilarious

Implying that adults who were going to be aborted will be functional enough to care about politics and vote

Even I could figure out how to drop a filled out ballot in the mail, and I'm retarded enough to browse drama daily. But I wouldn't be surprised if Alabama has a special breed of morons who can't even manage that.

People don’t realize how black Alabama already is. Lol

Legitimately Mississippi and Alabama are probably going to be blue states within a generation at the current rate.

how do so many people work themselves into a tizzy over this stuff despite never setting foot in alabama. hot tip, this issue literally ceases to exist once you close reddit. just walk away from the screen nigga

This is what people in Alabama want so why does someone in California give a shit.

but it’s not what the people of Alabama want.

Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for the “elected representatives actually do what the people want” meme, that shit’s discredited every month.

The Pew question’s a bit broader, but even when you up it from “total ban” to “almost total ban” that only gets you a little over halfway

That pro-choice contingent ain’t no slouch


a minimum 42% of Alabamians don’t have hookworms, and shouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of their inbred fellow countrymen’s decisions.


Idk what you want from me exactly

What makes you think I went Anything

i just don’t see the cope idk

Because you're an imposter 😠😠😠

Says who

Well, I guess you're the one and only Tzar_romuius bby.

Of course i am.

Just wait until you see how me, as a Californian, participating in a sex strike affects Alabaman law

That thread was hilarious, the foids didn't even realize they were basically denigrating themselves to the equivalent of walking vaginas and punishing their partners who had absolutely nothing to do with it.

partners who had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Yah those fuckers knew what they signed up for.

That thread was hilarious, the foids didn't even realize they were basically... punishing their (probably liberal and supportive) partners who had absolutely nothing to do with it.

To be fair, I think anybody who's shacked up with a soy-laden reddit male feminist hipster would quickly find reasons to not fuck them. I unironically don't blame those f*ids. They were behaving rationally, they just didn't consciously understand the real reason why they were doing it.

Interesting take.

I can't find anything wrong with your argument ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Thanks, I know. As a radical centrist, I'm something of a genius at logical reasoning.

Good genes, GREAT genes.

Some of them did, in fact I think the prevailing opinion was how dumb it was, the implication that they were good for nothing else was clear to a lot of feminists. Whatever the case you could definitely see the left eating its own once again and it's not even 2020 yet

Just wait until you see the next women’s march

The whole point of this law is to challenge Roe at a national level. That's why people from outside Alabama are also freaking out.

Because it's a worrying trend all over America. The issue of women's rights is part of the slide towards fascism.

I don't really think abortion can be watered down to being solely a women's rights issue. Pregnancy involves 3 people - the man, the woman, and the fetus.

Fetuses aren’t people though

And what business is it of the man’s? His only stake in the whole matter is financial, and that’s only because the law enforces it

His only stake in the whole matter is financial

HMMMMMM I wonder why the man should get an equal say 🤔

The man absolutely shouldn’t get an equal say, that’s ridiculous. It’s not his body.

The man should get a say as to his personal involvement, like the option to divorce his child or some other deadbeat shit. But he shouldn’t be allowed to force or stop an abortion, that’d just be r-slurred.

Equal say. Takes two to tango, plain and simple. "Muh body", it's my fucking wallet so keep your hands off it if you want 100% of the say over a baby.

it's my fucking wallet so keep your hands off it

That’s exactly what I’m saying, you dope. The man should have a say over his wallet.

He should not have a say over her body, that would be completely fucking pointless. You don’t have to force an abortion just to be able to get out of paying child support.

Alright, cool. Women get 100% of the say on abortion, child support is abolished. Sounds good.

that’s the spirit

child support is abolished

Nah. I'm not paying for some dudes baby through the state having to send money to it from taxes that aren't needed when the actual guy can contribute. Since child support is for the child in the first place.

Don't want to have to support it? Abort it. Guy wants it aborted and you don't? That's your fucking problem, not his.

Okay little boy.

Pregnancy involves one person, the woman. The man is irrelevant, I do not recognize the third thing you mentioned as a legal entity. Nor does any civilized nation.

TFW you get pregnant without sperm

Women aren't people so who cares about their rights 🤔🤔🤔

Abortion also benefits the potential father.

And everyone who doesn't want to foot the bill for a bunch of stupid poor babies. This is just going to add a fuckton to the welfare burden.

guns aren’t people either, but lots of people care about gun rights

Guns have more use than foids tho

i’d say it’s about even

Terrorism creases to exist once you walk away from the screen. You'll likely never meet a Syrian refugee no matter how many we take in so it should be like a million at least.

maybe they do regularly set foot in Alabama?

I mean I do, most of my lady friends live there, so I can still complain right

Forcing your preteen daughter to birth her sibling to own the libs!

They have to replace the family fuck toy once it hits puberty

That subreddit is a cancer and I hope Nazis take it over.

Why do they think a conservative justice being replaced by a conservative justice is going to effect roe v wade, which was voted in 7-2?

R/politics much like the Donald is not known for being rational nigga

The current ratio has been 5-4 forever. Granted Kavanaugh and Roberts are wild cards, even Gorsuch is not technically 100% though I would be shocked.

hang on, wasn’t the last guy who was replaced one of the 7?

What a waste of taxpayer money to fund a potential future waste of taxpayer money.

True, the true centrist view is to kill babies because it’s the fiscally responsible thing to do.

Considering burgertoids already kill fully grown brown people for fiscal reasons, killing babies is arguably more morally defensible.

I mean the French and English do that also. So it’s a normal centrist position world wide tbh. It’s always fiscally responsible to kill brown cells

The only problem is that they aren't doing it ENOUGH. You want to know an easy solution to the border problem? Land mines. Lay enough landmines and the illegals will be deterred.

It worked in korea didn't it?

But no one even mentions it. It's baffling.

IKR, the actual reason is that both sides actually benefit from illegal immigration both as a voter drive issue and because the Dems take the votes and the Repubs take the cheap labor.

Even if land mines has a host of issues, a network of cameras and armed land-based drones wouldn't even be that expensive of an alternative compared to a whole wall.

motion detecting turrets is an idea that doesn't get enough credence either as far as i'm concerned. Erect an iron dome that targets the ground. Solve some problems reaaaaaal quick.

I've been trying to drum up support for landmines whenever people started harping on our southern border from either direction. Unfortunately nobody likes my idea.

They're still BTFO for being born in Alabama

It’s over for Alabama cells

Implying it ever started for them.

Did it ever start for us brother?

Lmao this is better than your TaysThirdGussy bit.

I have zero idea what your talking about 😉

Child murders drowning in cope

If R v W is overturned and you live in a red state, 20 years from now you're going to be grumbling about your NEETbux being reduced because the taxpayer money has to go to keeping pillow angels on life support and fighting crime and addiction. The funniest thing about all of you pro-life pearl-clutchers is that your desire will come to harm you if you get your way, whether it be from increased crime rates in your area or your kid getting knocked up. And that's a good thing

The funniest thing about all of you pro-life pearl-clutchers is that your desire will come to harm you if you get your way [...]. And that's a good thing


Reported for threats of violence

what does that even mean lol

"You just raped the state of Alabama. You just aborted the entire state. You just took every baby and every woman who has been raped and you raped them all over again. That's right. I said it."

Fascinating and impressive.

Eh I'm sure if we keep screeching about muh body and venomously excluding half the population from having an opinion on abortion, we'll eventually make progre- Shit.

I don't get it, is she trying to defend babies too? The entire debate is foids vs babies.

Right? How are you raping something you just aborted? Is there even anything left TO rape?

Why is no one asking her these important questions?

As a law abiding liberal, I can’t wait for the hot civil war to return so the right wing Y’all Qaeda can be eliminated from decent, civilized society


When the sheltered left wing city kid thinks the military is full of well educated, woke souls who'll definitely be on his side during the civil war 😊

How will they have a civil war if they think no one should own guns.

Rightists love and support rape and rapists

Bussy out or log out

Haha Southerners are stupid and backwards and I'm so above all of them

Why isn't our message resonating with southern states?


/u/ Tzar_romulus okay that's a pretty fucking ebin title congrats

fuck you spez you nigger


Interesting how many pro-life people just happened to become pro-choice in the comments.

What do you mean?

“I was pro-life but this is just too far.” Something along those lines