Reviewing Grimm and other issues

19  2019-05-15 by LucidHuckleberry

So the wife and I started watching Grimm last weekend. Yes the show has ended, no we haven’t seen it.

So far, cheesy CGI, people morph into animals and honestly it just reminds me of a nice day in /r/politics: everyone is nice and friendly right until abortion is banned. Then it’s ugly and cartoony.

Action is there, fights are a bit jerky and clearly an effort to spice shit up. I get it, you can get the effect by putting your cameraman on wayyyyy too much meth, but there you are.

Plot development: eh so far. There’s a creepy captain dude who is 100% a baddy. And some cute foid that I’m 99% sure will be dead by season 2.

It’s a bit predictable and the foreshadowing is so hamfisted that you can smell the ham 5 minutes in the future.

Comedy: not much. Thank god.

Selling points for the show include: not dragonshit, not capeshit, decent show to watch while buzzed or tired af from holding a baby.

Reasons to not watch the show: it’s fableshit and not true to the Grimm stories so a bit annoying there. If predictability is not your thing, avoid. Otherwise if you need something to put on, you do you, I’m not your mother.

Now turning to other issues.

Wall Street Bets has stolen our autistic mojo. Someone go get it back, there are wayyyyy too many agenda posters now.

Speaking of WSB, I put $500 bucks into Robinhood and then went on a call buying spree. Three days in and I’m at $499.91. So...that’s nice I guess. I’m praying Disney will do a thing so that I can close the week +$1.00 in the green. For those with gambling issues, you should try it. The WSB crowd is pretty pleasant and derpy.

I will say: Fuck Trump, every time he opens his mouth on trade deals, everything goes tits up.

Alright, next time I’m thinking a short story on masterlawlz’s quest to find quality entertainment. I’m thinking of casting him in the role of a really gay pony that can somehow talk.


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. /r/politics -,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Who made this nerd a mod?

No idea but ain’t it great?

/u/nyoronon BTFO

the wife

Stopped right there 🤮🤮🤮

Come ‘ere bby, all my bottoms are wives 😍

not true to the Grimm stories so a bit annoying there

Is there a show or movie that's actually true to old, fucked up fairytales and shit? Would watch.

I’m at 499.91

Not for long, bucko 😎

My two lonely puts are holding me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I can’t imagine a more unamerican thing than placing put options on Disney 🇺🇸

Those are my calls.

I had puts on L Brand and just cashed out. DIS better fucking head to the moon.

I’ve got a couple September calls on DIS. It’ll get there.

I’ve been watching SLGG for a month now, they’ve got some interesting ways to generate revenue.

I’m feeling ok about my October calls, the June $145 calls have me mildly concerned.

Bailed on my NIO $5.00 calls. Came in when they were $.24, bailed at $.33. Meme stock is still meme.

Nice, fuck NIO tbh.

Thomson-Reuters (TRI) is also worth looking at

Ooooh nice. Potential. Might have to think about that.

I dropped my meme winnings into KTOS for the moment. DOD contractor, got some nifty contracts and I’m expecting they’ll settle out around ~$30 by next year. And every time daddy mentions wanting to blow Iran up, the stock jumps.

I’m going to PM you something if you’re looking at DOD stocks 😎

blames trump

for having a gambling problem


Thanks that was a nice read

I liked Grimm. It’s really just for furries and buffy fans.

Not sure about the furries since the animal people are rarely in animal form. The furries seem more like a 24/7 crowd.

Definitely something for buffsters.

Still watchable. Although Juliette just needs a good meal and that eye fixed. Nick could be doing with being less understanding and more Grimm like. The hexenbiests are definitely the favourites though.

I still need 2 people for the fantasy football meme league. Theres a mememod position and a custom animated flair up for grabs. Message me if youd like an invite!

custom animated flair


Taboo, a BBC show produced by and starring Tom Hardy is a good alternative to cloakshit, I highly reccomend it but there's only 1 season and they havent said whether or not theres a 2nd one in the works

Congratulating a meme janny. Please seek medical help ASAP.

I’ll have to look into Taboo. I need something to watch when I’m trying to get the kid settled down.

I didn't realize meme jannies got full permissions, looks like you're actually doing it for free

Huh, I didn’t realize that.



I need something to watch when I’m trying to get the kid settled down.

Santa Clarita Diet

Somehow this wall of text that I couldn't get 1/4th of the way through made me miss lawlz.

So you've got that going for you at least.