SRD have a struggle session on some chapo mods getting removed. Locked the thread

50  2019-05-15 by Standard12


Big yikes maybe the admins are going too far


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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today is some prime karma farming day for ya

I missed some good stuff. I live in a boring time zone, it seems.


I want a chapo invasion.

They don’t come here as much πŸ€” I think because they don’t know how to handle the drama chadness

they have to go through the rite of passage of stupidpol, the peoples are actually tolerable over there.


the chapos cant see the word nigger or faggot without shivering in fear

I wish. But not the vanilla "post hog" types, but the actually unhinged ones.

Give me spergouts or give me death 😀.





But what about TD????

B-b-but wHaT about The_Donald reeeeeeeeeeee

Apparently Reddit is a Nazi hive, despite all of the comments on all of the subreddits that routinely hit r/all telling you otherwise

I like how everyone is pretending chapos only want literal slave owners to die and not everyone who is to the right of Marx.

who is to the right of Marx

Like every single one of them wouldn't become revisionist as fuck the moment they hypothetically ever got power πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

Damn that thread is SEETHING

Of all the things I figured the admins would finally get on Chapo about, if they did at all, killing slaveowners is not one of them. They straight up have posts pinging users to threaten them.

It's sacrilegious for them to have a mod named "DramaMod."

buT ReDDiT iS a LEfT wiNG weBSitE

In what world do these people live?
