CTH enters the stage of grief we all enjoy: COPE

236  2019-05-15 by LucidHuckleberry


Cth finally on the brink of being banned and we can't even ping them

Chapos are on legit suicide watch so maybe it's best for drama not to get banned for contributing to the 40%s master plan

I hope they all die (comfortably, in their own beds, surrounded by their loved ones, at the end of a long and meaningful life).

I hope they purchase firearms

To keep themselves safe.

u boutta get b& for this one homie


pretty sure most of us find it hilarious but ok

While Chapos 40% may seem hilarious at first, I'll inform you that 40% isn't a passing grade in this classroom

Oh you'd be surprised at some public schools...

40% just won't cut it here

Didn't you guys threaten suicide when the sub shut down as a joke?

Shutting down the subreddit is NOT a joke!

/uj have the admins actually sat down and considered the fact that some Chapos may genuinely kill themselves if the sub is banned? I can smell the WaPo articles already /rj

dude commies lmao

e: wew we got some seething lads here this morning

some Chapos may genuinely kill themselves if the sub is banned?

Okay so what?

/uj /rj

Blocked and reported, unironically

Good old suicide-threatening post from that user on CTH.

One of the funniest posts on there, beat only by the most recent tranny selfie post

Blocked and reported, unironically

You forgot to /uj, don't @ me ever again


Unironically I'd rather be a part of the 40% than ever fucking use that phrase unironically

I genuinely wish harm on those who use a sarcasm tag. It makes me very Americanphobic even though it's not just them.


This but unironically

Who said I was ironic

And we will laugh at them. Who cares?

That's fine, I'm right here. What's up?

brand new account


My main account was banned from /r/drama in the recent banning. Otherwise I would have used that one.

Super cope

What does cope even mean at this point?

What you're doing


The same thing "coping" did seven months ago

Think of it like another word that you leftwing nutjobs have ruined all meaning of. Like "slaveowner".



So how long do you give your barricade? I say eight weeks.

I'm looking forward to the sub being banned for the incredibly controversial stance of violence against slave owners being justified.

May as well kill the farmers that don't give up their grain at the same time, right comrade?

Admins, ban this person. This is advocating violence.

Admins, ban this person for making an alt to circumvent a ban.

I've already messaged theadmins asking them how they feel about slave owners, soI expect to be banned shortly.

Admins, ban this user for having diminished brain capacity.

Who are these slaveowners?

PS: We know you mean the Jews.

It's not a dogwhistle. People were literally talking about violence against slave owners when it was still legal in the US

So you think that growing crops should be punishable by death 😬😬😬 yikes

You're not even a good troll.

I'm not the one calling for violence against crop merchants so that's a double yikes from me



For the right reason.

Fantasizing. Role playing. Larping. And people who fantasize about committing acts of violence are dangerous and don't belong here.

But, again, we know you mean the Jews. It's no different that that sub constantly talking about going on killing sprees against the bankers and landlords.

Celebrating the lives of people who actually did it.

Is it really so hard for you to imagine people who don't believe in race war, but class war?

Don't worry, your Jew hating cult will still be able to get more recruits.

You can't critizise us for the things we believe, so you have to make something up.

Yeah, throwing people in gulags is unassailable, lol. Antisemite trash.

There is no way to argue with you when your entire argument is based on assuming I hold a view that I don't hold.

Then fuck off, antisemite.

What could I do to convice you that my resentments are not racially motivated?

Not mourn the death of your politically violent and racist clubhouse.

Does believing in violent class warfare automatically make me an antisemite?

No, being a Jew hater makes you an antisemite. Being a politically violent nutjob makes you a politically violent nutjob.

I have literally nothing against Jewish people.

All of you politically violent nutjobs have worked up justifications in your heads as to why you're right to cause violence.

The guy in New Zealand literally felt he was right and justified. Your ally who shot up the Pulse Nightclub knew he was right to do what he did. Your friend who shot up the Congressional softball game knew what he was doing was justified.

You're all a bunch of violent fucking politically obsessed nutjobs.

Again, associating me with people I strongly oppose, because you have no arguments against my actual beliefs.

How am I the one associating you with politically violent nutjobs? You just advocated for it.

There's no associating that needs to be done. You're there already. You are one.

You are calling all these people my allies knowing full well that I consider these people my enemies.

Why do you hate Muslims?

I don't?

So they're your allies?

Not every individual Muslim is my ally, if that is where you are going with this. Was this your big gotcha? Because that's pretty weak.

No, the gotcha was a few posts ago. But you missed it because you were probably thinking about killing some Jew...I mean landlords.

You're no different than every other politically violent nutjob.

You all think you're justified in your violence.

Everyone who thinks violence can ever be justified is the same. Got it.

Your clever rouse failed, and now you are back to baseless name calling. I'm going to bed.

Sleep tight, don't let the Jew...I mean landlords bite.

You keep doing that. It's not getting any more convincing.

Ok, take care. Make sure you throw all the Je....I mean bankers in a gulag.

Because you're totally not a violent whack job.

Is this literally the only talking point you have? It isn't working for you.

You act like all the violent, antisemitic rhetoric in your sub hasn't been there for everyone to see. Reddit, one of the most leftwing subs on earth, doesn't even want you fruitcakes around anymore.

They can tell you nuts are about to shoot up another baseball game and want you purged. Like Trump purged the Q nuts, Reddit is purging the antisemites.

Reddit, one of the most leftwing subs on earth

Oh, you are one of those idiots who thinks liberals are left wing. Now I understand why you are speaking total gibberish.

They aren't rightwing. But when you're such a leftwing nutjob that you think Obama is rightwing you've jumped the shark.

BTW, weren't you going to bed an hour ago you drooling antisemite?

Obama is pretty obviously right wing. Anywhere but the far right hellhole that is America.

Yeah I was but I got sucked into arguing with people like you. Going to hate myself for it at work tomorrow.

Wow, the moron realizes that different countries have different political spectrum.

PS: You're the violent antisemite here between the two of us, you've got no room to be talking about who's far right.

Oh yeah you're definitely a total idiot. I guess if we suppress any ideology left of liberal, that means liberalism is left? Socialism didn't stop existing because of Mccarthyism. Different countries don't have different political spectrums. The U.S. is just right wing, and that includes the democratic party.

Again, imagine being such a leftwing nutjob that the entire democratic party is right wing.

guess how I can tell you're a rich little suburban white boy. Go ahead...guess.

Well if yout take the ideology of the democratic party, and run it in an election elsewhere, you're going to be conservative. Do you think idpol is what leftism is?

If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.

What are you even talking about dude?

Well if yout take the ideology of the democratic party, and run it in an election elsewhere

It's not elsewhere. It's here. This country has its own political spectrum. Obama and the democrats are on the left side of that spectrum.

You don't define a country's politics by the politics in another country you fucking wetbrain.

Would drybrain work better here? Seems like the more damaged condition.

Where do these fucking idiots come from...

What's your favorite aspect about the Nazis, and why is it their hatred of Jews?

Nazis get the wall, Buddy.

By who?

What kind of question is that?

Who's giving Nazis the wall these days?

Nobody, that's the problem.

Is it though?


Explain. Or is this you being violent again

Slavery didn't happen so what exactly are you celebrating lmao

We believe you exactly as much as the frens

question for all chapocels: what crimes magically makes someone deserve violence rather than being a product of their environment that dindu nuffin and needs rehabilitation?

Here is the genuine answer: people don't deserve violence. But there are causes that justify violence.

And a bunch of retards with confused underwear are going to decide that.

Who frequently think they themselves are des

But what's wrong with slavery?

Good point.

Imagine supporting violence against humble plantation owners. Disgusting

C-slurs owned, literally

Yeah, that's probably the reason.

Who the fuck are they even talking about? Like there are slaves in current year, but almost every single one of them is a poor Philipino or casteless street-shitter who is trapped and working for no pay the middle east. Do chappos finally give a shit about non-western oppression?

Well it started with celebrating people who faught against slavery in the past. But CTH has always been strongly anti imperialist.




Imagine being an unapprovedcel

user reports: 1: Report to admins for ban evasion for the lulz
1: ban evasion, please it'll be hilarious

They were joking. No one uses alts that way.

user reports:

1: Report to admins for ban evasion for the lulz

1: site-wide rules

1: ban evasion, please it'll be hilarious

You anon reporters are horrible. Lol

How do you feel about all this?

It's bad, but has been comming for a while. Going to miss the subreddit.



It's okay to say stuff like "eat the rich", promising guillotine and gulags to political opponents, saying shit like "bop" in place of shoot someone, "consider your safety" threats, death threats in PMs etc., these are all okay right?

We generally say shoot when we mean it. Bopping is just an ironic reference to the right wing subreddits who are using it as an actual dogwhistle. How would a subreddit keep their users from writing any particular types of PMs?

We're exactly the same as neo-Nazis, but we swear we're doing it ironically!


Lol, /r/drama with the "irony isn't real" argument. Love it.

It's not that hard to spot the irony.

There's irony and "irony". For example consider a dramatard and a chapo calling for mayocide. The fact that the latter seethes at the former is understandable, since the latter is "ironic" in a "no but really" sense, while the former makes fun of the latter.

Do Chapos own guns? Wouldn't the majority of you use it on one person anyways?

I've been considering getting one, but I'm not in America, so it's a little harder, and I'm pretty busy.

Well you're a chapocel so it's probably not the best idea tbh

If you say so.

So when do you think the Day of the Rotor will be?

I don't even know what you are referencing.

The day that /r/ChapoTrapHouse gets thrown from a helicopter

Oh, that. That's just a proprietarian wet dream. Their ideology lacks any kind of class awareness and is therefore incapable to make any kind of prediction about the future.

Are you saying Chapo has antigravity tech

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Their ideology lacks any kind of class awareness

Says the guy who follows an ideology held by unemployed college students who would like nothing more than to circumvent the democratically elected president who was voted in primarily by the actual working class.

Even if that was true. It doesn't really make my statement any less true.

What do you think of socialisms constant and inevitable failure?

It makes me think America is where socialism might actually have a chance, because it won't be aabotaged by America there.

Will it be sabotaged by it's inability to work?

Your criticism has zero substance. I'm sure it makes you feel better, but it is completely ineffective.

but it is completely ineffective.

Like socialism, ironically

You chapos also use dogwhistles, you really think people buy the whole "eat the rich", "guillotine" and "consider your safety" stuff as just a joke?


Well, no. The "eat the rich" thing is kind of a joke. But the support for guillotines is unironic. Violent revolution is inevitable as capitalism naturally collapses and is replaced by fascism.

I have no idea what the "consider your safety" thing is but people keep bringing it up so I believe it is real and assume I'm just out of the loop.

Violent revolution is inevitable as capitalism naturally collapses and is replaced by fascism.

I'm pretty sure the consensus in social sciences, social theory and economics literature is that when Capitalism falls it will be supplanted by Socialism. Though I can understand the confusion considering the similarities between Fascism and Socialism/Communism.

Fascism is what happens when the upper class holds on to power when capitalism collapses and would naturally be replaced by socialism.

Fascism is what happens when the upper class holds on to power when capitalism collapses

That's not what Fascism is.

It's not what fascism is. It's where it comes from.

Reading comprehension.

Still wrong. Fascism can arise anywhere, no need for a collapse of Capitalism, Italy (the cradle of Fascism) circa WWI is an example of that.

reading comprehension

But you literally said β€œthat’s what fascism is”, instead of β€œthats were it comes from”

> Reading comprehension.

Um, ackshually, you write badly, fuckhead.

A fun bit of reading comprehension from high school would be that Karl Marx was a NEET and raped his servant

Fascism is actually the ideal way to run a country. It's just never been tried

Singapore? Not fascist. Hong Kong? Not fascist. Scandinavia? The β€œfascist takeover” has failed to net a right-wing party even a fifth of the popular vote, and that’s even with them watering their positions down. Mainland China? Arguably has some fascist traits, but admitting to that might be a bad look for you.

I'm not a supporter of China, if that is what you are implying. Rule of thumb: if it has billionaires, it's not socialism.

And why should I care if it has billionaires lmao

China is absolutely a fascist country.

It’s not populist enough to be truly fascist IMO.

The country is nationalist as fuck and by that I mean straight on ethnostate level. They are expansionist as well. They leave and breathe revanchism and they use Chinese humiliation by Japan and West as life fuel for their propaganda. Their level of authoritarian government is also off the charts. The country is the living breathing embodiment of corporatist dictatorship.


the consensus in social sciences, social theory and economics literature is that when Capitalism falls it will be supplanted by Socialism.


Is it not?


What would you say is the general consensus then?

there is no consensus in social sciences regarding what happens if capitalism "falls"

Interesting, considering the plentitude of literature focused on the analysis and criticism of Capitalism, that predict and ascertain, that it is not sustainable and that if/when it collapses, Socialism, or some form of it, would take its place. Karl Marx's 'Das Kapital' for example, one of if not the most popular and cited works of literature in the field of social/political theory and economics, predicts this very scenario.

Look up the meaning of the word "consensus."

A certain part of academia has been captured by ideologues, who are doing activism but pretend they're still doing scholarship. And that part probably believes in this commie version of "Rapture."

But that's not a consensus.

No serious economist believes this. No serious sociologist believes it either.

I know what consensus means and no I didn't use it to imply absolute agreement.

From Marx to Schumpeter and others, that are widely regarded as some of the most important figures in economics and social/political theory, have come to this conclusion. The argument on this subject, that I always saw to be prevalent in academia, is not what would replace Capitalism but when or if it would ever happen. Most agree that if indeed that were to happen then the natural progression from there would be some form of Socialism.

lol you really don't know what consensus means

I'm an Economics major and this was my experience but I can see how many others could've had a different experience.

I'm an Economics major and this was my experience



Lol, you mean the people who have predicted capitalism collapsing more often than religious people predict the apocalypse? Yeah, nah. It's hilarious that you think people can scientifically prove something that hasn't ever happened will happen.

It's hilarious that you think people can scientifically prove something that hasn't ever happened will happen.

This is some really retarded logic. You deserve a bitch slap from the scientific community.

Also, they are predictions and theories not scientifically proven facts. Not to mention many of these predictions on the subject have shown to be completely correct.

Except, you know, the ones surrounding the fall of capitalism.

You're wrong.

Marx and others that subscribe to the idea Capitalism is unsustainable, have correctly predicted many of the things we are seeing today. I'll give you some examples:

-Globalization of Capitalism, it was predicted that it would spread all across the world, driving peasantry away from agriculture into factory work and that in trying to meet demands we would see an unsustainable consumption of natural resources. Check.

-The class divide, it was predicted that society would gradually shift into a two class divide of a large work force and the ultra wealthy. That inequality and the wealth gap would escalate because of the growing work class and the shrinking upper class. Check.

-The working class uniting to demand political and social change. Check.

-Industrial automation and all the consequences that come with it. Check.

-Labour exploitation. Check.

Many of his predictions were wrong but many others were right. I'm not a Marxist by the way.

You literally just listed things that were already happening at the time the predictions were made lol.

Keep in mind this is about predicting what would happen or worsen under a Capitalist society. Just because some were happening back then it doesn't mean that the prediction that they would continue to happen or worsen is invalid.

Those are some weak sauce predictions anyone could have made and many people did make who didn't claim the whole system would collapse.

This is 19th century when Capitalism was starting to really take off.

Again, I'm not a Marxist and I don't necessarily agree that Capitalism will indeed collapse, I'm just mentioning some of the correct predictions that were made about the progress and issues that would arise and/or worsen under Capitalism. This entire thread started from me suggesting that Socialism, not Fascism, is widely regarded as the natural progression in the case of Capitalism collapsing.

My heart just isn't in it today, I want you to realize how much of a brainlet you are but I need to finish this component before I can go home in an hour and just don't want to type all the shit I'd have to type for you to truly know the magnitude of your retardation.

I've explained to you how this thread started and that I don't necessarily agree with Marxists and all of their predictions, if you can't cope with that too bad. But if you want to be a condescending twat go ahead then be my guest.

I've explained to you how this thread started and that I don't necessarily agree with Marxists' views and all of their predictions, if you can't cope with that too bad. But if you want to be a condescending twat go ahead then be my guest.

Where do you think you are?

/Drama pointlessly seriousposting I know

The "eat the rich" thing is kind of a joke.

lol Bullshit. If you parasitic losers could get away with it you'd kill and steal from people better than you all day erry day.

By that I meant that cannibalism is gross.

Violent revolution is inevitable as capitalism naturally collapses

Or you could just support social democracy, a system with a proven track record of efficacy, instead of doing the fascists’ propaganda work for them as you are now.

I do support it. But if social democracy is too successful, the upper class will find a way to stop that. If necessary, by force. As the record shows. That is why volent revolution is sadly inevitable.

Lol no it literally won’t, social democracy is valuable for the same reason that bread and circuses were valuable for the Roman Empire.

"if I repeat this then it has to be true,"

Chapocels confirmed to be subhuman

The upper class in scandinavia is perfectly happy funding social programs with the surplusses that capitalism provides.

Violent Revolution comes from unhappy Proles, whether nationalist or socialist. Rich people just move if things aren't going well.

As long as you remember to vote for Trump in 2020 then we're good.

But the support for guillotines is unironic. Violent revolution is inevitable as capitalism naturally collapses and is replaced by fascism.

WhY aRe We GeTtiNg BanNeD FoR InCitIng VioLEnT COnTeNT

unironically inciting violence is against the TOS, sweatypore

Literally yikes

Violent revolution is inevitable as capitalism naturally collapses and is replaced by fascism.

Yeah, that's happened so many times in history. Like the in the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, oh wait...

So by this logic, i would assume yoy would be fine with frenworld and the donald being vanned right?

Yeah of course, it'd be great for Drama.

Would it be justified?

Frenworld definitely, T_D is not as bad as it used to be but I don't really care if it went down.

but I don't really care if it went down.

Its about whether or not its justified xd. Seems like you are no enlightened centrist. You are a fraud

It is justified. And no, I don't care if it wasn't justified either. I just want drama.

The admins banning literally any sub of any leaning on this shit hole site is justified. It is their playhouse after all.

Who gives a shit?

Obviously you since you replied ;)

I mean who gives a shit if it was justified or not you actual retard. This is /r/drama, le reddit justice isn't exactly a priority.

Like i said, you give a shit. Cope

Only in that I would prefer it to be unjustified for maximum llama.

In the case of The_Donald, I support it while admitting that it might not be justified.

In the case of frenworld, absolutely. Threats are threats, even if you write them in baby-talk.

Absolutely; if only to deprive right-wingers of a platform, which they shouldn't have in the first place

You speak truth. Very rare on this sub

by horseshoe theory we also need to deprive left wingers

and that'd be VERY funny

brand new account




This user leans far right as he is trumps bch and he suk peen of trump!

I am a bot beep boop!



This user is dumbo smol brain conservitard!

I am bot beep boop.


this user is homonigger

this user is salty racist


Come on man. I feel for you, but you can’t scream about killing people- along with having clearly mentally unwell kids constant rage posting along with it-and then act like it wasn’t justified.

As soon as you guys started your β€œle epic landlord coproganda brigades” your days were numbered. It’s not even that I’m disagreeing with you politically, but you had to know this. Mods could have put the hammer down, but I’m guessing the user base would have felt that would be a violation of the spirit of the sub. Idk. I’m not convinced CTH won’t get the quarantine for a while. Gotta be easier for the admins to personally moderate than CA was.

Again, I saw it comming. Doesn't mean I think it's justified.

Yeah cth was going to get taken down by something or another, threatening violence against slaveowners being the tipping point is a funny ending

What's it like being a subhuman?

Cheer up, some of them will migrate here.

We could always use more bussy

I don’t want nothing with their wannabe trussies tho

Make a second account that just posts unironically in chapo, then complain people in drama are shit talking the conversation. Then they come to your main via your shill account.

Hmm, could this be happening because we bomb random users with "consider your safety" DM's and brigade posts, get reported for it and now admins got enough reports to give a shit? πŸ€”

No, it's because admins are slaveowner supporting cryptofascists.

No, it's the chuds who are wrong.

Wait. Are we the tards?

Not banned yet

Well they are fighting commies

I love how they're acting so surprised about this when they're 24/7 saying shit like "eat the rich", brigading posts, talking of guillotining political opponents, putting people on gulags and talking about bloody revolutions. Peaceful people lol

The chapos are a simple, peace loving people. Their custom of threats of violence to political opponents is a tradition dating back to their very foundation. Who are we to judge? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

It's in their culture

they've been calling other people out for shitty ironic jokes for so long now and saying how irony is a poor excuse, that now they're in trouble for doing the exact thing themselves and have become the thing they hate, they actually have to 180 and pretend the people they've been complaining about doing it unironically were actually doing it unironically the whole time

Only difference is that Rightoids might haul off and actually shoot up a place. A Chapo is too limp-wristed and full of HRT to hurt anything.

A Chapo has a 40% chance of hurting itself.

Probably higher than that considering they might hurt themselves out of confusion if they ever handled a real firearm.

Like a confused Pokemon?

Like a confused magikarp

An apt description if I remember my Pokemon correctly. They do nothing but flop around until they grow up and become useful.

Hey now, it's a sub full of male feminists. I'm sure they're out there raping foids by the hundreds.

Dont forget the baseball

You don't understand, they only want to kill anyone, anywhere who disagrees with their repulsive, evil ideology.

Of course there are no good bantz here, /r/drama is a bubble-wrapped safe space for leftoid autists to shitpost mod-approved maymays just like every other shit-pit on this website.

Nobody's interested in or capable of actually roasting anyone anymore because all they know how to do is bleat "mdefugee" and "out out out" and whatever other shrieky boring shit until the jannysquad makes the icky scary no-no words go away again.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

But they are on the right side of history lol

Subreddit of peace

Semi-serious question, was there a specific thing that the chapocels took to mean β€œsupporting slavery?” Or is this a generalized Mommy making me work to pay my share of the rent is slavery situation?

I think this specific case is after they said something about guillotining slave owners.

But are we talking about actual slave-owners, or employed chapocels’ bosses?

I'm pretty sure it was about actual slave owners. But I'm just now catching up to this drama so I'm not 100% sure.

Depends who's asking

"actual slave-owners" while they compared bosses or landowners to modern day slavery.

So it was pretty clear what they were actually shooting for.

I think it's a dogwhistle for mayos.

It is without a doubt a dogwhistle, just a super obvious one

One of those air horns you blerp whenever your dog does a no no.

It was about literal slaveowners. Not mayos, not bosses. That’s the hilarity. Admins deciding that slaveowners is where to draw the line.

What slaveowners?

The ones in the antebellum South.

So traveling back in time to murder historical figures? That’s what you were discussing?

Correct. The most absurd and reviled of β€œclasses” was picked, and wouldn’t you know it, that was a bridge too far.

I like how you both admit that your retarded sub does other shit that should have gotten them banned long ago and also admit you believe your faggot mods. It's a double jeopardy of retardation.

I would’ve been happy to see the sub banned.

I take that back then, you're normal drama retarded like the rest of us.

It's only a dogwhistle for slave owners lmfao Are you a slave owner?

Oh is Chapo really riled up about modern slavery in parts of Asia and the Middle East? Because the things that the Qataris are doing are messed up.

Yes lol Many users have said this. Do you really think we're okay with women being forced into sex slavery, miners and day laborers being forced to work without pay, and children being stolen from their families to work on farms? Of course not. Thats why no one is saying "only kill white slave owners." We're leftists dude, when we say kill slave owners, we mean ALL of them. We're saying that the old Southern slave owners should have been killed, and that modern slavers deserve the same. You realize most of the people using that phrase are white, right?

I'm a leftist too you retard. But I am not in the business of giving chapos the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their obvious dogwhistles.

I'm a leftist too you retard.

Yeah, sure chud. Now quit being a greedy and post hog.

Lmao you attributed pol_invictus' absolutely brainlet take to me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Try harder little chapotard. If you actually went through my post history, you would see that I am flaired a succdem on stupidpol.

Chapo routinely refer to themselves as wageslaves/rentslaves, this is just more landlord/boss sperging.

If we lose pinging in exchange for Chapos losing their subreddit I consider that a fair trade

We are still probably going to get banned anyway

We know who they really mean when they talk about (((slaveowners))).

the 90.69% banout to make room for the inevitable CTHobos

wtf mods

The admins will always be more okay with actual violence committed by those on the right wing subs than those on left wing subs saying slave owners are bad.

In what world chapoids live that they think that rightoids are more tolerated on reddit than their tankie retardnation? Chapo tier rightoid subs are being banned for years now. I can't even remember any prominent leftist sub getting banned.

Unironically this is where enlightened centrism = objectivity. You could delete the slurs/contrapointsy lingo and that thread would look the same as the MDE/CA threads. Both think Reddit admins are the opposite of them πŸ’―.

To be fair, right leaving subreddits usually get quarantined first at least. If chapo gets a ban before a quarantine then they have a long.

If chapo gets a ban before a quarantine then they have a point

No they haven’t

Bro get some reading comprehension. I said IF. Not that they have.

MDE and Uncensorednews got the banhammer iirc

Fullcommunism got shit on, but that's the only one I can remember.

leftwithsharpedge as well

Never heard of this and I’ve been using this hellhole for 6 years

It wasn't around for long, less than a year. There's plenty of archived threads about it here. They were extremely open and blatant about their calls to violence so the admins didn't really hesitate to drop the hammer.

actual violence


FullCommunism got quarantined, that's it.

U/spez let us ping pls papa

Remember to upvote all calls to violence to accelerate the ban.

LARP as a neoliberal and watch them produce 500 banworthy spergouts

Rest In Paradise, King πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Ό

Is it fucking 2009 in here?

The Badmins Cometh

"Aw shit we literally constantly talk about murdering people and admins are shutting us down. This is litruhlly oppression"

Taken for a digital helicopter ride



lol they got the ol' DoctorFahrenheit eh?

Been in real life for a few days, what happened to the doc? Did his overweight baby momma give him syphilis?

He was a mod here and posted GallowBoob drama so SodyPop demodded him and said he was not to be remodded.





Can I just encourage everyone to not just "troll" reddit?


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Nuclear take: Saying that the admins support slavery is harassment and shouldn't be allowed. I'm so sick of these inflammatory communists always doing their best to fray the edges of society

:sob: someone stop them


Tfw you finally understand Stalinist purges

<laughs in unpersoning>

don’t be stupid, and I think we can keep this going

We’re doomed

Ok that was pretty funny.

chapos spent 3 years linking that smug xkcd comic and now they're made they're on the receiving end

which one? All xkcd comics are smug as shit.

I assume the one about free speech? I'm pretty sure there was one about that. That free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.

lakelly99 banned me. Comes around goes around dumb ass communist twink.


Who are the slaveowners they are talking about?

im not even sure they know.

It was John brown's birthday recently. So it was literally Southern slave owners.

They refer to themselves as wageslaves and rentslaves all the time, draw your own conclusions.

Who are the slaveowners they are talking about?

It's truly, finally over for chapo

They should just become a gold farm like T_D. That should give them invulnerability.

I mean those people are paying for the podcasts anyway no?

Maybe this will start the revolution they're always blathering on about finally.


We all know know that the Chapo thing is a show made by rich people for rich people

So why do you pretend to give a shit about slaves?

Because they're using "noble intentions" as a trojan horse for their nonsense. It makes them think they have the moral high ground but it's all fake.

It's a way to recruit people into their cult, the newest victims think they're there to fight racism or discrimination. Then before they know it they're out there talking about killing all the (((landlords))).

You're the one calling landlords Jews, not us. You're stupid as fuck if you believe this.

Translating your antisemitic dogwhistles isn't exactly rocket science.

What's the difference between the 1930s Nazi accusation of "Jewish privilege" and the modern leftwing nutjob accusation of "white privilege"?

Answer: Nothing. You leftwing nutjobs are just better dogwhistlers.

The concept of privilege is literally just taking into account advantages you may inherently have in life that someone else may not. That's it. It's not even a policy or something. Socialism is about class, not race. There's nothing anti semetic about wanting the economy to benefit the poorest. Nobody even mentioned Jews except for you.

If you believe this, then you need to watch who you're associating with. There are vile antisemites in your midst. All you need to do is compare the rhetoric from the Third Reich to the rhetoric coming out of the modern left. There is literally no difference. A hyperfocus on race, ethnicity, class and identity. Every political candidate is defined first and foremost by their race and ethnicity and gender. No different than the Nazis.

It's no coincidence that you guys are electing them in record numbers these days. All being snuck in under the "noble intention" of "diversity".

Socialism isn't "diversity". It's about workers controlling the means of production so they may be used for the common good. And you're ridiculous talking this Nazi shit. Wanting to work for the common good vs the good of one specific nation/ethnic group are opposites. The difference between blaming class vs race isn't dome asterisk. It makes fascism and socialism diametrically opposed.

So let me get this straight. You think there's a shadowy group of rich people out there influencing everything and suppressing people. They are able to do this because they have some kind of inherent advantage (your exact words) that makes them different, and therefor guilty.

Guess who else used that tactic you fucking retard? THE NAZIS.

You are so dumb. Being a capitalist isn't an inhernent trait. Race is. Nazis were capitalists.

lol! So capitalism, not racism, drove the Third Reich.

Holy fuck.

Both did. The Nazis never got major support until the great depression when people became economically desperate and more susceptible to scapegoating bringing out their racism. The two are intertwined.

Which is exactly why you people prey on the poor and marginalized. Which is exactly why you tell them White Males are the source of all their problems and all the problems in the world.

It's the same fucking tactic you wetbrain.

Nobody is saying that you idiot. You're as oppressed as a Jew in Nazi Germany, sure.

I didn't claim I was oppressed. I claimed you peddle oppression to the poor and marginalized. You peddle scapegoating.

Like the nazis.

Saying that white men are less oppressed for who they are than others isn't scapegoating. It's not even a big part of my politics. Workers should control the means of production and benefit from them. That's the main point.

The main point is you post in a politically violent sub that promotes antisemitism and you also peddle a political ideology that mirrors nazism.

You're literally a bunch of nazis.


The sub is mostly white dudes, they dont go around saying that they cause all the problems in the world. Just that cops are racist and that kinda shit.

So If I go reading a few threads I'm not gonna find the mating call of the modern leftwing nutjob? Wypipo! Wypipo!

Nah. The modern left wing nutjob isnt a monolithic entity, theres a lot of splitting. Since chapo is white college aged boys like most of reddit, its anti-identity politics. Most of the dem-soc /libertarian/anarchist ideologies are too. If you go to places that are more tankie and less white then you find that kinda stuff.

Yeah its a characterisation of a group of people. Another example of this would be anytime someone talks about rape in hollywood they mention it being creepy old white men, this however is not an attack on all old white dudes ever. The only time the left seriously discusses this stuff is in the context of it being a smaller less important part of class politics.

But if you think that this group of mostly white dudes who are supporting Bernie over every other dem are racist against whites then idk what to say my man. Chapo guys are considered by a lot of other ppl on the left as being pro white racists, sexists, edgelords, etc. While you probs consider them super hardcore SJW kinda dudes.

Ok because a second ago you said I wasn't going to find that stuff. πŸ‘Œ

You didn't find anyone blaming white people for stuff tho you just found characterisations of reddity computer nerds as white and the implication that reddit admins are racist and sexist. A group of white dudes aren't racist against white people lol.


Basically if you wanna throw shade at something then be careful how you describe it. If you describe a specific guy you dislike and you say "old white guy" then fragile people will think your attacking all old ppl , white ppl and guys bc otherwise why bring it up. You can bullshit with ur ingroup but others wont get it.

Those posts aren't describing a specific person. But again, πŸ‘Œ.

They're describing reddit admins, san fran tech bros and civil war soldiers, not specific people but characterisations of specific groups. Definitely not all white people. You do you tho chief.

So a list of all the different types of white males they see as the source of all their problems.

"Bankers, lenders, lawyers...Jews"

Same tactics.

lol no, the civil war post was defending them but you didn't read it bc you've already made up your mind and just ctrl-c any sentence you could find with the word white in it.

You keep reaching for the nazi comparison but its so obviously wrong that I don't know whether its in bad faith or not.

Communism is focused on economics and says that politics and social life comes from eco conditions. So rather than racism exists bc white ppl = bad, they say it exists bc it is profitable. Chapo guys specifically think a super diverse woke ceo is just as bad as straight old white dude or w/e.

Commies believe people who own businesses and landlords are the source of the problems and regardless of who you are or where you come from theres no ethical way to be a capitalist.

My landlord was a pretty cool dude.

You keep trying to pretend you're not just a bunch of whiny, violent race mongers. All you do is whine about white people, using them as a scapegoat for all the economic and social problems you imagine.

Ya know, like the Nazis.

I am a white person lol. Like all the people I know are white. You keep trying to imply that communists are the enemy of white people, which is pretty nazi if you ask me.

I have firsthand knowledge of this crap and I've linked stuff to prove my point but you wanna strawman so w/e, you know what people believe better than they do themselves.

You keep trying to imply that you leftwing nutjobs aren't constantly blaming white people for all the problems in the world.

They're not, leftwing nutjobs are pushing for bernie sanders, jeremy corbyn and jean-luc melanchon to rule their respective countries. All are white guys.

You can't convince a white dude that he hates people because they're white lol, idk why you're trying.

Wow, you mean to tell me you guys vote for antisemites, too? I'm shocked.

famed antisemite bernie sanders

So what kind of uniforms will you guys wear when you're out there killing all the Jews...I mean landlords?

Jeeeez. Why do you think landlords are synonymous with jews? thats a pretty antisemetic trope. Killing capitalists is tankie shit as well and most socialists nowadays hate tankies.

General strike and democratic participation all the way my man.

Translating your antisemitic dogwhistles doesn't make me the antisemite.

What dogwhistle? karl marx was jewish you weapon

Kill all the landlords, kill all the bankers.

The same tropes you antisemites have been repeating since medieval pogroms.

Most lefties dont wanna kill anyone at all. Landlords and bankers arent jewish. Do you think the left wing are gonna let every non jewish ceo keep running a company?.

Honestly man, you're the racist one here. You're the guy who thinks jews an oppressive economic class and you're the guy obsessed with white people being under attack. This entire thing is probs in bad faith tho anyway.

I don't think they are at all. I don't come from the sub that repeats these violent, antisemitic tropes all day long.

"Bad faith"...got any more? The NPC meme is accurate as fuck.

Saying that bankers are bad is an antisemitic trope is antisemitism tho lol like only nuts right wing dudes believe that stuff. If this isn't bad faith then you're just too dense to get it I guess.

I don't think they're bad. Your the ones that want to kill them all.

Try again antisemite.

You think Jewish ppl are some kind of upper class of ceos n shit thats pulling the strings or you think I do. Either way thats the real antisemitism here.

Jewish people are regular dudes who are all individuals like any other group of people, at least thats what me and all left wingers I know believe.

I don't think they are at all.

Me pointing out that you guys are using centuries old antisemitic tropes in your rhetoric doesn't make me the antisemite.

Try again.

How are we using that trope though? we actually mean bankers and landlords. A lot of communist thought leaders were Jewish and ofc Marx was himself.

Can you throw some examples out of this or something? bc the rhetoric you're describing is just German Fascism tbh.

Example one: "Kill all the bankers"

LPT: If you rhetoric sounds like German Fascism, you might be a Nazi.

No I mean why do you think that we believe those tropes?. I don't believe that Jews and bankers are related so me criticising bankers isn't antisemitic.

The Germans specifically conflated the Jews with the banking class (with communists too ironically). Can you provide anything of chapo kinda guys conflating Jews with capitalists?.

Lefty rhetoric (even super edgy stuff) isn't like German fascism or any fascism, just the strawman you've created is.

No I mean why do you think that we believe those tropes?

Because your sub is full of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strasserism

Then find one please, but like not just a post saying bosses are bad, explain why they believe these tropes. Chapos are mostly democratic socialists and anarchists, not naz-bols.

We already played this game and you tried to "these aren't the droids you're looking for" them away.

Yeah you didn't prove your point when you went link hunting first time. You can't find a single example of how chapos believe that Jews = capitalists. You jumped from your anti white point when you found out I'm white, if I was Jewish then you'd jump to something else.

I haven't jumped from my point at all, I've been calling you antisemities from the very start.

You started out saying that commies were anti white and you dropped that and started calling them antisemites. Imma be real wit you chief, this has went on super long; way longer than probs either of us imagined and we ain't getting nowhere.

You wanna throw some links out to prove your crap then go for it, if not then thats cool too but imma back out if its just gonna be you saying yeah and me saying no. Its just kinda pointless slap fighting that goes nowhere.

Sorry for getting so heated but I truly believe in a world of all peoples and if you think that lefty ideology spews hate then I hope you see left wingers enacting positive change, standing against said hate and reconsider your view n shit.

I started out by saying that leftwing nutjobs like you are constantly parroting anti white rhetoric, and you are. Because you're recruiting the marginalized and disenfranchised by providing them with a scapegoat. Exactly like the Nazis did.

PS: When you guys set off the second Holodomor, are the gulags considered "guaranteed government jobs"?

I'm a white guy tho, why would gulag myself? you just took the white genocide thing literally. PS: the soviet union was shit, different types of lefties exist.

The scapegoat isn't any races or genders or sexualities, its the upper class; and everyone in the upper class indiscriminately p much. Why do you think left wingers hate obama?

You gulag your political opponents, like your sub is constantly fantasizing about.

And we all know "upper class" is leftiwng nutjob dogwhistle for Jews. We know this because you keep using centuries old antisemtic tropes.

I don't gulag, I'm an anarchist (literally the first group the soviets killed post revolution), I wanna get rid of most prisons actually. Upper class isn't a dogwhistle, if you can find something that shows that left wingers believe that upper class = jews then go ahead (the nazis were clearly right wing before you say that socialism was in the name or w/e).

You never answer why white people wanna kill white people or why Jewish communists believe an ideology thats so clearly antisemitic.

Only you know the answer as to why you guys put white people, gays and minorities in gulags.

But the point is, you leftwing nutjobs like you are constantly parroting anti white rhetoric, and you are. Because you're recruiting the marginalized and disenfranchised by providing them with a scapegoat. Exactly like the Nazis did.

We don't parrot any rhetoric that is anti white/gay/minority etc, that doesnt change just because you said so. Leftists "scapegoat" is the capitalist system because they subscribe to a materialist view of history. This is just identity politics and as a class guy, I don't buy into this shit.

You can provide any sources to prove that the left do this stuff, otherwise I'm not gonna believe this stuff that contradicts all my knowledge of the movement just because you keep desecrating the victims of atrocities.

You do parrot anti white rhetoric, I showed you a few random examples.

Here's leftwing editor for the NY Times.

I looked her up. Can't find a single opinion of hers on socialism, leftism, marxism, etc nor anyone attributing those beliefs to her. Did you just attribute her to socialists because shes an sjw and those two go together in your head? what makes her so left wing?

The anti-white rhethoric you shown me wasn't against white people tho, in fact one of them was defending white people but ok.

This is just gamergate shit.

I have no idea what gamegating is.

Here's Don Lemon calling white males the biggest terror threat https://youtu.be/dx6nM_S--xw?t=36

CNN isn't far leftist yenno, they're pretty centrist/centre left and white males are the biggest terror threat by the numbers in the USA at least, that doesn't mean white people are bad. Islam has a real problem with extremism but that doesn't mean muslims are bad for example. We can't just let people die because some groups are too fragile to be criticised.

Can you find some proper left wingers that critique capitalism and push socialism?. Not just ppl who aren't republicans. Chapo boys pref bc they're really the topic of discussion here.

I think you're just making half baked assumptions, for example here is Sarah Jeong basically agreeing with you even though you called her a far leftist. You just take people and state they're leftist because you don't like them, why is the university of Wisconsin socialist?

Here's another one of you leftwing nutjobs saying that white men must be stopped.


All these links mean nothing, liberals aren't socialists; these people are liberals. Just go to the chapo sub pls man or find someone who is definably socialist like noam chomsky or something. Just because someone says they don't like white people doesn't mean that they are left wing.

See I think you've been drank this righty coolaid that says the sjw commie hordes are coming to attack you because you're a white male. I know what I believe and I believe everyones and individual so chill your jets my man.

Here's another one of you leftwing nutjobs calling "all white people are inhuman racist demons". https://youtu.be/MpNri_4YAtU

You can't answer me with what makes these people left wing and are trying to widen the fence to include liberals or ppl who don't like capitalism. Can't find any outspoken left wingers or chapo boys to link. You just keep on with the gamergate shit.

Never respond when I point out your bs with a link, just move on to the next thing. Also your side say much more horrific things far more frequently lets be real.

Here's another one of you leftwing nutjobs spouting some anti White woman rhetoric. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/06/opinion/lisa-murkowski-susan-collins-kavanaugh.html

Hers the same lady saying that bernie sanders shouldn't run.

What makes Joy Behar left wing? you can't just link someone who isnt obviously left wing and expect me to go with it.

Gavin Mcginness is an anti communist, you are too so I guess you believe all the same stuff because you have overlap on one pretty general thing.

Here's 3 solid minutes of wnti white rhetoric at the DNC: https://youtu.be/LDOdcsh435Q

The democratic party are liberals not far left lol. You don't read the articles you send, you don't watch the videos either. This 3 solid minutes of anti white rhetoric at the DNC just says that non white people have been oppressed in the democrats and USA and she wants to talk to black ppl on how to improve the situation.

Can you explain what about that was racist and then explain what makes Sally Boynton a leftist and not just a liberal?

What anti white rhetoric did I link? if you mean that article by Alexis Grenell then you have the reading comprehension of a child because its pushing for a white woman to win the primary.

Nah you'll probably just post a link of another liberal saying white people are bad like it reflects on socialist views at all.

Dude, I've sent you dozens of examples of anti white rhetoric. And you just keep saying stupid shit like "Well that's not a chapo person" or "CNN aren't socialists".

You asked for examples of anti white rhetoric coming from the left and I gave you plenty. I'm done debating you, every time you reply I'm simply going to send you a link to more of your rhetoric.

Prove that any of those people you linked are left wing please and not just centre left liberals rather than just linking another example of someone somewhere not liking white ppl

I've been giving links refuting why they are left wing everytime but you never engage with it.

You linked some anti white rhetoric to prove that you guys aren't parroting anti white rhetoric. You're a wetbrain.

Who the fuck is Gavin Mcguiness? A youtuber? Someone with a podcast or some shit?

Here's Joy Behar on NBC int he middle of the day spouting some "white male evil" rhetoric: https://youtu.be/pmA-cNMbJ60

Here you guys are teaching a course called "The Problem With Whiteness" https://www.cnn.com/2016/12/23/health/college-course-white-controversy-irpt-trnd/index.html

The sub is mostly white dudes, they dont go around saying that they cause all the problems in the world. Just that cops are racist and that kinda shit.

advantages you may inherently have

Hmmm....sounds like Nazism.

Hello there. I have a legitimate question. Who in your mind, is a slave owner?

Who on this earth who owns slaves shouldn't be killed if that's what stopping them takes?

You're being awfully vague. I wonder why... πŸ€”

Answer the question. What's wrong with killing a slave owner? And why don't you quit being vague and tell me what you think I believe instead of this i wonder why....? shit.

Oy vey I wonder why

This ain't it, Chef.

What's the big deal about slavery tbh

Some people legit enjoy it.

Slaves be like "bro I am straight up not having a good time"

Slave cope.

Post resume, chud.

Post hog