Terrorism factories. Pure hysteria. Made me laugh.

26  2019-05-16 by Standard12


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Terrorism factories.

Literal rightoid speak.


Why. Can't. We. Ping?

Thought it was back?

Faggot mods took it away again.

Tfw when your landlord is a minority and they're a really great person so you don't have anyone to sperg out about online. 😔

Has there ever been a T_D mass shooter?

I dunno how fat the dad was but seattle4truth killed him

Where is the donald saying we should exterminate minorities. Racism is literally a bannable offense.

Free thinking is a bannable offense on there too.

It's not a free thinking sub. It's a donald fan club sub. Says so right in the sidebar. It USED to be anyone could post and challenge trumps ideals but the lefties kept trying to false flag the sub to get it banned so they made a new rule for no lefties. The sister sub for debating trump supporters was created in response to this.

Chapo defending a pedo sub is the reason trump won 2020