The real victims of the recent abortion rulings: r/Drama users... er, transmasculine people!

70  2019-05-16 by ArlenBilldozer



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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I love this timeline.

We're blessed 🙏

I’ve been working on saying and writing “pregnant people” and “people with uteruses” etc., not just women. I don’t always remember, but I’m getting better, and it’s getting easier with practice. It’s ridiculous that some women are threatened by this inclusion.

From now on I will only refer to women as "people with uteruses." How long until people will start complaining I only think of women as breeding machines?

abortion is the most zzzzz debate since both sides just regurgitate their flat earth-level arguments without considering the other yet the vast majority lies in the middle

The best solutions are the ones that leaves both sides equally displeased.

Women indeed shouldn't have a choice, and so all fetuses should be aborted.

see, you did it too. you misunderstood the sides. the real solution is women would need to post an ad in the newspaper announcing their intention to get an abortion (no privacy with doctor), then child is aborted (state is not actually protecting rights of future citizen)

Abort the woman as well.

all women should be subject to government-mandated pregnancy tests once every fiscal quarter. If pregnancy is detected, the doctor flips a coin. Heads: you have to keep it, Tails: you have to abort it.

Abortion should be legal at any fetal age, but the foid has to fill out a form and send it with fingerprints and $200 to a federal agency and get approval first.

Failure to get the tax stamp should be a federal felony.

yet the vast majority lies in the middle

Idk. It's hard to have a logically and morally sound "middle stance" on abortion.

I.e. "I am in favor of abortion but only until 20 weekz" ok, what changed at 20 weeks + 1 day that it suddenly isn't acceptable?

The same thing that changed when a woman who turned.

Be mindful of transmasculine people following you as you discuss the abortion rulings in Ohio and Georgia.

“If men could pregnant abortions would be free” is a hard thing to hear when you ARE a man who can get pregnant and you actually have a harder time accessing care.


Trans people are also at least 4x more likely to live under the poverty line than cis people, all else equal, (6x for trans poc), so we are less likely to have insurance, transportation, etc.

Sooooo it is a mental illness.

Was there any doubt it wasn't?

Um yeah, what else would it be

Wtf im mentally unhinged, don’t work, don’t do side gigs, spend all my money on blue pills why the FUCK am I below the poverty line

the patriarchy is at it again

Why do these people make everything about themselves?

Imagine being male and expecting anyone to give two shit about you

Welcome to manhood sweety

Manhood: waiting to die while everyone demands everything of you.

It was easier as a 19 yo pi kappa. 😣

I genuinely wish I was born a woman. People give so many more shits about you when you have a pussy, especially if you're attractive. If you're an attractive man, cool, nobody cares still, go fuck yourself if you if you have emotional issues, lol.

Emotional issues are for women and little children.

Now man up, chest out, and get back to work. If that’s too difficult, read up on stoicism.

But seriously, if you need help mate door is always open. 😊

open door

Based and Epicetus-pilled.

On the flipside, if you're female and upset about something men write it off as 'hormonal' or 'female behavior' and think less of you. Meanwhile an anger response to the same situation is not considered emotional. It sucks no matter what side you're on. Nobody really comes to your rescue when you're upset but not angry as a woman, they just placate you and think 'wow what a pussy' and have as little respect for your feelings as they would if you were a man being upset. It's no better on the other side, it's just shitty in a slightly different way. There is no real care involved beyond close friends and family; your emotions are dismissed in the same way that a child's would.

Of course, there are many more resources for women who are in crisis than men, but having emotional issues as a woman isn't any better if you want respect and any sense of autonomy. Nobody actually cares about how you feel if you're a woman, they just placate you.

If you're having problems, try to find a CBT therapist that specializes in men and/or strong evidence-based therapy.

Imagine feeling oppressed for being a moid

Based and blackpilled

Imagine feeling lonely as a male when females hand out emotional labor like candy.



Lady playing dress up as a dude

Tbh those are the hottest women


It truly is just unbelieveable levels of narcissism

One of the many afflictions of transcels.

See Chapo selfie thread

Literally just straight foids dressing up butch.

woke females who don't actually want to take testosterone

but what about trans people But what about this and that I understand why the LGB wants to drop the T.

Ironically some of my L and G friends want to ditch the B too. I did not know there is a massive amount of dislike for B.

The B is in a weird place tbh. A lot don’t want to be “shamed” in to being with trans people but also are not as vocal about it as L and G. Easy way to get everyone mad.

Bisexuals are the centrist of sexualities so of course everyone hates them 😞

A lot of B initially come out as L or G just to avoid hate from every side.

Wtf are you talking about lmao? Literally the opposite is true.


Dropping the T is ironically what makes most trans-cels

'how can I make this issue that affects a huge proportion of the population about me and my feelings?'

The person who wrote the tweet is also a trans woman. So she's basically hijacking an issue that could never personally affect her and making it all about her.

If we have to continuously acknowledge the tiny percentage of trans men when discussing abortion, then all the trans women should stay the fuck out of the debate since they don't have uteruses.

"Transgenders think the world revolves around them."

First of all screw you. Second of all, maybe they are vying for attention so much because their suicide rates are so high. Maybe they're vying for attention because they are rejected by their families at an alarming rate. Maybe they're vying for attention because MURDER rates are so high! Maybe, JUST MAYBE, they have a valid reason for trying to bring attention to themselves because the world certainly DOESN'T revolve around them.

Maybe you're just a bitter cis straight white male who doesn't like that the world isn't catering to your pathetic demographic anymore. Go sit on a cactus. I hope you get cancer.

lmao just don't be trans then like wtf nigga how can trans be real if gender aint real 😂😂😂

Someone I know wrote this essay on facebook. Posted it because it's relevant. I'm kind of in love with how she wishes cancer upon someone. Good for dramacoin.

Do you know what prompted her to write this?

I wish I did. It was posted as just a status. It's like she was arguing against a made up enemy that didn't exist. There's a few others on her Facebook saying "you tell'm! 👏" and supporting her rant. There's a few other statuses she's posted that have led me to believe she's batshit crazy - so obviously I have to keep her added on Facebook for research purposes.

Today she asked her Facebook friends if they think it's okay for her to donate her tithe to an organization that supports women, immigrants, and LGBTQ rights instead of her church which doesn't support LGBTQ rights. (Why is she going there again?)

Last month she asked Facebook if she should wear her pride shirt every Sunday to church in June, claiming she doesn't want to start a fight, just show you can be a Christian and "out" at the same time.

Overall, fantastic lolcow with great content. Can't wait to see what the next episode will look like. I'm getting new content everyday with her.

Is this what social justice looks like in the deep south or something? Why can't she just join a new church that supports her histrionics?

Actually she's in a rather liberal northwestern state. I think her family is super conservative and she's lesbian. But basically you're right. I feel like she almost just wants to call herself Christian while disagreeing with almost all Christian rhetoric, turning the Bible and Jesus into whatever she wants. I very often see her on Facebook telling everyone how Christians should act. She's a fascinating creature, and I can't believe she hasn't came out as an atheist yet.

You should do a write-up about her with all of the personal info removed, she sounds like a very special person

You're a very special person too, Snally.

thanks man


Me too snally, me too

"if men could pregnant abortions would be free” is a hard thing to hear when you ARE a man who can get pregnant

The nuclear apocalypse couldn't come soon enough

Please Uncle Kim. Hurry.

Of course they have some anime character as their avatar.

Does that moron not understand the character limit is in place for our health?

This but unironically, unironically

missing the first un

all those anime profile pictures

every fucking time

At this point I'm just glad they're not furry profile pics

That Julie one is just a straight up 50year old dude with a wig on

Lmao I saw his profile pic and couldn't believe it. Just straight up a dude in a wig.

Uhhh that’s real femininity sweaty

i have a book coming out

Every fucking time.

when you ARE a man who can get pregnant

2019 everyone


"I AM a man"

Women's rights were the greatest mistake aside from not Islamisizing Europe.

If men could produce children without women the population would triple, imagine if you could just shit out your own family dynasty, a tribe of loyal friends and servants to pool your resources with to rule the world.

pregmancy its like pregnancy but just for the fellas

Women literally wouldn't exist.

“Be careful about what you say online, because some people are so delicate they will literally kill themselves over strangers tweets.”

What is it with trannies and anime avatars?


aren't transmen unable to get pregnant anyways because of hormones and shit?

as a man, why would you even entertain the idea of getting pregnant?

it's almost like this transgender garbage is only used when it's convenient for these fucking people.

top reply is a transman with a yaoi picture, who writes yaoi smut and who presents feminine without being on HRT, who is concerned about being able to get pregnant, something most transmen fear

"He" is also into men exclusively

Man these stereotypes have to come from somewhere I guess. 10 bucks says he thinks you don't need dysphoria to be trans and got deeply involved in trans culture through tumblr.

In other words, 10 bucks that he's actually a she who is literally a textbook transtrender.