Ben “Starting A War To Kill Six Million More” Garrison’s newest artistic/autistic triumph.

193  2019-05-16 by Ghdust2


Being right wing is a mental illness


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i am confused, what is the significance of 5'11

5”11 is “King of the Manlets” tier.

So is being a r/drama mod

So true


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That's a chicken and egg scenario


This 👏 But 👏 Unironically 👏

being right wing and pro trump is like having HIV and AIDS.

There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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if that's supposed to be commie mommy on the left, ol Ben is deliberately trying to keep us from appreciating those puerto rican milkers

I'm pretty sure that's Lisa Page and Peter Strzok

I heard today that CNN is at its lowest viewship ever, yet people never stop talking about it like its not.

I think you are part of some sort of boomer conspiracy to make CNN relevant.

Any non-dipshit is going to be flipping back and forth between the major news stations in order to build an accurate picture of whats happening. Every day I listen to the Ben Shapiro podcast then st night I try to watch Vice News on HBO. You should try drinking from different piss troughs throughout the day.

What is this fever dream in comic form even supposed to mean

attorney general Barr finna dab on the dumbocrats for spying on daddy's campaign

Ahh good old Ben "Beaner Cranium Cleaner" Garrison

This is like the most obvious metaphor possible.

My fentanyl intake prohibits me from understanding anything that's not explicitly labeled

That's what all the labels are for.

Wasnt the dossier basically proven true ages back? i thought the whole fake drama around it was that it came from russian sources which is bad and treason when the dems do it.

I cant follow boomer conspiracies very well.


Source for this incredibly retarded pasta take? I'm assuming Chapo or r/politics?

The source is every time i ask the only response i get is "pee tapes lmao" yeah the pissgate was never proven but it was never disproved everything else in the dossier turned out to be true or never disproven.

Its not like pissgate is even unbelievable, he didnt get them to piss on him just a bed obama slept in, whats not believable about that, that Trump doesnt hire whores lol?

Trump is a known germaphobe only the biggest galaxy brain hot take retard would believe that he slept in a pee soaked bed.

Also there's the thread on 4chan where they made most of that stuff up

Of course he didnt sleep in it, thats insane the whole thing was it was obamas bed not his.

Theres a 4chan thread for everything, sometimes its just a coincidence.

I can't tell, are you memeing or do you actually believe the dosier which was completely fabricated

See my original point:

the only response i get is "pee tapes lmao"

Galaxy brain apparently. Just say no to zoomers

so you have literally nothing more than: "pee tapes lmao"

And yet im the galaxy brain because i actually read shit than going off dumb reddit headlines.

Imagine being this retarded

Imagine seriousposting about the dossier when you only know about the "pee tapes"

Pasta source for this Galaxy brain shitpost?

Wasnt the dossier basically proven true ages back?


i thought the whole fake drama around it was that it used russian sources which is bad and treason when the dems do it But if its totally fake then why do they keep talking about how its treason im so confused

Buying fake intelligence from an enemy state, using it to spy on your political opponent, then leveraging that to try and depose the president could probably be considered treason

Yeah it's better to be literally too stupid to commit treason 😂😂😂


They have confirmed the piss hookers though.

Hopefully the urine was potent enough to cover up the stench of the Obamas

They have confirmed the piss hookers though.

Really ? I need a source for that one because that sound incredibly hilarious.

Weiner texted me to confirm.

Also texted me his cock.


hot tbh

CMV: Chapo should endorse Anthony Wiener because he posted hog.

They haven't confirmed anything

Buying fake intelligence from an enemy state, using it to spy on your political opponent


So Trump then, got it.

Imagine being so boomerpilled that you buy email-chain-tier fake intelligence off the Russians.

trump-pee-pee-tape.rm.exe 16kb

Get this serious politics role play shit out of here.

I want to add, this post isn't drama. 😴😴😴

not often people remember to upvote the lolcow

Hillary funds the DNC, which de-facto runs the media. The Steel dossier was opposition research on behalf of the DNC through Fusion GPS.

She's at the center of anti-Trumpism so naturally, she is the person of interest.

They look like they have ahegao faces and orgasming very hard

Mmmm look at those labels. You can smell the delusion.

This is unironically one of Ben’s better ones

I laughed at the Barr tab

That's the most clever thing he's ever published

I'm just glad he's sticking with his roots and keeping labels on everything

The Trump dartboard with all the missed shots is the subtlest thing he's ever done.

I fucking love that his Fentanyl clouded mind couldn't think of a drink to go with Abuse of Power 'err I've got w-wine, whiskey, vodka, and brandy I'm shit out of ideas'.

Garrison doesn’t know how to draw a drunk face so instead he just draws an “I’m cumming” face and expects nobody to notice?

H Dawg’s o face or cumming face is literally my kink now

Not trying to defend The Garrison's art style but I think that's supposed to be a sobbing face, not a "drunk face".

Say what you will, it was fun watching Comey and Brennan go "no, you" at each this week.

Lol why does he keep drawing Obama, hasn't he more or less stayed out of the news

Boomers really hate him so people like ol Ben here use him as fan service

Obama would have known about the spying

Bitch what spying

The US government tapped Trump's wires during the 2016 presidential campaign

They also used the microwave to spy on him lmao

They wiretapped the holes in his brain

Does Trump know how to operate a microwave, or does he get the best Mexicans to make his foods?


tapped Trump's wires

Are you sure you aren't getting this from a wet dream?

Are you sure that arrrrdrama won't be as moist as the last towelette when your world wrestling hall of famer (and 45th president) wins again?

Ofc we'll be moist, my last dream was about "tapping Trump's wires" in the oval office 😉

"tapping Trump's wires" on orders approved from the oval office 😉

It's illegal to listen to Trump when he incriminates himself, it's in the constitution.

Hiring white ((British)) foreign nationals to interfere in America's presidential elections is OK

Being tempted by slavs is illegal, its in the constitution.

Obama and Hillary are stand ins for the DNC. It's a metaphor, like if he was going to try and convey the idea that people like us were doing something he'd draw Allah mixed with a pitbull stomping on a jar of mayo and we'd all know what he was trying to say.

Because he's in there rent free

BaRAT Obama

Smh he got so close to BRRAAAAAPPPP. One day Ben. One day.

I do like the "It's Mueller Time" sign

She's got an earring shoe! The madman!

Garrison is a genius, and of course by genius I mean the sense of humor of a developmentally disabled 13 year old. Decent artist though.

  1. No Hilldawg's big booty

  2. No commie mommy

  3. No Kamala the cop's milkers
