G-d I wish i could lick those perfectly smooth legges

13  2019-05-16 by Sea_Safe


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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foids getting mad

What's new?

To be fair most of those responses were jokes and the ones unironically complaining had like four likes. A lot of "news" media loves to blow small issues like this way out of proportion.

Not all that dissimilar to r/Drama

as ever, hoes mad

I'm surprised she doesn't just wax tbh

Ive seen like 5 completely normal women with hairy legs this year, I hope this isnt a new thing.

Do you live in Austin?

Seriously, I'm grateful I dont live in some liberal shithole, I've seen exactly 0 women with hair legs this year.

Have you left the house tho?

Yeah all the real smoothskin hotties are in small towns like Topeka and Boise, not liberal shitholes like New York or LA.

I'm planning on moving there. Should I not? What's the šŸµ ?

I mean if youā€™re in a good industry go for the job. But Austin is where people from the PNW move when they decide itā€™s gotten to crowded in their neck of the woods.

So aside from your usual middle America fats you have your ā€œredefine femininityā€ fats that donā€™t shave their legs + ā€œEverything is better in Californiaā€ people.

You might get a good story and connections out of it but I wouldnā€™t buy a house.

I'm from the midwest and trying to avoid the PNW due to libtards. Austin seems like a good balance between libtards and regular ameritards

5 completely normal women disgusting foids with hairy legs

At press time, 843,140 people had weighed in: 20 percent donā€™t wash their legs. Indeed, some said they prefer a trickle-down effect, where soap runs down the body in the shower, making it unnecessary to pay attention to the legs directly.

20% are too fat to bend over šŸ˜„

but seriously who never washes their fucking legs? šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

You answered your own question. I could completely believe that 20% of Americans are too fat to bend over and wash their own legs.

Hell, 20% is probably a low estimate

You gotta lather that whole bod then rinse off, and pay special attention to problem areas


"Iā€™m offended that Taylor Swift shaves her legs everyday,ā€ writes one.

Pack it up