Whitepeopletwitter mods lock thread because too many people point out the flaws in the tweet.

42  2019-05-16 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Why doesnโ€™t drama do a verification to tag mayos/non mayos ๐Ÿค”. BPT is actually pretty damn based. Of course most of those their country club users are mayos that just found photos of black people online that arenโ€™t reverse searchable, or snapped a shot at the gym of a black person. But if you put in that effort to pretend to be black online props

tag mayos and ban them

this sub has been automatically banned for removing all mods

Wait hol up

I think comedicsans is a burrito American ๐Ÿค”. But other than that, pretty much.

Yeah its just a joke but its over 80% probably

The mod team is exactly 99.94871794% Mayo and thatโ€™s even taking out goys!

thought he didn't even live in america, aint he from australia or some shit

He's a Kiwifag.

I didn't know we had our own Tarrantino.

Idk if he likes feet

I meant a disciple of Tarrant reeee

Oh lol

Fiverr is racial reparations

Me be slut, me kill baby so me can be slut again. Alabama BAD. Me not allowed to be slut no more

yes because being raped means you're a slut.

It is in the eyes of Allah most high ๐Ÿ•Œโ˜ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•‹

They're lucky were not stoning them


Rape rape rape!

Let's make all laws based on outlier events. All alcohol and drugs are no illegal because drunk drivers crash and hurt people

Because apparently you can't just put in an exemption for rape?

Because apparently you can't just put in an exemption for rape?

Things have degrees and shades to them; the drunk drivers example you gave is absurd, but people being forced to carry their rapist's children to term is an abomination.

Plan B exists. If you get raped you go to the emergency room and they do a rape kit on you and give you plan B. Rape abortions are less than 1% of all abortions.

Using rape as an example is way more absurd than drunk driving, as drunk driving proportionally affects way more people than rape.

No exemptions are for the law to make moral and logical sense. If you say abortion is murder, there can be no exceptions. If you kill your rapist you are still charged with manslaughter

If you get raped you go to the emergency room and they do a rape kit on you and give you plan B.

Yes because it never occurs that a rape isn't reported soon enough for a plan B.

Using rape as an example is way more absurd than drunk driving, as drunk driving proportionally affects way more people than rape.

However, a ban on alcohol has a large effect on people other than drunk drivers, while allowing rape abortions has literally 0 side effects.

No exemptions are for the law to make moral and logical sense. If you say abortion is murder, there can be no exceptions.

Although less internally morally consistent, a similar law with a rape exception would be morally better due to not forcing people to carry their rapist's child to term.

Yes because it never occurs that a rape isn't reported soon enough for a plan B.

Ah great, more technicalities and even rarer outlier events for us to cater national laws to!

Although less internally morally consistent, a similar law with a rape exception would be morally better due to not forcing people to carry their rapist's child to term.

Suffering a traumatic event doesn't give you the right to kill.

This is all a red herring anyway. Again, less than 1% of abortions are because of rape.

Again, less than 1% of abortions are because of rape.

And there are hundreds of thousands of abortions carried out per year. 1% is still thousands of cases a year.

Ah great, more technicalities and even rarer outlier events for us to cater national laws to!

When modifying the law to include such cases takes no effort, yes, I support doing so if it prevents people from having to carry their rapist's child to term.

Suffering a traumatic event doesn't give you the right to kill.

A fetus, up to a certain age, does not have the same rights as a human being; killing it is not murder and justifiable.

After all, it's the child of a rapist.

The reason to abort the fetus of a rapist is due to the emotional trauma carrying it causes.

Before you ask how a specific term limit is set at which it instantly becomes a person, there is no specific such age.

However, it is still possible to say whether a fetus is a person at certain ages, with the certainty changing depending on how close the age is to either extreme. So someone can say that a fetus is certainly not a person at 1 week of age, but certainly a person 1 week before birth.

There are edge cases where it becomes difficult to come a definitive decision regarding whether a fetus is a person. Fortunately, this has a simple solution.

An age is chosen such that all fetuses below it are definitely not people, with no ambiguity. Fetuses above that age are treated as people and not abortable, even if depending on the age they are not.

This has the effect of resolving all ages for which personhood is uncertain as non-abortable, preventing murder.

It is like the paradox of the heap; you can say that 2 sticks is not a heap, and that 5 sticks is a heap. But is 3 or 4 sticks a heap? Is there a certain number of sticks at which heap-ness is decided? You set the limit of heap-ness at 2 to stop heaps from being labelled as non-heaps and aborted.

Let me ask you this? Do. You. Want. More. Poor. People? Because outlawing abortion means more poors get born.

I rather American poors than constant "we hav 2 many unfilled jerbs and not enouff ppl so we need 2 import all these third worlders"

Real AmericaTM needs population growth, in case the Dems ever succeed at abolishing electoral college.

Sounds like we've got a Libertarian in here.

I'm gonna take the other extreme and say that I am totally straight and am attracted to women in my age group.


Imagine wanting to be raised by a thot foid tho. Just garrote once I'm out of the womb honestly

You mean 90% of black people

Yes, if anything Alabama is just based accelerationists for the mayocide

Babies don't stop women from being sluts

You are a retard. That is all.

Found the salty slut ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†

jesus why do you people like people larping as niggers so much

> Who cares about facts, people just up vote shit that makes them feel outraged

t. Dramanaut

Ive seen the poll numbers for pro-life women being more like 50%, but yah, that little factoid tends to rile people up

it's easier to claim the abortion debate is a gender war than realize most of it is intra-gender thot patrolling.

Patrolling is the only legitimate economic strategy when sex and youth are your only virtues.

A lot of women realized that all these Thots devalue their social worth and leverage by giving sex for free.

Local Woman Insults Local Woman, Police Hunting for Local Man to Take Blame. More news and weather at 11.


links to bpt

Haha i get it

Dont drag my nigga leorio into this

It's funny how this guy is a Democratic state representative in Alabama. I think everyone from that state might be stupid

It's funny how it's always the states with the highest black population that people write off this way. I think it's time to acknowledge that generalizing southerners as stupid is a racist dogwhistle.

No, we want the revolution to not require guns. It's 2019, and for the last 200+ years we've been running on the principal that changing your government can and should happen peacefully. It's usually the people resisting change that fall back on violence to stop it.

what a dumb fucking take

200+ years? The 19th and 20th centuries have probably had more violent revolutions/rebellions than any others?

Ah yes the very peaceful period that included 2 World Wars, countless mass genocides, revolutions and extensive destruction of the environment.

Uncle Ted was right ๐Ÿ’ฃ

You doubted him? ๐Ÿ™„

We're all weak at times

Hunter X Hunter sucks.

1/10 known pregnancies result in miscarriage. It could be argued that most women have miscarriages.

Foids are not good at math