A new study indicates transgender men and women have a higher risk of heart attack – more than four times in some instances – than people who identify as the gender with which they were born.
I didn't know coming out involves butchering your typing and changing your Twitter feed, most likely to something cancer (suuuper queer on twitter = retweeting exceptional individuals).
1 SnapshillBot 2019-05-16
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 WarSanchez 2019-05-16
1 WarSanchez 2019-05-16
This is what gayming has done to the modern western male.
Gayming is a sin.
1 FoidBlaster 2019-05-16
You forgot these types.
1 WarSanchez 2019-05-16
They were the failed experiments before this success.
1 serialflamingo 2019-05-16
Looks like a marginal improvement tbh.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-05-16
Less risk of a heart attack. That’s something.
1 WiggityWatchinNews 2019-05-16
Higher risk of prostate cancer tho
1 ashleychudd 2019-05-16
Keep your heart safe, but end up keeping yourself safe.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-05-16
1 atmpls 2019-05-16
1 PunishedDramaFag 2019-05-16
They have a better jaw than Johnny Cage.
1 lewds28 2019-05-16
IDK what would kill him first, the beetus or trannycide
1 Richard__Mongler 2019-05-16
Anybody losing that much weight is showing an improvement
1 Woolgun 2019-05-16
I didn't know coming out involves butchering your typing and changing your Twitter feed, most likely to something cancer (suuuper queer on twitter = retweeting exceptional individuals).
Gj with the weight loss though I guess.
1 Happypumkin 2019-05-16
Probably because the k spelling is referencing mortal Kombat
1 Woolgun 2019-05-16
Fair enough, I'm too retarded to know that :(
1 Happypumkin 2019-05-16
Aren't we all
1 MoistLanguage 2019-05-16
Semblance is uncanny
It's ma'am motherfucker! I need your corporate number
1 Dungold 2019-05-16
This guy lived 20 something years as a fat neckbeard gaymer and we are supposed to believe they've "always been a woman"?
1 Drama_banned_me 2019-05-16
Little overboard with the weight loss. You don't need to cut off body parts to lose weight besides a penis cant weight that much.