/Leftypol/ is on full COPE over the eventual ban of Chapo. All Liberals are "fascists", as the Tankies SEETHE.

84  2019-05-16 by GodOfDarknessWine


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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"It's all Over Now, Baby Blue" by Bob Dylan on repeat when Chapo finally gets banned.

Not "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty

šŸššŸššŸš imagine šŸššŸššŸš

How about "Baby Blue" by Badfinger?

Nope, it's gotta be Free Falling, followed by "Bottom of the Ocean" by Miley Cyrus


Like royal drama was more fun when it could get people killed let's have that back

Yea just why

The graph "Civil Rights are Essential" on the authors' page is absolute horseshit. Support for civil rights is below 30% for Centrists, and the far right showing more support?! Absolute horseshit, either the research is flawed or a lot of people wrongly identified themselves as centrists.

lol this is peak feels over reals

"this data doesnt support my preconceived beliefs, it must be wrong!"

It's not that at all, do you seriously believe support for civil rights is lower among centrists than the fucking far right?

thats what the data says, sweaty. facts dont care about your feelings

The only explanation I have for it is that a lot of respondents wrongly identified themselves as centrists.

"am i out of touch? no, it's the respondents who are wrong"

It has to be šŸ˜…

If the data said to jump off a bridge would you do it?

facts don't care about my feelings

It's just a graph without any citations lol

Lol, he literally cuts out 10% of the sample because they didn't self-place themselves. This is retarded, because a voter who doesn't know his alignment can still vote and be a part of the centrist voter bloc.

And look at figure 5. At first it looks like the center most strongly supports authoritarian figures, but after he does his number magic:

In Table 2, I regress all ratings in the

EVS on the left-right placement. Findings suggest that the only group with higher support is the far-right.

I wonder why he doesn't do that with all his graphs. šŸ¤”

"...choosing a leader...is an essential something something too lazy to type the whole thing"


There's your issue, in addition to all the others previously mentioned. Bad question.

You see, choosing "a leader" instead of "a party" or "a representative" smells like authocracy and personality cult to me, which is something the far-left and the far-right like the most. The best part is, both of them think their dream genocidal authocrat daddy will be chosen democratically, cause naturally their cause and methods are so obviously the most correct ones!

Like, ask a stalinist or a nazi if they support democratic elections and see the hypocrisy.


Sorry sweaty FACTS and LOGIC don't care about your feelings

I am going to piss down your throat.

If there only was a statistical way of combination prior knowledge about subject with data, to obtain some sort of posterior understanding.

I don't know, like bayesian statistics? šŸ¤”

i dont speak virgin sorry

t. pround brainlet šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

You can make a survey that concludes half of americans think the earth is flat. A vast majority of people aren't politically active and don't care about the questions they're answering. Questionnaires never have and never will mean anything

Those who vote decide nothing, those who count the vote decide everything. - Purge Daddy

Honestly, I'm undecided on the value of elections.

Restored Jacobite Monarchy when? šŸ˜³

I prefer the Vilayat-e-Faqih

Oh. Ok. šŸ˜”

Never, Cumberland was a hero.

Eh thats a pretty shitty question though because like in NZ the PM doesnt matter nearly as much as the party in power and often they can swap around mid term.

Elections are a good way for morons in the middle of a moral panic to override Constitutional protections and vote in awful shit.

Which is the ultimate outcome of the idiotic panic the American left has over drumpf and the Republican Party.

We're only freaking out because Daddy's retardation keeps breaking everything šŸ˜¤

I'm just mad he hasn't broken what he and others claimed he would. Get on with it Daddy.

If he'd broken the drug companies or something I'd unironically cheer him on but he keeps breaking important shit like the State Department and the EPA.

Most drug companies, especially generic) are good though.

Most drug companies, especially generic, are good though.

Yeah but if didn't want to get into the nuance cause dude bussy lmao.

Also the EPA could use some breaking.


The truly EPA has a ludicrous amount of useless and burdensome regulation. Much of their regulation is made without regards to practicality and some of it is made without regards to reality.

Oh no doubt but Daddy's peeps are just like, "yolo get fucked environment lmao šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘" and that's no bueno.

Yeah. The only really good thing I think Trump's Administration has done was roll back a lot of some of the really bad Obama Era policies, like some of the Title IX and some of the bad EPA regulations.

Ammo fetishist detected.

Why must you cling to your metal penis proxies so?

I thought l*ftoids were supposed to be pro-gun?

I mostly am, ammosexualism disgusts me though.


r u ok?

What's the problem, though? Guns are not only mechanically fascinating, but a lot of fun to play with, as well.

A nice oily barrel really stimulates the prostate.

based and monarchist pilled.

Certainly the right to vote is something you should earn. I don't mean lets all go full Starship Troopers. A fucking exam.would be good.

Wow that headline and that question are not the same thing at all.

Why do you have to have a "leader" in a true democracy? Isn't centralised power completely antithetical to a "true" democracy? The United States is a Republic, not a democracy. No large country on earth is a true democracy. All this tells me is that centrists are the only ones who know what the fuck a democracy even is.

And here I thought regular pol was the most retarded board

Double the chan, double the chromosomes.

unironically both sides

Did you ever consider that

Both sides are nazis

what if the real fascists were the friends we killed along the way

It's not a coincidence that "friend" and "Nazi" are almost identical words

nigga 50% of that thread is people shitting on reddit and 50% of it is people falling for that one "I used to be a Marxist until I realised rich people weren't bad" bait.

So that's what leftypol looks like?

How is that righty memes vs lefty memes smugball image right so often, it's scary

Iā€™m legit afraid browsing infinity chan will put me in a list lol. Besides, 4chan /tv/ is still wya better.

Do people not know regular pol has lefties?

Leftists are snooooooooze

>linking 8ch on reddit

Bold move

me clicking it at work

it's over

The dumbest commie talking point is that liberals will always side with fascists. "Scratch a liberal and you will see a fascist underneath" or whatever dumb shit they say. They conveniently leave out the time that the liberal west teamed up with the Soviet commies to stomp out the fascists in Germany. Literal retards over there.

the fascists were only able to seize power in the first place because the moderate parties in germany chose to work with them over the communists

I am not denying that. Its called nuance. Both of those things can be true. Making a blanket statement like liberals are fascists in disguise is retarded.

Didn't the communist parties do that as well? Forcing the Soviets to consider their options as a state with a capital S.

Well maybe the commies should work on being less insufferable. and get better fashion sense.

Is the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact proof that commies are allies with fascists then?

the ussr wasnt communist

And German communists were? The communist parties who allied with the Weimar Republic? šŸ˜‚

yes. try to keep up, sweaty

I think I'm all caught up actually.

Commies + Libbies + Success = Fascism

Commies + Libbies + Failure = Communism

The moderate parties in Germany were actually Communists then. Checkmate.

the fascists were only able to seize power in the first place because the moderate parties in germany chose to work with them over the communists


The Wall Street Crash of 1929 heralded worldwide economic disaster. The Nazis and the Communists made great gains at the 1930 Election.[44] Both the Nazis and Communists between them secured almost 40% of Reichstag seats, which required the moderate parties to consider negotiations with anti-democrats.[45] "The Communists", wrote Bullock, "openly announced that they would prefer to see the Nazis in power rather than lift a finger to save the republic".[46]

The Communists meanwhile were engaging in violent clashes with Nazis on the streets, but Moscow had directed the Communist Party to prioritise destruction of the Social Democrats, seeing more danger in them as a rival for the loyalty of the working class.

The Comintern described all moderate left-wing parties as "social fascists", and urged the Communists to devote their energies to the destruction of the moderate left. As a result, the KPD, following orders from Moscow, rejected overtures from the Social Democrats to form a political alliance against the NSDAP.

But the commies then worked with the fascists after the invasion of Poland, so they're still hypocrites.

Especially since it was the commies and far leftists who were voting for Trump to punish the DNC for not anointing St Bernard and throwing out the vot of black democrats.

all liberals are fascists tho

wtf i love liberals now