SAT Adversity Score: College Board will use SAT exam to give students "adversity score" in bid to level playing field

139  2019-05-16 by jko831


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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Let's find more ways to shove mediocre students into highly competitive colleges. Surely it will work this time and they won't blow their brains out due to the stress.

Obviously the teenager with parents who make a combined 150k+ a year is gonna have a better education than the kid who grew up eating ice sandwiches. That's common fucking knowledge, but the SATs really do not need to include this. For one thing, the tests themselves are not difficult at all. Not only that, but there is a reason that universities require a personal essay be submitted with grades and test scores. If you get average results but have some extenuating circumstances (general poverty, parental abandonment/death, etc) and can write a decent essay about it then your odds of getting into a good university are pretty high.

Exactly. This does not address the root problem at all. It will most likely result in some students getting into demanding colleges only for them to struggle with their education there.

ironic or serious?


Don't you think adding this score to SATs can result in below average students getting into colleges that are above their qualifications?

Legacy admissions and bribery like in Operation: Varsity Blues are worse to be honest since they don't even need a baseline.

Which is funny since wh*te people are the worst culprits. Really activates the almonds....

I agree.

then why are you dog-whistling like a mother trucker then?

Wot? What dog-whistling? I just said it could result in below average students getting into demanding colleges only for them to struggle.

You are not a good person





you got dabbed on by zozbot. now you know you dun goofed

Shut up nerd

College is already full of morons, they will do fine

I went to a state school, thought i was mildly smart (sat of 1200ish) and my god i was like one of the smartest in my entire class

College meme for the masses is a mistake


I know.

You ask this in a world where Trump went to an Ivy?

No this is a real problem. Dum dums get into college via affirmative action and then go into crippling debt with no degree because they suck. Since AA only GETS you in, you will undoubtedly will be near the bottom of the class.

Is there a statistic of longitudinal GPA's for Affirmative Action recipients?

Rich white people bribe their kids in, bribe the test proctors, but somehow these students are more worthy?

You dumbass pea brain tard with room temperature IQ really needs this to be answered?



And yes the rich mayo can graduate just fine even with low GPA, they get to say that they graduate from top ivy league, and then they will just inherit their parent's business. THAT'S HOW THIS WORKS FOR THE RICH.

howdy cowboy šŸ¤  . How you doing?

shut yo ass up with "LOngItUDiNAl sTudY" if you can't even use your pea brain to imagine how rich mayo will try to cheat in college

Debt of over 40k cel detected lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Lmao shut up and stop being poor

Lmao, I'm the one being paid for assignment completion, easy summer money

Poor people don't have to pay to go to Ivies. Harvard is even free for student with household income of $65K, which is right around median income.

Poor people are animals and have rightly been treated that way since the beginning of human civlization (i.e. in Africa, not your white bullshit)

I literally did analytics on graduation rate and pre college factors like gpa and act scores are HUGE predictors of whether or not a student will graduate on time or graduate at all. I didnā€™t have race variables but still.

post study

Lol that would dox me but essentially the university I studied has a ā€œwholisticā€ admission policy where they will admit students who have under the minimum ACT score needed for admission if they are minorities or other shit and people who had the min act score or 1-2 points higher (a bucket) graduated 54% of the time and people below (another bucket) graduated like 23% of the time. Not to say the graduation rate in general was fucking piss poor lol.

Those graduation rates

Were you studying Bubbatucky Community College?

Go look up graduation rates for state universities. They are all terrible. Big schools like you get out what you put in. And a lot of people put literally nothing in lol.

I guess I went to nerd school because almost everyone graduated in 4 yrs

State universities have a lot of different people. Some are incredibly smart. Others shouldnā€™t have even graduated high school.

Then stop the white kids from bribing their way in. The thing you are rightfully complaining about is completely different from padding poor kids' SAT scores.

The kids arenā€™t bribing, itā€™s their parents who do it.

Fucking duh dude

theres no difference between bribing your way in and blacking your way in

Are you too fucking stupid to tell or what?

But the reason they get a good education is they're more likely to use it properly. A hoodrat or Kentucky white trash isn't gonna do anything with a Harvard education lol

you don't believe that somebody who manages to dodge drugs and poverty to the point where they get into one of the best schools in the world don't have the drive to do well? what happened to the American Dream??

how much do you charge an hour to babysit the elderly when they smoke weed for the first time?

$420.69/hr xDDDDD

no seriously. my mom is going to oregon alone next month and is going to do marijuana for the first time and you come across as trust worthy

is she going just to get high?

Sheā€™s going for her last industry convention and took a cue from ā€œLittle Miss Sunshineā€ and decided she wants to try it before she dies

It sounds like she's just trying to live it up the best she can. Does she have anyone who can go with her?

I wouldnā€™t offer an online stranger 60$ and a bag of stale Reeseā€™s Easter Eggs cups to tripsit her if she did


Maybe you could direct her to a meetup group for older women of some sort. The good news is that Portland is pretty safe unless you actively try and get involved with the less savory elements

It's over American Dream-cels.

I mean if they actually do get in, sure, but i'm justifying why more 150k+s get in lol. if you get in despite that then you prove your worth

if the requirement to get into the best school is having a pulse?

god i love the hysterics invoked whenever school admissions are discussed

The sat is hard I got a 900

No it's not I got a 1500

Imagine losing to BasicallyADoctor on SAT

I got a 2300 because of the retarded ass writing section.

I'm still MAD

I'm a zoomer and they put it out of 1600 now

I'm also a zoomer, I was the last year on the 2400 scale.

I'm still SEETHING

I got an 800 on writing and a 700 on math I ainā€™t no nerd

I got 800 math 790 reading, 710 writing.

I fucked up some of the vocab and I didn't take my writing seriously which fucked me.

2320 and got fucked on writing too. You just reminded me that I'm still salty about shit from 15 years ago

2300 gang reporting in

2300 boys šŸ˜Ž


2310, but I'm Azn so that's probably below average.

Of course an asian likes Stirner

His values are appealing overall to overseas huaqiao due to the overt rejection of the traditional Confucian-derived Asian norms.

I do not like Stirner because I'm not a retarded bitch boy, however it's only retarded to like Stirner if you're wh*te

I read Kierkegaard like a real man.

Kierkegaard primarily deals with religious existentialism rather than a materialistic one.

I know, which is why I prefer him.

He's just more fun, also happy cake day fgt

Wait did I set my bday to today? WTF.

900? Are you retarded?

I had a 900 on SAT and a 28 on the ACT. I didn't prep for either of them. There is a reason people just retake it if they get a shitty score.

But why should it be the studentā€™s job to write the essay? We are better off if society does it.

A better solution would be to address how shit education is before tertiary level studies, especially for calculus, the senior courses of which were originally intended for ages 12-14.

Only a company as retardedly greedy as College Board would think the solution would be to quantify the victimhood Olympics. Jesus.

People are going to game this as much as the rest of the test.

Indeed, this shit will backfire.

My 6% Injun heritage is gonna come in real handy for the extra few points I need to get into Idaho State Community COllege

It's over for Boise State Bronco-cels

I have a big ass nose, jewish heritage here I come.

Sorry but being white, jewish or asian is a -50 on this.

This is unironically how I got into art school in the USA lmao

post art

post child

post art!

Sally don't bully artists!

For a second I thought you said "don't bully autists" and was sad.

Can you draw us a pic of Lawlz getting fucked by his dog?

Jordan Peterson tried to warn us. We didn't listen!

Yeah but that's almost cos the man just sounds like he's making shit up half the time

He does, but the clowns in charge also make shit up all the time so it matches now and then.

This (Adversity Score) is the most American thing Ive ever read.

All you have to do is rent a decent house in a really bad census tract for one year. It's a fucking joke.

The children of serfs need no education.

Unironically good.

Ne1 who takes the sat is a nerd anyways. I got my 45 on the asvab and got going with real life.

45? Are you retarded?

what sub do you think you're in

Lol 45 šŸ¤£ Oohrah ya fuckin boot

Itā€™s going to drive people nuts when a bunch of honkys from the redneck south qualify for high adversity rates

Is this policy colour blind ?


Based on the metrics in the article, it should in theory be color blind. They have no explicitly race-based categories, although things like English being a second language or having a single parent may end up skewing toward certain demographics. The poverty stuff should be color blind though.

Huh, thanks for this I didn't read the article.

English being a second language

Imagine the drama if a Cajun who speaks fluent French uses this line, gets accepted and is discovered šŸ˜.

Or Amish speaking their germspeak

Thatā€™s how I feel. Iā€™m from a redneck ass poor rural southern school and Iā€™d fucking ace the adversity section. Wokecels would not be happy. I feel like they hate acknowledging disadvantaged whites.

My school/town was:

ā€¢high crime

ā€¢low income (median household of $19,000)

ā€¢76% free lunch

ā€¢2 AP classes offered (less than 5% of students passed them)

Only the upper middle class wokecels who work as """"journalists"""" or bankers don't care about white failures like yourself. People actually into helping poorcels also care about the mayoid race, no matter its inherent inferiority to other races.

Wokecels at my elite university were confused AF that poor white people exist. I think itā€™s cause honestly most wokecels are mayo foids from rich suburbs.

imagine caring about anything lmao

I care about the drama. What is life without the emotions?

Thatā€™s why I support communism. Not because I think it is economically better or because it achieves any kind of equality, but because I think relatively rich western people have become complacent and comfortable and weak. They have never really starved or thirsted for anything.

I support communism because I think people need to learn the absolute depths of human suffering and misery, and in doing so, become strong again.

I mean look at Russians. Sure, people may call them stupid, but never weak.

Wokecels consider poor white people to be even bigger failures, because they view being white as a have a great life card.

Being poor and white is looked at as a personal failure, being poor and anyone else is a societal one.

I work in finance and don't care about poor people of any type though

only back office mongoloids brag about their epic finance job on the tmz equivalent of reddit. quiet thyself

Only time I'd mention it is when it specifically would piss large numbers of people off šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

Don't be mad you're poor, learn to code

t. risk analyst intern in pittsburgh, pa

I bet you are a basic bitch who works as a financial advisor at your local bank branch and not a chad private advisor for high income clients at a half decent place like BNY or Credit Suisse. You know what, you and your basic bitch ETF beeps disgust me, get the fuck out of my sub.

I work in data science for a major bank in London but ok!

Got you, thanks.

but you're a mayo

Oof imagine admitting being both white and broke. I understand why you're here now

Ngl, you got me

Hope things are better now though. I grew up in West Africa so Iā€™ve seen my share of shitholes

Why didn't your parents just get a better job? If i had a shitty job i would ask my family to connect me with a better one. It doesn't even need to be a fancy job, something like financial analysts for private wealth clients or international money management at your local financial center (Merryl Lynch, Wells Fargo, your personal choice) would be fine, it's your fault for not knocking on doors to be honest.

Crackers and niggers are the same. Cmv.

It will be abused by rich black kids like Dr Dreā€™s daughter and very few people in actual poverty will actually receive benefit.



Isn't the point just to limit whites, jews and asians?


I'm a minority and I am sick and tired of this crap. I never qualify for scholarships because my hardworking family work overtime and/or two jobs to have a household income of over 100k.

Stupid policies like these do not take that into account.

How is a rich black kid going to benefit from something that is based on income, school quality, and family situation? They live in fancy neighborhoods, go to good schools, and often have parents that stay together.

Right, once you turn 26 it doesnā€™t matter how much your parents make. Youā€™re just another nigga with no money at that point.

I'm saying that rich black kids can't really abuse this SAT affirmative action thing because it doesn't have race as a metric.

I donā€™t know what an SAT affirmative action thing is but Iā€™m telling you from experience that if you check the right box you get free money.

I donā€™t know what an SAT affirmative action thing is

I aspire to one day be such a skilled dramatard that I avoid reading even post titles before commenting

I had shoulder surgery today, go easy on me I feel like RandolphCox

Oh shit I hope they gave you the good painkillers


Because the SAT already takes race into account

No it doesn't. That's why morons bitch about it being "racist" all the time.

Yeah and your score coupled with your demographic info is what determines admission

That's not how that works. Individual colleges may take race into account in admissions, but that doesn't mean that the SAT takes race into account (it doesn't).

What im saying is all colleges take the SAT into account, and demographic info is a component of that, regardless of the diversity policies the school has

The SAT asks for demographics info for their own metrics. They publish score breakdowns by race and gender on their website.

Is that info provided to the schools with the scores as well?

It would be redudant since the schools ask for that info and even more detailed info themselves

I like how this comes on the heels of many colleges considering dropping the SAT from admissions bc of how worthless it is. Any student with braincells who puts in effort gets a good score, and the variance on the test is like 100 points (so if you retook the next day without additional studying, your score could be +-100 fucking points), plus it's predictive value is tiny. This is just a way for collegeboard to make their test relevant without having to fix the test itself. Now if a college doesn't include their bullshit SAT, they will be labeled anti-diversity or some shit. Meanwhile, the only person this will benefit is Collegeboard. Based af.

See the Coleman Report for why this is even more stupid

Assuming that the ACT doesn't do this this, is just going to make all the rich kids take the ACT instead and the SAT will be for poorfags only.

The ACT is way easier anyway. The whole ā€œscienceā€ portion of the test is basically ā€œhey can you read a graph? Heres some pointsā€

If parents will pay $1,000,000 to increase their odds, I wouldnā€™t put getting a divorce so they can claim single-parent household past then either.

First thing i thought of...what about the ACT?

Hopefully this'll make colleges not give a shit about College Board anymore.

Itā€™s gonna be funny when wokecels get called out for have a low disadvantage scale.

Tbh I think this could be quite useful for research purposes, and as much as it sounds stupid, at least it allows universities to actually assess disadvantage instead of assuming white kids are privileged and black kids arenā€™t. They can actually see the details of an individuals.

Itā€™s not like it changes your raw score, it just gives a standardized adversity assessment.

loool if you really want to patronise minorities thats how you do it

dont worry you got 35% on this test but your being black score is through the roof youre virtually wesley snipes

Imagine being asian and having parents who work their asses off to live in a good neighborhood and school only to have mayos cuck them out with an adversity score. Then cuck them further by allowing international asians in those universities despite them not knowing a single world of english because they all cheated their way through their exams.

How can parents everwhere game this option....find the mailing address of the poorest relative and use that? Go full victomhood status on your essay.

The SATS are about how smart a person is at the moment. It's kinda dumb to have an affirmative action thing implemented into it, seeing as it will lead to people not taking poor peeps SAT scores seriously.









The college board is a ā€œnonprofitā€ making over a billion dollars had a mission of providing a test to level the field to all students as they enter college. This adversity score changes that mission. The president of the college board is also the father of common core and makes more than $1.5 million a year to curve the scores based on what he feels helps out students who have not had opportunities without considering those that have simply busted their ass to score well throughout high school and the sat.

More schools are not requiring the sat.

I say we boycott the sat test and opt the ACT.

SAT no longer serve students fairly. The entire sat market will suffer and which parents are supporting that?

college board 990

LOL. This is a nation in free-fall. China is going to eat America alive in the coming decades.

that's it, I'm moving to Detroit