James Charles is back....again

65  2019-05-17 by depressedmemer1208


Jews did this


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

On point as always snappy

yike(just one)

Based fag btfos raging foids

I hate Millennials. I really do.

cancellation itself is cancelled. Iy's over for cancelcels

It began for a little while.

I am subilliterate ( would that mean less than illiterate?) Does this mean he somehow got negative subs and went back to zero? That makes no sense.... i haven't had any coffee yet....

I think he was losing subs but got enough new subs that he has broken even to where he was prior to whatever happened.

nope x axis is just the date or day and y is subs gained that day. it isn't the total subs. still in the hole by a lot

That chart shows sub gain per day.

You can see that it was around 0 (5-10k gains, followed by few days of 5-10k losses) before the whole shitshow happened, and then it went down to 1+ mil after people started unsubbing. Now he's gaining subs again, it's back in positive numbers.

The fact that so many viewers unsubbed is also a reason why the scale of the chart is so fucked it, normally it would be much more readable.

How's that possible to lose million and gain it at such shortperiod?

The memecel in me says bots, but the seriouscel is telling me it's retards

The chart shows subs gained per day, not total number of subs.
