"There were literally wars over exactly this!" "this" being Joe Rogan interviewing Alex jones. Nuclear hot takes in r/outoftheloop

53  2019-05-17 by Corporal-Hicks


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Who the fuck downvotes snappy

idk, I see it a bunch tho. I can only assume it's mongs and chapos

If Rogan is morphed into a Alt Right Nazi by these(what even are they?Adam Conover clones?) then we’re all Nazis just for even hearing the shrilly voice of Ben Shapiro.

Just hearing the words of Ben shapiro over my speakers will make anyone want to goose step down their street.

If you know about ben shapiro you're a nazi by association and you get the wall

It was amusing watching the hissy fit they threw over Adam having a friendly discussion for 3 hours.

But during a Crowder interview he fought it out over the pot debate, because he has done a ton of research on it and knows his shit.

except he fucking doesn't lol he literally used to claim that pot wasn't addictive.

he's a fucking moron.

Addiction and habit forming are similar yet different, marijuana is not physically addictive, say like nicotine is, but rather can cause a mental addiction, or habit to form.

Funnily enough, as far as I understand it, current research points towards nicotine being mainly addictive via its habit-forming property. As in, it's literally one of the chemicals used by the brain to form habits. Which is why it's super addictive despite resoundingly meh highs (that addicts don't even experience) and similarly meh withdrawal.

yeah Joe Rogan saying that he can't do literally anything unless he's high is totally not an addiction.

and him trying to get former addicts to do drugs with him because he doesn't believe in addiction is also totally smart.

what is it about joe rogan's fans that makes them all colossally fucking stupid?

You didnt make enough specific distinctions between physical and psychological addiction so i downvoted the post.

Plus you probably dont know what rogan thinks on the matter and youre doing the same thing that annoying people do which is misrepresent people more famous than you, because reasons or something

you're a dumb fag.





Rogan has no real political views besides “dude weed lmao” change my mind

I dunno, he ripped apart that adam guy over trans athletes the other day. You gotta be retarded if you make joe rogan look like a genius

He routinely lets people talk for hours about the earth being flat but trans-athletes is too stupid for even him.

That adam ruins everything guy is the distillation of all blue hair takes and buzz feed journalism wrapped in a neat pudgy low T mayo package

His show is this image in tv form.

His show is actually pretty good. You just have take his blue checkmark bias into things before believing anything

His show is actually pretty good


You forgot DMT, Elk meat, working out how strong chimps are.

He personally claims to be left leaning, but he has too much money to ever need to be invested in politics.

"I'm rich, oh, I don't gotta vote" - Young Thug

That's a pretty good description.

Too many hobbies to care about politics.

change my mind


What about dude (other drug) lmao

A well-known iron-cross-wearing, Hitler-book-clutching, pedophile supporter, islamophobic, misogynistic, paradoxically homophobic gay christian with jewish ascent but antisemitic nazi passwords, friend of Richard Spencer and his arm-raising ilk who was one of the most important promoters of the fascist far right just a few years ago? Yep, he's a nazi. He's been in many places he shouldn't have, and Rogan's podcast is one of them.

Wtf I love milo now

I love anyone that triggers the leftoid mental illness and by doing so delivers drama.

Is this the true radical centrism I see?

Milo is a bussy blasting, BBC loving, shit stirring faggot of the highest order. He's practically a living mascot for this sub. It was sad watching /r/drama throw him under the bus because the "totally-not-Chapos" here wanted to do some acceptable gay bashing. Very, VERY sad.

Didn't he coin the term 'Daddy' for Trump? Specifically because it pisses of both the right and the left? That's pretty fuckin' radically centrist tbqh

The argument is that you shouldn't give any airtime to nazi/nationalists/hateful people.


Nationalism: Patriotism; the idea of supporting one's country, people or culture.

Did every last one of these whiny retards skip civics?

Nothing helps rightoids gain popularity like leftoids being completely batshit insane.

see also: Weimar Germany

I see this referenced all the tine, what’s the significance?

Among the lack of vision from the social democrat government and the massive economic recession, OG antifa had the same propensity of identifying everyone to the right of Stalin as a Nazi as the modern ones do, and the ensuing street violence kept hitting moderates as well as Nazis and made more and more people sympathize with the party promising to crack commie skulls and restore law and order.

Stalin decided to push communism to other countries. Germany being one of them as he saw as rife for revolution. Except at the same time he decided to push a purity purge through the party. So very many ex communists were pushed out of the party at the same time OG antifa was smashing heads in the street. So many socialists jumped ship overnight to the next best thing; The Nazi party.

Nationalism and patriotism are not the same.

The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does.

Buddy I quoted a dictionary and you quoted a sociology professor.

It's actually a quote from Sydney J. Harris. He was a journalist from Chicago, I think the quote was in the 60s.

Also you're a fool if you just look at dictionary definitions of a word and think thats the end all be all. Hurr durr but the dictionary says they're synonyms.

And since you like dictionaries so much, here’s a article from the Merriam Webster dictionary about the difference between nationalism and patriotism.

Post your definition of bussy

Juicy boy pussy that I wanna tongue punch.

Being proud of whatever that's not you is for brainlets and a red herring.

Consider your country as a corporation. Because it is, it's a bunch of people who got together to do stuff and invented some bylaws (or simply laws in this case) in order to govern themselves.

Then: I want my corporation to generate more wealth for me even at the expense of competing corporations, I definitely don't want to subsidize other inefficient corporations or take in the workers they fired for incompetence, in fact I might be opposed to splitting the dividends with any outsiders unless they pull significantly more than their own weight, and I'm super opposed to the outsiders who don't share the this position and would try to infiltrate and undermine us with their votes.

What's the point of splitting hairs about nationalism vs patriotism given the white hot commie rage at the above position, which both include? If they are sizzling with hatred at me for prioritizing the wellbeing of my children, family, neighborhood, and the people who are like me and care about me reciprocally, over some Africans or Chinese, what do I care about labels?

"Nationalists get the bullet because they should be patriots instead" is a trick when patriots get the bullet too.

I'm gonna have to ask you to keep ur giant dumps in the toilet and not in my replies.


nationalists aren't necessarily hateful just really dumb


What's wrong with being hateful?

nothing if you focus your hate on the right target, like rurals


"Jamie, pull up that canister of Zkylon B"

This thing will rip your dick off

Being the 2019 larry king live is akin to nazi recruitment.

Leftoids on suicide watch

“Remember, the Nazi philosophy is so ridiculously enticing, that if someone so much as talks about it in public, everyone who hears it will be instantly swayed to it.”
