The internet janitors of r/movies get accused of being corrupt; Internet janitor responds with 🍆emoji.

57  2019-05-17 by Ghdust2


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Pattinson as Batman

Armie Hammer would be better tbh.

He was Batman in a defunct justice league movie that never made it past like test shooting or something. I think it'd work. He was in the entourage movie so I'm a fan.


Internet moderators are the lowest form of life

I'd try to CYV but can't because that's 100% factual

I dont know if people are using yikes ironically or unironically any more, drama has changed me.

occupation sans compensation

are you suggesting...




Any account that has more than 10k karma needs to be banned.

has 12k karma



Bitch you got 23k outta ban your ass twice

Bitch you got 23k outta ban your ass twice

Bitch you got 23k outta ban your ass twice

Bitch you got 23k outta ban your ass twice


hes a moviescirclejerk mod too if that makes it any clearer

I hope more mods pulls this sort of shit and maybe, just maybe, reddit users will realize this platform sucks.

So are the mods going to explain why there were 2-3 articles about this posted before /u/ Bunyipouch did, yet his is the one remaining despite being late.

I'm not seeing any proof backing this claim from /u/ Spike__Jonze. Bunyipouch gets notifications when movie related articles are posted so they're often the first user to post movie news. It's not that difficult to understand. Anyone can do this.


Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged /r/drama mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

EDIT: Just got banned :P I guess they're starting to get scared

This meme fits pretty perfectly

Messaged the mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

He doesn't even know how lucky he is. Whenever I message the mods of /r/drama, they just say "pics of ur hairy back or gtfo, daddy!"

I don't give a shit about the autistic reddit investigators, I just wanna say R.P. is super hot and I'd definitely let him destroy me 🍆

Messaged the mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

He doesn't even know how lucky he is. Whenever I message the mods of /r/drama, they just say "pics of ur hairy back or gtfo, daddy!"

Messaged the mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

He doesn't even know how lucky he is. Whenever I message the mods of /r/drama, they just say "pics of ur hairy back or gtfo"

Messaged the mods asking for their response, this is their response

Fucking, yikes

He doesn't even know how lucky he is. Whenever I message the mods of /r/drama, they just say "pics of ur hairy back or gtfo"


Shilling for your internet buddy to accumulate imaginary points: pathetic

Only responding to whiny capeshitters with dick emojis and banhammers: #utterly based