r/australia currently in meltdown and peak levels of cope as the right wing party will probably win the election.

233  2019-05-18 by BriefSquirt


Just look at this shit.

Somebody made a fucking cake of ALP (the left wing party): https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/bq2e54/a_special_cake_for_a_special_night_3/

jesus christ

for those who don't know, heres a bit of background. r/australia is the most out of touch sub on reddit. no exaggeration. they think the liberals (centre-right neoliberals) are fascists, and the green party (think AOC but less retarded) is really popular amognst all age groups (spoiler: nobody but progressives and old hippies vote for them).

now, exit polls initally showed the labour party (left wing, but not as far as the greens) were going to beat the liberal party.



with some juicy quotes like: "Great news. Hopefully the margin is even larger than that."

"I’d actually like to see the Greens get more seats to show govt and the rest of the world that Australia takes climate change seriously."

"please be accurate"

cope here too: https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/bpzb40/victorian_liberal_candidate_argued_against/

and https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/bprsst/final_ipsos_state_2pp_polling_nsw_vic_qld_wa/

eg "Jesus WA.

That's what a bunch of bogans in hi-vis being force-fed Sky News in their mess rooms leads to."

and "On behalf of WA:

I'm so fucking sorry :("

basically r/australia is full of chapotards so yeah lmao dude upside down lmao


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  4. r/australia - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  7. https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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fuk u cunt chuck us a durrie n a lighter yeah?

maaate ya always nick me lighta

Fuck you on about cunt. I don't know you.

I'm literally shaking. This can't be happening. My mum came into my room to show me the election results and I literally screamed at her and hit the phone out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to my mum but I’m literally in shock from Antony today. I feel like I’m going to explode. This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the world is so right wing. I want a fair go for all Australians. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. Australia wasn't supposed to vote like this. This is so fucked.

Well now that is done and dusted, all I can hope for as a younger generation voter is for a recession that completely fucks Australia into the ground so fucking hard that we all end up on a level playing field. Being born into parents who have had to rent their whole life and me helping them out, there is no other way I could possibly get a house. I already have a 30k debt thanks to Uni that got me an average job. Honestly once my parents are gone I might as well off myself. Fuck being a slave to corporate and landlords.

Accelerationcels on suicide watch

the vanguard of workers doesn’t even want to work full time


If this election has taught me anything about people, it's taught me that they won't let anything get between them and their riches.

The planet will die.

The diversity and the creatures and the life will diminish and rot.

I had hope last election for our planet. I had hope when this day began.

Now I don't.

The liberals don't give a flying fuck about animals, the environment, or the planet, and apparently people are willing to toss nature in the bin for a tax cut.

I don't hate the liberals, but I love nature, and I can't remain an optimist after this. I'll keep doing my part, but I give up believing in people.

Labor got completely destroyed in Queensland. It's over for shortencels.



queensland is the home of one nation and fraser anning like tf do u expect

What do you expect from Banana Benders?

idk the humidity must be fucking with their brains


It's rich too so you can't even bully them like Americels do Alabama.

Also the fact that Labor has been anti Adani this whole election. Like who tf knew that opposing the project that would bring a huge amount of jobs to Queensland would make Queenslanders angry?

It's truly anybody's guess why they lost

I know literally nothing about that hated island, but isn't Queensland ultra right-wing? I know they did a bunch of genociding back in the day.

You're right, but the exit polls before the election never predicted such a loss for the labor party. The seats were supposed to be way more marginal than they actually were.

He has the face of a man who would show up in Nazi propaganda as "the bad guy"

Qld = Australia's Mississippi if it was rich.

WA = Australia's Texas.

NSW = NY if it was still a swing state.

Victoria = California.

T*smania = West Virginia.

SA = who gives a shit? A warmer Michigan I guess.

can I have that in British please

what about northern territories?

One of those states with may Indian reservations, probably Oklahoma

Oh I think I got it then, New Mexico.

Genocide? It’s called banter ya fuckin shitcunt

r/australia most out of touch.

Wow that's some achievement.

I thought Australia has always been on the conservative side? This must be an ebic “crying and shaking rn” gen z moment.

Australia has a pretty boomer heavy population, but r/australia has always been left leaning.

Sorry mate I was talking about the irl Australia, not the sub lol.

Well, so has Reddit itself really.

left 'leaning' lmaooo

Correct, Australia has always been conservative but they were expecting the left to win this one because the conservative government over the last 8 years has been a complete shit show of incompetence and corruption.

Yeah I’m not a ‘stralian but from the wiki it seems like it’s been a shitshow for over a decade

Since the 2007 elections, the voting patterns of the Australian electorate have shifted. There is more volatility in the Australian electorate than ever before. More Australian voters are swinging between the two major parties or are voting for third parties, with one in four Australians voting for a minor party.

Why don’t we see more Aussie drama??

Because both parties are still very centric. The current Conservative party legalised gay marriage after they put it to a poll.

They only put it to a poll because they honestly though there was a "silent majority" that was seething about those gays.

Should have just kept ignoring it like every other responsible government does

I don't think that's true. They saw the writing on the wall, and it allowed them to do what they knew Australians wanted without pissing off their core vote because they can say they abided with a plebiscite. They were mostly concerned with pushing the more right wing voters to minor parties if they were seen as betraying their interests. This came after Bernardi launched the Australian conservatives and One nation had a resurgence.

Counter point, [Christopher Pyne]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzxRovYBNrw )

Peaked with Christchurch.

Wasn’t that in New Zealand though?

Same thing.

Based and left-off-maps-pilled

The shooter was an Aussie.

Shooter was an Aussie.

Politics isn't as polarising here. The election happens, we vote and then we forget about it.


Besides, most of us have everything we need. Medicare and welfare make up 50% of the budget.

It makes up more than that in the US budget, but toy still have people here screech about anything and everything

They are also Ponzi schemes.

Social security/pension returns at federal and state levels are allowed to do some blatantly fraudulent accounting to overly optimistically predict their rates of return.

Because nobody lives in Australia

Aussieland is definitely becoming more woke, or trying to. You should see some of the laughable shit my workplace emailed around on International Women’s Day.

Also quite a few sad cunts on my social media are borderline suicidal tonight.

Brute forced the banout lol.

In Australia everyone, whether you're 20 or 80, has the boomer mentality. I'd argue Australia is the most conservative Anglo country in the world, maybe outside of the US on some issues, we don't care about Christfaggotry or the gays but they do care about illegal migrants.

I'd argue Australia is the most conservative Anglo country in the world.

Conservative as a whole? Nah, I'd still put America ahead.

You're right, if say Australia is conservative, but not ideological about it (don't care about Chesitfaggotry for example), our migrant system would be called Nazism in the US and make even Republicans blush.

We just hate wowsers tbh.

The fuck is a wowser? A small dog?


don't care about Christfaggotry for example

They're wayyyyyy more Christian than Kiwis. Just look at the number of retards defending Israel Folau.

No way Australia's more religious than NZ, didn't yous go there to convert the natives?

A bare majority of NZers are atheists, while Australia is home to two of the three biggest international creationist organisations in the world - Answers in Genesis and Creation Ministries. There are no Hillsong-style megachurches in NZ, for good reason.

fuck off burger

t. Burger

Yeah they are pretty much wanna be burgers who dont believe in global warming thanks to the coal lobby and murdoch

Australians are very confused people because they live upside down. The current conservative government is responsible for recent legalisation of gay marriage and the highest record of immigration on record (mostly from China and India).

The gay marriage was their version of the tories doing the brexit referendum "no worries it will never pass trust in the power of the boomer"

Yeah, Poos and Ricecels are pretty right wing here, as you'd expect from rich migrants from socially conservative countries with their wealth stored in property.

/r/Oz expects them to vote for the Greens because they're not Mayo lmao, like it's America or some shit.

Yeah shocker that only fear mongering about muslims who the chinese and indians also hate wouldnt turn them off the part at all.

To be fair, China is probably conducting ethnic cleansing against Muslims and nobody is caring because Muslims have a pretty bad rep globally and the Chinese are rich enough to keep people quiet.

Only the Muslims vote green because they’re in constant fear of deportation.

Lol when open borders society soros and the kochs shake hands. Your in trouble

oh no the only source of economic growth because the liberals are economic boomer brains the horror.


When the gay marriage poll was released and it showed the Muslim voting bloc was the only one entirely against it (in Sydney at least). The lefties really shot themselves in the foot with that one.

No thought recent Muslims were gonna be pro gay marriage.

dude upside down lmao

Lol or don't want to end up signing the paris accord to end up with permanent riots like paris

being so retarded you still dont understand the paris accord was entirely voluntary and theatrics

whats it like having the mind of a boomer and the body of a manlet?

Was upping the gas tax that caused a year of riots. Just theatrics? Can you get the elites boot out of your mouth when you speak?

thinking the riots was only caused by the gas tax or that the paris accord caused it

my good an unironic boomer brain calling others a bootlicker, the irony is so painful im going to have to pop a fenatyl.

The gas tax was a law that was passed because the french government wanted to cut carbon emissions, i will put it in terms you probably understand, harry potter has magical documents that force people to do things, there are also non magical documents that do nothing but look nice and say thing like "i promise to cut carbon emissions" the paris accord was the latter.

In France? Lmao. One country out of the 200 that signed?

Inbreeding, not even once.

Which had nothing to do with the Paris accords

Carbon tax is not taxing carbon amd carbon is not what comes from the burning of gas.

The Paris Accord didn't raise carbon taxes. Are you illiterate or just b8ing?

millenials, most gen z are either closet right wingers or dont give a shit lmao

No country is really left or right leaning IMO, and their parties inevitably have to adapt to win elections.

Thats retarded the overton window is real, go to cuba and its far to the left economically, go to sand land and its on "women are sorta subhuman" you are obviously a burger because they can never admit their overton window isnt in the center.

What I’m saying is no democratic country is usually going to have a dominant party for long, I didn’t the Overton window doesn’t exist. Expecting a left wing party or right Leung party to lose because their Overton window is different is retarded.

i, too, believe environment has no impact on one's beliefs. humans are perfectly rational spheres floating in vacuums

If this election has taught me anything about people, it's taught me that they won't let anything get between them and their riches.

The planet will die.

The diversity and the creatures and the life will diminish and rot.

I had hope last election for our planet. I had hope when this day began.

Now I don't.

The liberals don't give a flying fuck about animals, the environment, or the planet, and apparently people are willing to toss nature in the bin for a tax cut.

I don't hate the liberals, but I love nature, and I can't remain an optimist after this. I'll keep doing my part, but I give up believing in people.

the planet will not die lol, we have extremophiles that survive like 2 miles below the ocean floor and others that survive at 180 degrees fahrenheit

the live will probably survive even if you trasform the planet into freaking Mars, it's humans that are fucked


Chapo has an Australian election thread too.

hahaahha we're reaching cope levels that shouldnt be possible

I hope aussie elections are just a trailer for the 2020 shit fest

You can't just mention it and not link to it. 🙄

I'm extremely pro union and workers rights so tbh, this is a pretty disappointing result for me, but I love seeing aussie redditors come to terms with how out of touch they are.

i love seeing aussies shit away their economy on tax cuts, fuck those guys.

Yfw Australia is one of the only western countries in the world that sailed through the 2008 gfc unscathed, has the highest median wealth per adult and has enjoyed decades of stable, uninterrupted economic growth — more than any other country in history.

Tax cuts generally don’t make “the economy” appreciably worse unless you’re in a small country that depends on outside lenders and end up running too much of a deficit

Australian economy is very steady and most stable in the world.

No. Things are fucked here and our voters are struggling to make ends meet.

I don't follow. Australia has very high median income. Is this a cost of living thing?

Things are fine here. It just panicky petes running amok.

"Our voters" = a small number of people genuinely struggle. The majority are really quite comfortable, just cant live the instagram lifestyles theyd like to.

Australia is cashed up as fuck. All you have to do is be willing to move out of inner cities and there are high paying jobs for anyone. Companies are hiring from overseas because they literally can't fill positions.

We have comprehensive social welfare, albeit you will survive, not thrive on it.

People are upset they cant buy houses in the 3 biggest capital cities and my heart weeps for them when housing near where most of the available work is, is cheap and often supplied by the employers.

There are genuine tragic tales and some people really need more help. But it's always watered down by middle class woe.

I'm a lefty so the fact we lost is disappointing, but at least the redditors got BTFO!

this is the face of true /r/drama centrism

r/australia pisses me off so much that i unironically support this as a political strategy

Nah its just that I bet the majority of r/australia have taken part in industrial action or are even union members.


the true face of drama is islamic strasserism

The result was pretty shocking, you don't expect the opinion polls to be that far off.

not if u have two braincels and realise labour is retarded

Honestly same. /r/australia shitters deserve to seethe.

Yas guns for all YEEE HAH

Lmao, it was a liberal government that took their guns in the first place.


Lmao this is your brain on burger

No ya tard I was talking about big tent energy fearofbees.. Tho now I kinda wonder if the same burger brained insult doesn’t apply to you as well.

Aussies are just eternally in cope mode. Probably from the fact their country was founded by convicts and their government killed Ned Kelly (the only good Aussie).

Literally every pre-poll was heavily in Labor's favour to the point betting sites literally paid out on Wednesday because it was predicted to be such a landslide. /r/Australia is a massive circle jerk but this one encompassed the entire country

but Australia's education went from 1st in the world to 37th behind Kazakhstan under this government so maybe they shouldn't ask their millennials to do polling kek

the trump effect yet again

Trump can't keep getting away with things like this!

Orang man


but Australia's education went from 1st in the world to 37th behind Kazakhstan under this government

Wait, for real?


the liberal party fucked the education system

Are they actually a liberal party or are they liberal in name only?

The Liberal party in Australia is pretty much the opposite of what you'd call a 'Liberal' in in other countries. The Liberals are considered more right leaning, whereas Labor is considered left leaning, with other parties being more extreme here and there.

Let me rephrase the question. are the rightoids or the leftoids to blame for the shit education?

Leftoids left it at number 1 and rightoids pulled $80 billion from education and left it at just above Romania.

The rightoids. Jesus, were you educated in Australia or somethin'? i think this conversation was pretty easy to follow.

If you had to guess, who would you think?

Rightoids usually pull funding, so I'll go with that.

There you go.

That's true!

liberal in the sense of "give me freedom", or in the sense of "give me free shit"?

They're not liberal in the social sense, but in the economic sense.

The term "liberal" has different meanings depending on which version of English you're speaking.

  • In North America, it means center-left or left.
  • In Australia and New Zealand, it means center-right or right.
  • Elsewhere, the term means anyone who supports free markets, small government, and personal freedoms.

The reasons for the disparity are complex and have to do with the long history of each region.

Which ethnic group can i blame it all on?

Mayos ofc

(((Anglos))) to be specific.

There's only like 30 Jews in Australia and one is the federal treasurer $$$

I literally just meant anglos.


no, it has to do with the fact that american politics is retarded beyond hope

In Australia and New Zealand, it means center-right or right.

Elsewhere, the term means anyone who supports free markets, small government, and personal freedoms.

In NZ at least, these are the same thing.

Liberal means center-right pro-free market almost everywhere in the world.

Interesting, my wife is a teacher and reckons nothing's really changed since they brought in the "National Curriculum" so....hmmmm

When was Australia ever 1st in Education in the world? Julia Gillard splashed over $10 billion on education for us to go backwards in NAPLAN results ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


the liberal party fucked the education system

Economy also went from 1st and only country to survive the global financial crisis to 19th and the entire country is convinced that Labor ruined the economy when Libs fucked it so bad they actually got rid of the debt ceiling because they added 400 billion to it

lmao boomers

Holy fuck imagine giving up all of this because your neighbour has more melanin than you (which is already a superior trait in a country like Australia where basal cell carcinoma from chronic sun exposure is rampant)

because your neighbour has more melanin than you


Abos I presume.

Having lived around a lot of melanated people, I'd gladly take an economic hit to avoid having more of them.

Enjoy melanoma, and enjoy having a shit economy where you can't even afford to treat said melanoma LMAO.

Good thing I live somewhere frequently rainy and cloudy.

Cumskins are so fragile and weak you'd probably still get skin cancer through the clouds, meanwhile black people are running freely like chads in nature hunting down literal apex predators with their spears.

The original humans were black deal with it whitoid.

TFW you'll never spear an elephant

Why even live

This is some quality satire

This is interesting. Do you have a source? An article or something I could go about? Thanks.

Well Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world.

No it wasn’t lol

Why are there so many delusional people in here?

I live in Australia and have never voted Libs but the ALP want to put us into so much debt so had no choice really

one nation all the wayyyy

The way I see it you either vote labor and liberals because the minor parts won’t get a say

well occasionaly other parties DO win, like centre alliance got a seat, greens occasionally get seats etc. but pretty rare.


senate youve got a chance of getting smaller parties in though

bruh you realise that debt literally quadrupled under libs right?

Imagine owning your own economy to own the labs

I wouldnt call the liberals center right, steady diet of murdoch and coal lobbying has turned them into republicans but without the religious fundamentalism.

Why did this happen though?

murdoch is australian, he controls the media pretty strongly to steadily boomerize the population.

Aussie boomers practically live off Sky News.

he also controls most of the papers and all the non murdoch stuff isnt even left wing its "lets give both sides a go" so the boomer usually wins the arguments because they just shout about shit really loud.

Sky news is owned by News Corp.


That is such a weak argument. Anyone who holds different opinions to you must be vapid and brainwashed.

If that's what you need to think in order to sleep at night, more power to you.

Cope. This is like Trump crying about fake news lmao

If you unironically claim murdoch doesnt control the media to have a boomer narrative then you are probably boomerized.

Because Labor is always talking about taxing things that your composite Liberal voters likes to they too will have one day.

20 years ago it was private school fees. 10 years ago it was power stations and chemical plants. This time it was tax credits on shares.

Resident Ausfag here — currently watching the elections unfold on tv. For our international friends who don’t follow Australian politics (and tbh why would you if you aren’t a fellow ausfag) I’ll fill in a few details.

There’s probably going to be a lot of COPE because of these results. A lot of labor (left) party supporters were really looking forward to a victory, because the liberal (right) party has been so autistic lately. However, as of right now, the ABC (Australia’s main news channel) is projecting a liberal party victory.

Personally I’m a somewhat indifferent left-leaning voter, and all the people I spoke to at the polls were literally on the verge of tears at the thought of a liberal victory.

Even though my preferred party may not form a government, I can rest easy knowing that the value of Australian Drama Coin has gone up in global markets, thanks to the COPE of my political peers.


I got drunk instead of going to vote today. The $80 fine that I will get is merely the price of radical centrism.

It’s only $20. Go open a tab with that $60 you just saved.


A fine for being drunk?

Ye, I was drinking at home lol

Voting in Australia is mandatory and you get a fine if you don't vote.

Only if you register and dont have a valid excuse.


Fined for not voting WTF

"Give us your support or pay the consequences, peasant."

Well, you can cast a blank or invalid vote (which is called a donkey vote) and that's fine. They only fine you if you don't turn up to vote at all.

They do not fine you for not voting for a specific party just if you do not vote at all for anyone.

So you can decide what hole you get fucked in, how very lucky of us.

Obligatory PSA: Plan B loses effectiveness in those weighing more than 165lbs.

Today I learned plan B doesn't work on fatties lmao.

Even though my preferred party may not form a government, I can rest easy knowing that the value of Australian Drama Coin has gone up in global markets, thanks to the COPE of my political peers.

That's based. 90% of the comments on /r/australia right now are talking about how there is going to be no future because of this.

Obligatory PSA: Plan B loses effectiveness in those weighing more than 165lbs. Be careful when using Plan B, know that if you’re outside of the effective range, it may not work for you!

So 90% of twoX lol.

Obligatory PSA: Plan B loses effectiveness in those weighing more than 165lbs.


Lmfao ofc the top comment on the TwoX edit is

Obligatory PSA: Plan B loses effectiveness in those weighing more than 165lbs. Be careful when using Plan B, know that if you’re outside of the effective range, it may not work for you!

This is so good. I always see r/Australia hit r/All and its always shitting on Liberal. Now they're going to seethe and we get to watch.

Personally, as an Australian, I've lost hope in either party. One is owned by the banks and big business while the other is owned by Chinese billionaires. Shorten is little more then a union thug who likes his fancy dinners with billionaires. Sco-mo and his party are nothing short of inept.

In light of this advancement, I'd like to share some pretty funny political tiffs we've had.

Previous PM calling opposition leader a sycophant:


Gillard giving it to Abbot for misogyny:


There's a couple more but I forget.

anything tony abbot does or is involved in makes him look like a retarded fuckwit and therefore is hilarious.


also yeah i voted for literally every other party than lib/alp/greens just hoping ANYONE else would get in lmao

What were the elections for? Isn't Daddy Xi already the president of the Southern China province?

Great overlord Xi likes to let us still hold mock elections so that we can be angry at people who aren't our glorious Chinese overlords.

Aussie Liberal party are very Centrist. The current government staying in power.

First Trump, then Bolsonaro and now this.

I'm pretty sure the best way to win an election is to make Reddit hate you

and brexit, dont forget

Forgetting 2014 midterms smh

Nigga, what about the 2010 midterms smh. Liberals BTFO in ‘10

Everyone expected that. Rightoids were dressing up like Paul Revere and screaming about death panels.

Who could have predicted that autistic STEMlords, NEETs, social degenerates, NPCs and subversive political bots don't represent the common electorate?

And racists do?

>everyone who doesn't vote for labour/greens is racist

No the president of the US and Brazil are... try and keep up.

lmao reddit is a parody of itself at this point

True, thanks for sparing with me.

I think everyone tries to be a good person, they just get a bit confused. However, this has been tested by the cartoonishly evil behaviour by the alt-right. I just don't understand it.

And racists/bigots do?

sadly they most likely do

Did I fucking stutter?

DDF, boomers and all the other garden variety rightoids fall under the same classifications

This is /drama in case you got lost

I guess I am lost - stumbled into a thread of faggots 🥴😂

But they were already in power?

How the fuck am I supposed to know

By knowing what you’re talking about before speaking anyway. It’s very typical of the right.

Holy shit they're even doing the "I'M MOVING TO CANADA" shtick but with NZ. That's hilarious.

I would vote in a party that deported all wokecels to nz tbh

That's hilarious considering how there's an election here this October and it is definitely going to go right wing because nearly everyone off reddit hates Trudeau.

Australian citizens can move to NZ and get welfare, it doesnt work the other way though.

Yes, and they should fucking do it. We have a joint residency agreement with NZ. Both nationalities have the right to live and work in the other country... Which makes these kinds of comments even more ridiculous than the Americans saying they want to move to Canada. We Australians can just up and move to NZ tomorrow.

...Yet Australia is full of Kiwis, and NZ is not full of Aussies.

I've got nothing against NZ, but economically and employment-wise, Australia is the far better place to live. These people making comments about moving to NZ and not immediately doing it just makes them look even more idiotic.

Australian here, and for a whole year for downvotes for anything that isn't wildly pro-greens and pro-Labor, or for any questioning of actual economics and logistics behind two parties that promise the sky and stars without saying how it will be financed, today is the one day I can feel some redempmtion and a giant "fuck you" watching that fucking useless, out of touch shitshow of a Circlejerk sub melt the fuck down.

What a beautiful day.

Cheers to that.

Amen u beautiful lad

As an Aussie, my contribution to that ridiculous ALP cake setup. Watch that comment get downvoted to visibility within minutes.

Lmaooo wtf

Based south australia

There are a lot of fun minor parties:

  • Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party
  • Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party
  • Love Australia or Leave
  • Pirate Party Australia
  • Reason Australia (formerly the Sex Party)
  • Rise Up Australia Party
  • Science Party
  • Seniors United Party of Australia
  • Socialist Alliance
  • Socialist Equality Party
  • The Great Australian Party
  • The Arts Party
  • The Women's Party
  • The Together Party
  • Victorian Socialists
  • VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!

Wait for 23rd May when Indian general elections will be announced. You will see even bigger cope on r/india.

which party will piss off that sub the most so i know who to support?

BJP. The name Narendra Modi is more than enough to make them reeeee. They equate him to Daddy while in reality he is opposite to him. That sub ironically sing praises of Congress, the party responsible for almost genocide of Sikhs and several communal riots.

23rd is gonna be so much fun on Reddit when you will see thousands of galaxy brains reeeing at worldnews.

ya but /r/India never makes the front page unlike /r/Australia so the drama will be less

The drama will be on r/worldnews where they have same mod team like r/india.

And if by any ultra rare chance that BJP loses, it will be r/indiaspeaks that will be on suicide watch.

Based and Bhagwapilled

>australians being retarded

gosh, who could have seen this coming

well the electorate voted pretty rationally lmao


r/australia is just victorians, who are basically sub-australian anyway

voting for rightoids is never rational, friend

M*lbournians, please don't lump the rest of us in with them

Will this mean more censorship or less censorship in Australia? I have no idea what side supports it anymore honestly.

Imagine caring for aussie drama.

/r/australia is the most out of touch sub on reddit.

this is both amazingly true and immediately apparent

it’s like if /r/UnitedStates existed but was posted to only from San Francisco artisanal coffee bars

So you mean just the default subs? Lmao.

So r/politics, got it.

captainpriapism sends his regards.

only r/straya matters, r/australia can fuck off


/r/australia is fucking retarded. I don't like the Libs either, but it's very fucking obvious why Labor lost - retarded virtue signalling like wasting money setting up a god damn National Gender Commission.

How does Russia keep doing this???

Yeah haha it's funny that rural people do what they are constantly propagandized to do via their satellite television feed by billionaires

That is the will of the people under capitalism

c o p e

They're crying so hard about Queensland and I saw some nerd write a massive cry post about how he wishes rural people (see: farmers) would get fucked and die because it's all their fault 😂 cope is very strong right now