/r/furry_irl users argue over trans rights

21  2019-05-18 by NebbyFox


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


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Most murders of trans women happen because the person they got intimate with or even dated slightly found out they were trans and killed them for being "trapped" or tricked into "sex with a dude"

Is this actually true? It seems like a giant cope. Especially since it seems like MAYBE 1 in 100 trannies are "passing", which may still be too conservative of a number.

nah, most trans women murdered are poc sex workers. which makes it weird these people are all sex-positive and pro-sex work because getting beat to death in a dirty alley is apparently empowering.

Hmmm that seems like a more plausible explanation.

I guess I was just taking umbrage with the implication that "big bad heterosexuals are going INSANE when they find out they had sex with a transperson (read: man)" when as I said the vast majority of trans do not pass. It seems more likely to me that "down-low" people (read: degenerate sex-perverts) are potentially threatened with exposure for fucking a tranny.

Basically just saying it's more likely to be in-denial-faggots doing the killing rather than heterosexual-men.


I'd be mad if I dated a passing trans girl, got them in bed, and found out they had a dick. But the odds of that happening are incredibly low. I've seen a couple passing trans girls on Tinder who I liked and then they were like "yeah I have a dick."

Trannies kill themselves more often than “those god dang cis males” do

Tbh you can see for yourself whether you think that's true or not.


This website is a list of every trans person who was killed in 2018 as far as the human rights campaign knows.

Just a cursory glance showed me that it was probably not true that most of them were killed for trapping dudes, so it's probably fake.



they hate southern culture but they want to appropriate the good bits like y'all and low key hating nigs while lip service to their plight.

Appropriating black culture. That's the actual, ultimate reason.

It’s appropriating drag queen culture which is appropriating black woman culture which is just southern culture

To all the people who said we should stop bullying furries and treat them like people: This is your fault. This is what happens when you humanise the inhuman.

Dehumanizing furries is actually good praxis, as it makes them feel more in touch with their animal self.


What is it like being a dog fucker?

It’s over for pingcels

No pinging on this subreddit since the admins are pussies.

trussy > dussy
you cannot change my mind.

Only furries want dog pussy bro

Transfurries are people

The paradox of intolerance is the most retarded thing that people only roll with because it fits a narrative. It's not even a real paradox like "this statement is false." It makes the assumption that intolerant ideas will become the norm if they're not stopped. Also what does tolerance even mean, allowing people to do whatever they want? It's another psuedo-intellectual plebbit argument that falls apart the moment you actually ask people to back up their claims.

It is a bit of a real paradox. If you are tolerant of everything it can become the same as apathy.

Of course in a thread about trannies it devolves into “comrade” and Ussr apologia. every time it’s what turns me off supporting the trans movement tbh

How gross they look is what turns me off supporting the movement tbh