Man bravely points out how stupid Chapotard talking points are, Chapotards promptly show up to prove him right.

86  2019-05-18 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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all commies are beria

never 4get

Bless his little heart, hes still in there fighting off the chapo menace 2 hours later.


God I hate chapos. If there was a button for the option of killing all commies or bringing back dinos. I'd probably press the button for dinos and feed them commies.

I support this message

Dinosaurs returning and feasting on humans is one of my biggest fears. Like I actually had nightmares about it till I was about 12-13.

It's probably cause I watched Jurassic Park when I was young and it fucked me up.

That kitchen scene with the Raptors must have bee Perry rough on you

Yup, not sure why my parents let me watch that. I also watched the Ring when I was young, and that fucked with me too.

Your fears will be realized in time 🦖🦖🦖

Honestly the best choice you could ever make

linking a Joseph Anderson video

Very true

You’re getting some mileage out of that account recently

Approximately 10.45 miles of dick

40% of chapos live in their parent's basement.

That's a generously low percentage. More like 85%

Their own poll actually unironically showed that 40% of them still lived with their parents and that they're whiter than /pol/

Chapo is probably the most embarrassing board on Reddit.

And before anyone asks why I'm not commenting in the thread, I'd rather not be downvoted to oblivion and harassed around reddit again from this BS

$20 this dude has received at least one death threat from chapos. but muh reddit wanna ban us cuz they are nazi symphatizers

Reddit is so fun guys

I like taking the piss out of people, tbh

Dude chose a horrible hill to die on because that situation caused that cop to resign instead of facing discipline and potentially being fired. Hes either a retard(probable) or a good baiter

I vote retard. You can see him cede ground on it throughout the thread. But he's a retard with his heart in the right place.

The Virgin Chapo: Screeches "ACAB" and "Bootlicker" impotently on the internet for hours on end

The Chad Dramanaut: Watches every new episode of Live PD as it airs, calls the departments featured to ask if they can direct their officers to use greater force

I'm glad I'm not the only one