More Resetera as they address The Chapo Question

16  2019-05-18 by MadBoomrPixl


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Adherents of an ideology that requires violent revolution taken aback at the suggestion they are okay with political violence. They're still stuck on the child cages crap like they actually give a fuck about brown people. Flooding the US with unskilled workers who only serve to supply megacorporations with wagecuck labor doesn't help your cause Chapos.

>Chapocel says he will be the next Lenin and purge his enemies >retarded Retard-era members start defending it as "JUST A JOAK BRO"


If there was a decent Ancom comedy podcast tho

Good lord. How do these people exist.

children being kidnapped from parents abortion rights being stripped away neo-nazis marching in the streets and KILLING people

“I am in HORROR at the thought of wanting to harm and/or humilate our political opponents!”

We’re fucking doomed, man.

Lol at the whiny overly dramatic hyperbole

lmao ive literally never heard anything the people on the podcast have said before reading that thread

those videos posted in there are fucking hilarious, theyre all "this is the most insightful thing chapo has ever said" and its just "im good and other people are evil" tier pseudo intellectualism