"I don't come to Reddit to discuss politics" BUT ALSO spends the last four days arguing about abortion politics 🤔

38  2019-05-19 by Quietus42



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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It makes me happy to see that the abortion industry is coming to an end in the U.S..

I love abortion posts because the drama always spills out here too 🤗

Just like how abortions themselves spill out dead baby parts.

Or as I call it, "a great Saturday night."

I don’t believe the abortion industry will come to an end in the US. People will still seek out abortions. There will be a rise in abortion tourism similar to women travelling from Ireland to the UK. Online purchasing of the pills to carry out a medical abortion at home without medical supervision. A rise in backstreet abortions for a higher fee with higher risk. An increase in using the morning after pill even whilst using other forms of contraception.

It's over for anti-natalism-cels

Anticonceptualism is superior.

33% upvoted

Abortioncels seething. Or they would be, if they weren't aborted.

School was made by the rich and powerful to brainwash us peasants to become good obedient workers. Real education is reserved by those at the top to pass down to their offspring.

World governments and rich guys who own companies work together to profit off the commoners.

Countries do not actually exist, it was meant to distract us from what truly matters. Sometimes we blame our inadequacies in life on stuff like immigration or jobs moving out of your country or countries being "totalitarian" . But all that is just a distraction from what truly is the cause for the average man's inadequacies, financially or otherwise, which is the rich-poor gap.

Everything is already monopolised, companies just use different brand names for the same corporation.

There are drones living among us who send info to da government.

Religion was created to keep commoners stupid and obedient.

Conspiracy theories in YouTube about the illuminati being satanists are just distractions from what truly is the problem here. This isn't just about some pop song having some hidden message.

Politics and laws are confusing to the average guy because "they" do not want us to find out the truth.

Food and water supplies are 100% controlled by "them". Famines and droughts are planned for population control.

Everyone around the world is brainwashed with different ideologies and concepts around the world to make the commoners remain divided and unable to unite against the elites.

History is edited in our textbooks cuz the elites only let us know what they want us to know.

The current "trade war" is faked by trump and xi. The two actually work together. This trade war was just a hoax to get us commoners to pay more for products that the elites sell to us, or to get us to pay mor tax to our government.

World governments and companies and powerful people work together to exploit us. The hooha you see on TV is fake and all "conflicts" among politicians are staged to give us the impression that the elites are all divided.

The military was never meant to defend the country, but to make the idea of a civil war against the government/elites seem scary. As I stated b4 countries don't actually exist, it is all to give the elites an excuse for things like the military or the "trade war".

There are remaining pockets of civilisation that resist the rule of the elites are slowly taken down by means of violence or threat.

Global warming is being denied cuz the elites want more cha ching.

The minimum wage/poverty line is actually way lower than it should be, so that the average man would think "Hey, I'm living above the poverty line so my life must be OK I guess", keeping the population satisfied with fighting for scraps for what the elites leave.

I'm not making sense at this point.

LongPostBot is dead?

RIP longposty

Pro lifers are the most evil things ever

Over population is a problem and abortion is the solution.

this but actually kinda unironically

I have the most radical centrist take on abortion.

You can't force someone to do something for you, especially not something dangerous (like having a child).

As thus foetus are people, and at the same time abortion should be allowed.

Can you extend that logic to already born people? Cause that would be great.

Can you extend that logic to already born people?

Parents shouldn't be forced to raise children either, tbh.

Perfect. BRB going to go run for Congress so I can write some new laws.

Based mod is based.

Do you have the radical centrist solution to the abortion problem? Like what would you do to appease both sides? I'm really curious? You can't kill the baby, and you can't keep it alive, either.

Like what would you do to appease both sides?


>Radical centrist solution.

Honey ...