Chapotard insists that communism totally works guys.

60  2019-05-19 by Ghdust2


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


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That's a lot of cope

Just like Communism, Chapos will never work.

Disgustingly based

Jokes about communism aren't funny unless everyone gets it.

Communism is the solution for depopulation.

killing the poor to own capitalistcels

You mean "overpopulation". Sex is the solution for "depopulation"

“Look at my downvotes, must mean we’re right comrades!” Or you know people just see the inherent gaping flaws in practicing communism.

That wasn’t the original comment. It was something about living in tribes vs civilisation.

Some commie actually posts that “it’s okay to have an iPhone I’m still totally not a champagne socialist guys” comic

They are absolutely seething in that comment chain.

I wonder when this so called revolution is going to start 🤔

Capitalism didn't make my computer.. Workers did.

IQ 300

One time I was debating a Chapo user on socialism and he confidently said that the public sector is socialism and that comment got like tons of likes ....