SRDine manchildren take umbrage at starter pack making fun of Funko Pop hoarders: “Of course they have to mock people's hobbies and enjoyment.“

39  2019-05-19 by dongas420


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


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Theres no way anyone can make a legitimate argument that owning toys made for preschoolers, theyre even safe to put in their mouth, is a normal hobby.

And neither are srdines

Very true

There is a difference?



SRDines are liberals not chapos

They are worse than Chapos, they are - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - SRDines.

What is a funko pop. Don’t degenerate explain it.

Funko Pops are further evidence that Uncle Ted was right and that industrialization was a mistake. Where people once placed altars venerating Jesus and the Virgin Mary, there are now only cheap, mass-produced plastic capeshit dolls with soulless beady eyes:

If you own one of those you should off yourself tbh

I would never suggest that anyone commit suicide but if there was ever a need for a virgin sacrifice, this guy should go willingly as he has peaked in life.

I think if that gallery were twice as many pictures, I honest-to-god would've had a panic attack.

This is sooooo much more pathetic than the funko contract. This is worse than obesity.

Is that the Funk Pop contract guy or are there two of those shits

Cheaply made dolls of video game, cartoons, comics, whatever. They look like shit and people buy a shit ton of them.

Okay but why do they

Why do people collect anything.

Because somethings are useful and interesting. Capeshit dolls are not

They are useful and interesting to people with downs or severe autism.

Bobbleheads of popular characters that look retarded. People collect them for some reason.

What's wrong with weeb characters?

Said unironically.

Weeb compared to force awakens characters the guy says he can't even tell which character it is if he didn't know? yeah seems about equal

Hobbyshaming is the most reasonable form of shaming. These things are basically plastic beanie babies and no one is forcing you to buy them. If you want to stop wasting your money on landfill bait, you can do that whenever you want. Meanwhile there are people out there who are truly fucked up permanently, like acid attack victims, manlets under 5'11 and Brits.

Snappy plz

lol anyone who lines their house with plastic shit deserves to be mocked endlessly

And they stop being funny almost immediately because there's no insight or social commentary to them.

Of course they have to mock people's hobbies and enjoyment.

isn’t every other post in SRD mocking video games and the people who play them

Most srdines arent selfaware enough to realize hypocrisy