Reddit nerds who dress like middle schoolers get triggered by other Reddit nerds who wear button downs to raves

35  2019-05-19 by uniqueguy263


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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not wearing formal clothes all the time

Where did all these Communists come from?

wearing clothes

Fucking prudes.

Shirt in the OP is official r/drama merch, available now at

Poor people who spend money on designer shit should be imprisoned.

Poor people who spend money on designer shit should be imprisoned.

Debtors prison

Similarly, my cousin just spent an entire year babysitting to save up enough to buy a $1400 purse. Nah. She's in high school and her parents aren't rich. There are far more important things than a $1400 purse. She just got her driver's license but doesn't have a car. She has a purse that cost as much as a first car though. But I'm the ass hole for pointing that out. We've become too obsessed with consuming and appearance.

It’s gonna be sad when this guy’s cousin realizes that only other poor people care about the purse and that actually, rich kids probably judge her for buying something beyond her means because they can already tell she’s not rich.

Like what do you want? A pat on the back because you supported slave labor and sweatshop produced Walmart brand clothes? Congrats.

A pat on the back would be nice now and then. Also SNAPPY?