Welp. Good game.

11  2019-05-20 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

That was a good game of Thrones show. What did you think of that ending? The sword ⚔️ chair got broken but they said a wheel got broken to. I didn’t see no wheel but that’s why I’m not a dragon 🐉.

If you agree then do the comment below.


I liked the part where the Mountain biffed the 500 deadlift and looked like he aged 15 years. It was a good lesson in humility.

I interpreted the burning of the chair as a symbolic end to the Targaryen oppression of Westeros and the precedent they made with the creation of the Iron Throne, its destruction being a symbol of a new era.

But everyone else seems to think it was burned because "DUDE FIRE LIZARD SMART LMAO XD".

I was scared when that one dragon screeched at that guy, but liked that part where the cool guy with the sword chopped at that other guy. I did not see that coming.

I liked when the dragon was behind Daneryass kween and it looked like maybe she had wings and was also a dragon who was also part Hitler. It's a good show.

Everyone got to live happily ever after 💖

Hodor, you're like a 40 year old Lawlz. I imagine you're hot though so if I had to choose between Lawlz's blog posts and yours, I'd totally do you.

Actually I was born in 1943.


I have to say I'm a bit disappointed, I was really looking forward to the first co-credit of cocaine on a big project since the mid 2000's and it lacked a true GET TO DA CHOPPA moment

Sweetrobin was the prince who was promised :(

I was disappointed but i cried anyways and I’m a bearded man who did so. This was one of the most beautiful series ever