"What is something that could use some criticism?" - Thread nuked, YaLl CaNt BeHaVe

66  2019-05-20 by jimmahdean


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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If your look at removed comments. They removed stuff about fat people being awful, about how there are too many sexual orientations, something about killing all nazis,

Top removed one is israelbad, as usual, one of the next ones is about US military bad with a filthy britbong chiming in, then religion

They perform these tasks without any monetary compensation.

They're giant fucking faggots and I wish I could angry ping them


god bless

removed comments: 239/267 (89.5%)

Hot damn

that wasn't even that bad. dumb dumb jannies.

Like coal miners refusing job training. I lost my sympathy after that.

Sit in your dying town and do oxy if you won’t accept the help that’s offered.

Prime example of the typical redditor who has never even visited coal country.

lose coal job get job training no jobs within 150 miles of my house because coal is mined in the middle of nowhere next to no cities thanks reddit!

Why can't the 90 coal miners all learn to code and then get employed in a town that needs 5 programmers though?

The fucked up thing is that in the towns were coal in mined there is literally NOTHING but the mines and timber industries. And the mines not only provide jobs for the miners, but tons of ancillary jobs like electric motor shops, restaurants, welders, electricians, truck drivers, gas stations, etc, etc, etc. So if a mine closes down just like everyone in the town doesnt have a job anymore. Everything closes up or just waits for the mine to open back up again.

Whats the typical redditors response to the 30 year truck driver who served the mines everyday loosing his small business because of Obama's EPA mission to bankrupt the coal mines? "lean to code, you hillbilly". Its just so infuriating.

Ive lived in these coal towns. Its fucking DEPRESSING. They have no where to go. They have no money. They are literally mining the thing that powers the iphone of these dipshits.

Dude, progress leaves some people behind. How long are we supposed to prop up coal mining if it's becoming an obsolete way of obtaining energy?

obsolete way of obtaining energy

Do you live on the east coast of America? Because 40% of al lthe power you use is fed by coal. Do you see any new nuclear power plants being built around you? No? hmmm

then, how the fuck are coal mines shutting down if they are powering half the energy on the coasts?

Robots and shit. The days of sending 200 preteens down a shaft with pick axes and gas lamps are behind us 😢

To be fair, that was bc of those 200 preteens only 100 would become teenagers.

Uh the EPA, brainlet. Take a wild guess why west coast kwh prices are triple the east coast prices




Fair but A the east geography doesn't allow much hydro electricity and B hydroelectricity is still more expensive to produce than coal energy


Wow year you're right, hydro is 3.5 times the coat of coal per unit of power

Wait a second, that's the opposite of true 🤔

Depends where the location is

West coast has mountains and rivers and space

East coast has appalachia and not mich vert

Based and greenenergypilled

Learn to mine uranium 😂😂😂

Learn how to frack. NG is taking Coal out to dinner and never calling back 😅😅

Coal is a dying industry due to market shifts, you fentanyl addled retard. Nobody gave a single fuck about Norwegian whale fishermen, or Brazilian latex harvesters, and I sure as fuck don't give a damn about brain damaged, black-lunged morons.

Fuck you, and fuck coal miners, and fuck jannies.

Based and NOT luddite pilled

Hicks point is that it’s not obsolete, coal still powers most things, and to think we are going to regulate it out of existence is retarded. They still need to learn to diversify and not just always depend on it bc it’s ‘Muh way of life’, but telling a 50 yo coal miner to learn to code is almost as retarded as telling a buzzfeed reporter to learn it. Difference is, telling a (((journalist))) to learn to code is a nazi symbol of hate, but telling coal miners is A okay 👌🏿

Coal has been kept alive because of subsidies. Chad Natural Gas is finna BRAAAP all over coal while needing far less government dole.

Everything else you wrote is irrelevant you flaming faggot

After fracking becomes the next thing libtards become hysterical about, which they probably should, considering earthquakes are now normal out west. And not to mention what irreparable damage to the water table is being done, we will see regulation on that too. And coal will pick up the slack, there is also demand for coal and its exportation, although not nearly what it once was. Inb4 Muh wind turbines and solar is the future.

Youre a fag and your shits retarded

Shut up

tfw neets are over taking r/drama

You have to go back

Dude, you want to debate energy economics in /r/drama. Unironically seek refuge

Dood I debate autists all day everyday, sometimes the lines get blurred. Ps has been a bad influence

Literally who the fuck are you? Go back to coalpit and keep your retarded opinions to yourself, you fucking hayseed.

As an unironic rural drug addict the defense of coal is bestowed upon me. Sorry not sorry

For someone so into coal, I bet you dont even burn it. Go suck off a black cock and maybe Ill consider debating u

Imagine thinking that’s an insult.

Mayos 👏🏿aren’t 👏🏿people 👏🏿

Thank you for proving the stereotype of Appalachian illiteracy. Try re-reading my comment, bucko.

Imagine using bucko unironically

confirmed mayo

Unfathomably based.


These redditors

These redditors cannot into the larger picture like you stated

A town i lived by was mining related. Clean water regulations from obama or bush shut em down

A once doing okay town is now a ghost town and crime riddled

They also love to mock the proletariat that they seem to "know better for them" while working in an AC office doing dumb menial white collar do-nothing work

I am also terrible at math.

wHy DoNt ThEy LeArN tO code??

I mean, why the hell would you visit coal country? The rich culture?

I am shutting this thread down.




Jannies: “It’ll soon stabilise!” deletes comments

I know this post is bait to talk about causes the alt-right cares about, so instead I'm going to say: we should finish the job we started in WW2 before the neonazi movement gets any bigger

lmao just go kill everyone right of AOC

Why is a forum for 30+ men janitored by such a emotional little pussy like that?

If I ever found out my son was moderating subreddits, I would beat him.

I'm guessing the hiring pool of reddit obsessed 30+ men isn't full of winners


/r/AskMen is terrible as well. 25% of the answers in any given thread won't even be from men, and "Y'all can't behave" is always just one wrongthink away.

Say what you want about /r/AskWomen, but if some dude heads over there and gives an "As a man...", he'd get laughed out of the building.

Let's just sweep all of this honesty under the rug, it doesn't exist then...

I am shutting this thread down.

Oof yikes found the incels IM SHUTTING IT DOWN