Elizabeth Warren wants to make the American military green, to the horror of Chapotards. Pocahontas gets branded an "imperialist" by mayo communists.

73  2019-05-20 by GodOfDarknessWine


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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green imperialism

i love it, combine that with woke fascism from Starship Troopers and you get sheer perfection

More 👏 vegan 👏 drone 👏 pilots 👏

imagine a world where we invade other countries for oil with vehicles and weaponry powered entirely by renewables. a better world to live in 🙂

Can you put enough solar panels on a tank to power it

just use the power of flowers and love to crush hippies in the streets

Check with Elon

He can’t even power a normal sedan with a battery without it fcking up, and needing to be plugged in. What is he gonna do for a tank?

still not as stupid as solar-powered non-ultralight planes

just use hydrogen lol

Wasn't there a surge of "Green Terrorism" during the 90s and US was scared of it? Look how the tables turned...

Lol the navy has been on this for nearly a decade and a good chunk of its operating diesel is now from various plant based blends. The army has been on this wagon for a few years too. Not sure about CG or AF.

Yeah but the Navy also burns off excess fuel reserves when it comes budget time so they don’t get their spending cut.

It’s like how you can recycle some paper at your house once a week but amazon is destroying pallets of merch to free up space in their warehouses hourly.

amazon is destroying pallets of merch to free up space in their warehouses hourly

What? They dump stuff on wholesalers.

Amazon warehouses trash millions of unsold products, media reports say

As for the excess fuel thing I was working with a contractor that mentioned it to me when I brought up The Great Green Fleet

Wow, that's bad.

Wow, that is fucked up.

All I see is a photo gallery, what an I missing

Nothing that is just the thing I was talking about that sparked the conversation. I don’t think you’d find a bombshell like”budgetary shenanigans” being published outright like that so you can take my word for it or assume that I’m some kinda -ussian or -anian with a ‘genda.

I was gonna say this too. A few years ago the Navy put to sea a ship that ran completely on biofuel (algae I think) and I hardly made news. Most bases I ever went to also ran to some degree or another on solar and every command recycled.

Neat! I'd sure sleep a lot better knowing that our drone strikes are "net zero carbon emission" drone strikes.

I mean...zero emissions and reducing overpopulation. Isn’t that what they wanted?

reducing overpopulation

Is a dogwhistle for mayocide.

Let me whistle louder.

And that’s a good thing.

if you want a serious answer, "overpopulation" is mostly a conservative bugbear, left environmentalists these days tend to consider it a pretext for eugenics (which in practice it would be) and think with the right reconfiguration of the base we could provide for everyone

serious answer

I didn’t really.


🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 Never mind I did


I didn't know Bill Nye was a conservative.


Nah, environmentalists actually just changed their tune when inconvenient populations were the ones having a shit ton of babies. Suddenly "we have room for everyone uwu!" It's still a huge issue.

Chapoid "cuties" are definitely committed to solving the overpopulation issue.

Despite her baggage she is probably the best candidate the Dems can run in 2020.

Eco-fascism is back on the menu bois.

This is my me and my dads favorite lotr quote 🤗🤗🤗

Fuck every single troop

Watermark, whats going on there big guy?

That's right baby, spit in my mouth and call me a slut 😘


Jesus, dude. Put a fucking ounce of effort into it. Can we trade you for the_marx?

My god foid suffrage was a mistake

Yes, I'm sure the military has at no point ever considered going with renewable energy.

i can think of a super easy way to get the pentagon to net zero carbon emissions but i dont think its what she has in mind here

All drama mods should be deported. The travesty of banning so many users should not go unpunished, and it's time for action to be taken.

It's absolutely unacceptable that despite my quality posts on other accounts, I still remain banned, because some trussy in progammer socks got hormone brain and went on a ban spree. Is this what we are reduced to? Allowing this kind of abuse.

Every mod should be sent to a remote island without internet, until they can function in a normal society. All of them.


She be pissing off chapos && be saving plants. This b just got my vote 👏🏿