HRC should have won, and she'd still be one of the best choices for president

14  2019-05-20 by Mamalgam

Cue the fucking Berniebros and Trumptards chiming in with "muh rigged primaries"/"muh emails". Listen up, you dumb fucks, Hillary would have been great for several reasons:

  • Experience There's NO denying that HRC knows Washington, and she knows how to play the game. She's been in this shit for DECADES, and she's aware that consensus politics is the only productive way of passing policies. Which leads into my next point.

  • Moderate Radical centrism memes aside, HRC does have progressive ideals, but she's not ideologically possessed, she knows what's realistic, and ludicrously, it's actually something that has been unjustifiably used against her (public/private opinion).

  • Dedicated Unlike the Fraud in Chief, she's always been heavily invested in the technical aspects of policy, she actually takes public office seriously and would not have used it for branding and as a way to feed her ego

  • Foreign relations I won't pretend that her vote on entering Iraq was a good thing, but she wasn't alone in this, and, just a little reality check, the Orange in Chief was for it as well. But there's absolutely NO denying the fact that Trump's rhetoric is extremely damaging to the United States' position on the world stage. His actions in office betray his anti-interventionist rhetoric, and he's the whipping boy of authoritarians (NK debacle, what a fool lol) and the laughing stock of free nations (Paris accord, trade war, etc.)

  • Women's issues, LGBTQ+ Idek what to say here, I don't think I need to make a point, if you seriously think that there would have been a better choice for these issues in 2016 than HRC, you're delusional. I'm glad Liz Warren is in the 2020 race.

I could probably go on for pages, but I think I already made a pretty compelling case. I'll gladly hash it out in the comments, 'cause I just KNOW that 98% of the people here got their info on HRC from alt-right propaganda, and while it isn't my job to educate you, I'll gladly take it upon me to make this place a little less bigoted, anti-woman, racist, and homophobic/transphobic.


Where is this pasta from?

LOL at shitlords like you who can't even COMPREHEND how one could support Hillary

I can't comprehend the point of this attempt at trolling.

This is a hildawg only sub. How did u even find this place if u won't bark for hildawg?

It was #HerTime.

I couldn't/wouldn't vote for her for several reasons:

  • She wanted a separate legal system for women. #
  • When Bill was accused of sexual assault and rape she destroyed those women's lives. #
  • She's a cunt.
  • She thought getting the only Middle Eastern dictator to de-nuclearize after Iraq killed was a good idea.

Glad we had a secretary of state with a child's understanding of geopolitics.

BASED H-dawg destroys the life of other foids and acknowledges that their inherent inferiority means they need to be prosecuted separately from men and you WOULDN'T vote for her??

* She's a cunt.

Well that's just a given for foids, come on.

lol gay

Moot point she wasn’t elected pres and never will be

Fake and gay

Rongle Glumpt BTFO

I didn't vote for her because she was too young.

Frankly I’m impressed anyone even remembers her policy positions.

How little do you bench?

I love HRC. Her election campaign was the greatest political slow-motion car crash of all time.

Hillary may of been corrupt and the primary was rigged against Bernie. But I voted for her in the general election, I did not vote for the awful beast that now sits in the office pushing Christian ideology on us and causing alt righters and 4chan to rise cause terror. Living under the trump president is scary because he is one of the most fascist leaders in history and it’s scary to think what he will do to stay in office if he loses the 2020 election. His supporters are some of the most violent sexist racist and Christian trash. I hope we get out of these far right extremist times in America, we are living under someone who’s so evil and racist with the most violent supporters.

I will say that Rodham would have given China the diplomatic ass-whooping it deserves, which is my biggest regret

HRC does not Suck My D so sorry sweaty, I'd go with donny's bussy if I had to go through 2016 again.