Probirthers rreee about adoption in /r/blackpeopletwitter while not adopting any of the thousands of adoptable kids already available.

8  2019-05-20 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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i love seeing this lie peddled on reddit because i have the experience to shoot it down. there is far greater demand for newborns to be adopted than the supply of newborns available to be adopted, older kids are a completely different ball game and unrelated. when i work with expecting mothers and adoption agencies, there is a fucking waiting list for newborns, and they don't care what color the baby is or what defects they may have, they take them all the same. most of the babies i see are black and most of the adoptive parents i see are white.

Why are you always shilling your adoption work in my abortion threads. Smh.

I would never adopt a child. If I am gonna have children, they are gonna have to be related to me.

nothing peronnel crack babies.

No /r/drama user will ever have offspring, and I pray whoever does puts that poor creature out of it's suffering of having to be raised by one

I can't ping but a couple Drama users are parents.

This but unironically. Imagine deciding against furthering your genetic lineage.

Gene slaves, yikes😷

implying that being dead is better than a bad childhood

Considering most kids posting on social media wish they were dead she might be right.

If a fetus subscribes to /r/drama does it get a shot at life?