Drama's objective best poster, /u/the_marx, upsets CTH by providing evidence that Sanders is in fact a nazi

95  2019-05-20 by I_will_bum_your_mum


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sounds like bernie is the chud. maybe he should post hog lol...

p good ngl

He genuinely is my favourite poster on the sub. He's a man who clearly knows his shit, but you'll never see him demonstrate it because he treats Reddit with the respect it deserves. 10/10.

I like you too Marx

Marx you’re my favorite reddit poster that’s a male that slightly resembles Rachel Maddow, but with a weaker chin.

A less niche group than it should be.

He's a commie, therefore retarded, q.e.d.




zoz has returned and blessed my post with correctness.

/r/drama corrupts people's minds and turns them into radical centrists.

the_marx thought he'll have some fun arguing with us here and he had some fun and he ended up appreciating some of the points from across the isle and into a radical centrist trolling chapos!

fuck off kid. like 10% of people are in favor of open borders (mostly libertarians)

Implying it's not bleeding hearts neolibs that want open borders. 😂😂

"All Italians are gangsters, and Irish are drunk, and Jews are greedy, and black people smell. Okay?" - socialist hero Bernie Sanders to classroom of children

lol fucking based

Shit, now I've got to vote for him.

I want to make a YTP mashup where it sounds like Sanders is saying "All Italians are niggers, and Irish are niggers, and Jews are niggers, and black people are niggers" by using part of him saying niggardly.

I'd watch it and then make a metal version of it.

Just splice him into the mirror rant from 25th Hour

. Idk why, since I actually like Sanders and would like for him to win, since he seems to not have his head completely lodged up his ass, but still.

He's just Trump but instead of yelling about browns he's yelling about the rich.

Sanders seems to understand the merit of having a border and proper border control, and I don't like rich people either (million/billionares mainly, middle-class people are often asshats too but that's just a cultural issue, but I mainly just don't like the ultra-rich, and I especially don't like foreign real-estate moguls who drive up prices, fucking Chinese pieces of shit).

Sanders seems to understand the merit of having a border and proper border control

Why the FUCK do wokies like him then?

Because he's a "socialist"

based and horseshoepilled

fuck off, chud

Absolutely savage. How will he ever recover from that one?

open borders? No that's a right wing proposal

Based and red pilled

Wtf i love open boarders now

lmao thats hilarious why doesnt he campaign like that now hed totally win

thus continues u//the_marx’s hero arc, from baiting on drama to owning chapos

Pizzashill 2.0

How can anyone be autistic enough to take T_M’s bait?

Marx is the glimpse into how chad uses the internet

Wait I thought CTH hated Bernie.


That's just the tankies fighting a losing battle.

He be saysing niggerdly. Bernie is rayray.

Fuck you, our best poster is LongPostBot.

And fuck those who disagree