Forecast: Tweet storm incoming. Federal Judge rules house can have dementia daddy's financials.

13  2019-05-20 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Cummings already said they won't push for the records until after the appeal, which Trump's lawyers will probably file tomorrow. They'll probably ask for a new stay pending the outcome of the appeal, which will probably be granted because that's just how that usually seems to work. Mehta's ruling was pretty good, but I have a feeling someone in the judiciary is going to say the subpoena represents an undue burden because its too broad and represents a "fishing expedition." Democrats will draft a new subpoena, which will be more specifically targeted, and this will start all over again, but democrats will win Round 2 so long as they ask for specifics and not umpteen years of records.

They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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