TMoR gets woke, /r/drama gets name-dropped. Whose alt is this?

57  2019-05-21 by SubjectEgg


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Sorry, but that conservative link kind of overshadows yours.

Okay but there's no drama.

Fair enough, but sometimes I have to fly into the fire. That is the most retarded take in all of capeshit, and that is really saying something.

That's not bad, I just enjoy subs that should be like...normal (as opposed to expressly political) becoming super political and ignoring their initial point. Feels more real, like it could happen to anyone. You go somewhere expecting a basketball game and it's a volleyball game and you're annoyed but everyone says it's your fault, that kinda thing.

Sorry I deleted my comment to make it a post. You don't see anything especially retarded about a sub dedicated to politics comparing the real world to one set in medieval times and dragons n shit and calling one of the bad guys a communist?

That's like interrupting a volleyball game with quidditch.

Sure, but I don't go looking for that. I look for dipshits pretending they're the voice of reason while being HILARIOUSLY biased. That's funny.

You will come back around. Humor is a flat circle.

That's like interrupting a volleyball game with quidditch.

what the fuck is quidditch

>someone plugging r/classified

Very cool, wasn't expecting that

lmao it was deleted.

It was made classified.

Every retard left partisan sub, nono no partisan here.


Pretty sure the guy was banned for that since he edited a post that should've been a response right afterward.

All jokes (okay most, not all) aside, that's how you get ridiculous circlejerk subs. Banning one person who doesn't agree with the zeitgiest, one at a time. Honestly, it makes reddit more fun for the observers.

your dishonor

fucking what

Pretty sure the guy was banned for that

No, I was planning to expel that one beforehand already.

Lmao expel them for what

For oversimplifying and ignoring reality. Also the way they went about it. I actually agreed with a good portion of what they were saying.

But it wouldn't matter why I banned them at this point. You guys opened your crusty drama-box already.

For oversimplifying and ignoring reality. Also the way they went about it.




No wonder people come to your sub to laugh at the posters and now go to /r/classified to laugh at conspiracy theorists.

You're talking too much like devavrata17. Please call 911 and tell them you think you're having a stroke.

Eat my buttered balls, /drama-hoe. Ain't nobody care about your invalid lotto-tickets and busted curling-iron.

You all can't do a damn thing without /SRD, /Gallowboob, dumbass mass-bans, or milking the fine shillery-action from subs like /TMoR.

You're cheap gutter-bitches.

Best unban me, too. I'll call Maury..

Thank you sir, may I please have another..

Leaving nobody in any doubt that he has the 'tism.

i duhn't

That's gonna be a yikes from me chief, let's unpack it.

"If I make my name green to show them I'm a jannie they will fear and respect me"

Green like the dollars he makes being a jani- oh, wait.

I like how they decided to use the mod flair on that last comment as if it was somehow revealing their true jannie power level


I hate the cope meme and I hate the -cels meme, but lmao tmorcels, c'mon, you know what you're doing.


I prefer to refer to them a TuMORs, because they're basically cancer.

Stunningly Stupid people we dont like.

The trump crowd annexed all the major conspiracy forums, it was quite calculated.

Funny how those "stunningly stupid people" are so competently calculating, isn't it?

He always recognized that it was a terrible, immoral thing that should be avoided.

Lol /r/conservative is retarded

TMoR pretending to be objective: I 😴 😴 😴

TMoR targeting Trappy: I πŸ˜‘πŸ€¬πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ί

Rude! We're zany and quirky AF 😀😀😀