Fightporn throws down when a mayo gets knocked out for going full gamer.

69  2019-05-21 by Quietus42


Reminder that mayos aren't people.

People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


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if you can't appreciate snappy, you have to go

Mayo gets knocked out

Oh yeah keep going

For going full gamer

Oh FUCK that's hot

Weirdly that is a rather white sounding black dude.

Mayo trash

Mayo on mayo violence.

Lmao on every other fight all those comments say "damn what a hit" and shit like that.

But as soon as a mayo says the gamer word people are worried about sucker punches and morality of random fights.

The post probably got brigaded also that punch was brutal i wonder if the guy has brain damage now

It looks like he already had brain damage

Going from the smoke blowing into the frame at one point I’m gonna hazard that he wasn’t entirely sober.

That's just FAS

Literally a comment you would never hear if the person punched was black. White people are scientifically proven to feel less empathy for black people, if a black person gets punched they judge it as less painful to the black person.

Truth 😡

hey, nothing wrong with feeling more empathy for humans

and blacks are scientifically proven to have 70 iq and shit genes.

MDEcels aren't welcome, cracker

Who hurt you sweaty?

A black guy cause he went full gamer

White people are inherently evil, and their race will cease to exist in 100 years because white boys keep getting cucked by blacks and Arabs.

talk shit about curries and mayos all day, but talk about niggers and the "totally not fragile faggots" of this sub come rolling out real fast

Shut yo gay ass up

no u

Nigga ass retard


Lol mad cuz you pale-faced honkey manlets are getting cucked by superior genetic non-mayos. By 2050, we will have successfully impregnated all white foids with our superior seed while you lay at home tugging your little pecker to underage anime girls lmao

Mayos are born with damaged brains

that was not a self-defense situation

Like literally you don't care about self defense, self defense is whatever a white person wants it to be to jack off to a fight

lmao tone it down, bu. too on the nose

Mayo panic

He was defending his race from the oppressive mayos

in minecraft

Yes it was. Words are violence and whitey was committing 1st degree word assault

ahem the gamer word is “faggot” if my time on Xbox can be believed


You’re like a bargain bin gamer

PC Master race 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿

Nigger! *turns face away from black gentleman*

Just because the white dude was too scared to raise his hands to defend himself doesnt make it a sucker punch

Bruh if you actually browse that sub you’ll know nobody’s a fan of cheap shots


Dude has his hands behind his back the entire fucking time. What kind of fight is this shit?

One sided

A fight against racism! ✊🏿

He brought words to a fist fight lmao

Porn is the mayo being put in his place.

Das rite

Well said big bad negro

Around blacks never relax

You need to go back

Around wh*tes internet fights

After saying the gamer word

Eliminate all gamers

Day of the Broken Internet Router will take care of that.

Lol, there's plenty of sucker punches in that sub, but the mayos are only pearl-clutching because the guy embraced the gamer word.

Maybe if the incompetent mayoid hadn't been so incompetent to turn away like a bitch in the middle of a threatening situation, he wouldn't have gotten decked. This is just darwinism in motion.

That's literally street logic 101. Never turn your back on a nigga bro lmao

The only street logic they learned is don't play in the cul-de-sac after 7pm or neighbor Jerry will call the police.

Smh my head

Same tbqh fam

Proof that mayos are dumb as shit

Around blacks never relax?

Bruh momento


Not when you say the gamer word

Yeah when it started and he couldn't even look the guy in face I knew he was about to get his bussy pounded

Fucking retard. Hopefully if he hadn't gotten any brain damage from that punch he'll learn never to leave himself wide open like that.

He could probably have gotten away with it simply by apologizing. Even if he died, this wouldn’t qualify as murder, just assisted suicide.

saying provoking shit then turning away and locking your hands behind your back is the logical equivalent of "you wouldn't download a car"

it's kind of funny to me how much reddit loves upvoting these sorts of videos because these are the ones that actually might be alt-right trolling. i can't imagine who else benefits from the constant spectacle of watching black people become violent at the command of a single word. this isn't a 'fight' and you'd have to be the biggest pussy in the world to feel threatened by a skinny guy with his head down and his hands behind his back, but he gets sucker-punched anyway and reddit cheers.

honestly it just reminds me of the nigga moment from boondocks.

White people do shit like this all the time. That wasn't a sucker punch, the situation was escalated but the white guy was too stupid to remove himself from it and too much of a pussy to put his hands up and show he was ready.

Yall, words are violence. This Basketball American was just practicing his right to self defense.

(if we keep at this we'll need to bring back dueling)

I believe it's more to do with their culture.

Love hearing the mayos discussing black people like they're an obscure civilization.

Black people are literally obscure tho

how to prove stereotypes true in 1 simple step

Calls black people a slur in a threatening situation

Shocked when he beats your ass

Mayos dude

What was the threatening situation?

The rat tail

Shocked when he beats your ass

I think you mean “shocked when he surprise slugs you in the back of the head like he’s never heard the term civilization before”

13 50

Christ they're like idiot chapos and 40% memes.

Hmm I wonder why blacks are executed by police


Because cops are useless we know this

Sucker punch wow so brave

Also imagine being so fragile the gaymer wors triggers you to physical violence

>gets called a nigger

>proceeds to act like a nigger to prove he ins't one

Do gaymers and other alt-retards think that words don't have consequences anymore or is it just when other people say them?

I remember when conservatards use to get pissed off because you weren't allowed to solve problems with your fists anymore.