Canadian /r/politics prepares to defend from Russians by making everything look like a nail and use a hammer

32  2019-05-21 by newcomer_ts


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Lol so his plan is to ban all rightoids but the leftoids can stay

When you're further to the Left than Mao, not many options you can give to people.

If you even dare criticize the climate tax It would an instant ban.

It’s amazing that these people don’t understand that “Russia” almost certainly used lefty propaganda to stir things up on the /r/politics

Who seriously was upvoting all the “Bernie can still win post” on /r/politics?

50/50 Russians and retards on Reddit.

The admins already confirmed there is literally Iranian propaganda being shilled on /r/politics. Curiously its basically indistinguishable from what's normally posted

Is it really propaganda if it’s just what’s posted normally?. Is /r/politics just a Russian and Iranian propaganda outlet now?

Propaganda is just a word that has been bastardized to essentially mean any news I don't like.

Traditionally, propaganda is associated with state disseminated information that is just plain wrong or inaccurate that serves to further the state's power or goals. North Korea broadcasting doctored footage of them in a war with the United states is propaganda.

Fox news reporting on illegal immigration numbers isn't propaganda.

Reeeee you are a nazi/commie cuck. News that I disagree with is inherently false and news that I agree with is unbiased and pure.

Propaganda is just a word that has been bastardized to essentially mean any news I don't like.

Traditionally, propaganda is associated with state disseminated information that is just plain wrong or inaccurate that serves to further the state's power or goals. North Korea broadcasting doctored footage of them in a war with the United states is propaganda.

Yet you use bastardized definition yourself, it's a neutral term, anti smoking ads are propaganda, and it's not related to the state, it's not necessarily false, it can be entirely true. Fox news reporting on illegal immigration when no one else did, a few years ago, was propaganda.

Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.

It has a bad rep, but it's neutral. Edward barnays has a book called propaganda and he's seen as the pioneer of public relation and the current form of ''modern'' propaganda, his entire book is sympathetic to it, almost too positive. Still a decent short thing to read.

Your whole post is literally proving my point how the definition has been completely ruined by psuedointellectuals who are deep throating the critical theory cock.

Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position.

This is a laughable definition, literally almost anything would qualify for propaganda under that definition.

The only thing this serves to do is label any sort of political discussion as "propaganda", which when used to refer to politics is clearly meant to be used as a pejorative and draw association to authoritative regimes.

What is the point of political parties but to advocate for what the party's platform is?

Party A is saying illegals are all rapists that deserve to be killed. Party B is saying they believe healthcare is a human right. I guess to you those are equal and clearly propaganda. Good to know.

This is a laughable definition, literally almost anything would qualify for propaganda under that definition

That's because it does and it's used properly in academic settings.

Propaganda is a modern Latin word, the gerundive form of propagare, meaning to spread or to propagate, thus propaganda means that which is to be propagated.[6] Originally this word derived from a new administrative body of the Catholic church (congregation) created in 1622 as part of the Counter-Reformation, called the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregation for Propagating the Faith), or informally simply Propaganda.[3][7] Its activity was aimed at "propagating" the Catholic faith in non-Catholic countries.[3]

maybe wiki is wrong

information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions

Maybe cambridge dictionnary is wrong too

: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause also : a public action having such an effect

Merriam-webster has this pesky neutral definition too i wonder why theyre wrong.

Propaganda is information, often inaccurate information, which a political organization publishes or broadcasts in order to influence people.

goddamn collins dictionnary.

The point is that while it has a negative connotation when used in a colloquial way and I agree it's used to shut down others. There's nothing inherently wrong with propaganda.

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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ty snappy

50000 of Canada’s biggest faggots all in one place.

More than half of those are banned.

Drop some barrel bombs on er bud

Conservatives want this election to be about the climate tax and the deficit. Both those things are fine in context, and attacking them should be banned.


Do you have an alternative theory?

Or are you just harassing me for the lols?

Alternative theory to what? Why someone would want to criticize policy positions? Here's a crazy idea: not everyone argues in bad faith.

So you're just harassing me? Thanks. Does this sub even have fucking mods?

You explicitly came into this subreddit to reply to my comment. How does that constitute "harassing you"?


banned for harassment

This happened a few elections when Harper was PM too. Anyone not 100% in lockstep gets downvoted or outright banned, and then come election day they all scratch their heads and wonder what went wrong because "Every one I spoke to hated Harper and was going to vote against him!"

I hope the rightoids win in Canada so we can see the cope and seething like we have everywhere else.

IDK so far Trudeau has been pretty good at making everybody pissed off

Is Trudeau still embroiled in that scandal with those Libyan bribery cases or whatever that was?

IDK I get all my world news and politics info from /r/drama

Balanced, as all things should be

It's something much, much more petty then that. Still destroyed his popularity somehow lol.

OGFT is just metacanada but left. CanadaPolitics is OGFT but you have to effort post and not say bad words.

I just wish metacanada was like the harper days before it went full tard.

Delete information that is false or misleading. A one off event does not mean much for Canada and suggesting it does is misleading.

A false or misleading information is information about any single event that doesn't fit the narrative, all such information should be deleted.

Nope, only your side does that

Conservatives want this election to be about the climate tax and the deficit. Both those things are fine in context, and attacking them should be banned.

We have a duty to fight for democracy

Sure thing dude

russia is a third world dictatorship and most of their people are poor, stupid and cant speak english. (Basically nigs I can be freely racist against since they are white)

”russian trolls” are apparently the strongest force on the internet, capable of chaning the results of pretty much every election ever