/r/news has a struggle session over Arthur.

19  2019-05-21 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Have you posted bussy yet?


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They won't see it in Alabama, Snappy.

Muslim religion is quite intolerant of homosexuality amongst other things. He made a point and you replied with something that further validates his point, then engaged in a personal attack.

I don’t see how that’s constructive in any way.

Imagine being constructive on Reddit😂

That's almost as bad as linking anti vaxx logic. Be ashamed.

Nvm, imagine having shame on Reddit 😂

Muslim religion

So they mean Islam

Then claim it’s tolerant of gays? That nigga realize they toss them from roofs in muzzies land ?

That’s fake news. Just off screen there is a kibble trying to kill them and it’s fly or be kissy-kissed.

umm sorry sweety this conversation is about HICKS not MUZZIES so all those gay dudes splattered on the pavement don't matter, lol be better

This is tragic. As most Alabama residents cannot read, or understand adult entertainment, "Arthur," remains their only source of education. It's sad that so many Mitch McConnell voters won't get this episode.

The height of Reddit intellectualism.

For the retards here; McConnell is not one of Alabama’s senators.

If that was sarcastic it was brilliant, but I don't think it was.

That’s how most Redditors think about people who live outside of NYC and LA so they are probably being honest.

Wow, you have given up on being original or good at anything, haven't you?

No point in trying anymore 😞

Preaching to the choir 😔

can you imagine if muzzies did this

Alabama trying hard to implement Sharia in USA.

Repubs from Alabama and radical muslims have somewhat of a common ground in a variety of topics. DO go to r/alabama and tell them that. Creates a lot of buzz. Believe me.

carpetbagger subs


Why r/Alabama having a hard time trying to find the difference?

"Reeeee, we're nothing like those dirty muslims reeeeeee"


You sound stupid, ignorant and insane, like all modern liberals who fetishize the destruction of human life

Yes it dose. You are Honorable person. The sooner You and your believes die the sooner society can move foreword. Pretending the right has Valid ides worth discussing is how we got into this mess. We need to stop pretending the right is capable of any form of constructive dialogue

imagine trying to have a constructive dialogue with this brainlet, he can't even speak

So Roy Moore is cool, but the gay cartoon wedding is where you folks draw the line? Alabama, you get offended by some of weirdest shit.

Funny, if pedo man was cool why didn’t he win? Why did national republicans (except for daddy and ‘bama repubs lmao) tell pedo man to withdraw and encourage writing in someone else?

Are redditors cool with Alabamans being manipulated with a “totes secret experiment” that used the same tactics as the Russians?

Actually scratch that, just deport all redditors to Alabama and let the state and its hive of retardation secede and sink into the Gulf, poisoning the water with smug and inbred genes.

if pedo man was cool why didn’t he win?

He's polling as the top republican candidate for Alabamas senate seat in 2020.

He’s not running yet, is he? I doubt republicans are going to back him, considering he lost in what’s one of the most red states in the country. They’re likely going to run literally anyone besides Moore to get the nom.

Regardless a hilarious embarrassment for the GOP to get cucked and chucked in AL.

"Inbred hicks at it again"

"wHy dOn'T tHesE reTaRdeD cOuSin FucKeRs wAnT to cOmpPriMiSe wItH uS??"

Making fun of Alabama is just low hanging fruit at this point. I mean, they're the 50th state in terms of literacy rates so it's not like they can read your insults anyway.

I can’t wait for the day they try to teach gay sex education in schools.

“This is a bussy, children, you can pump it full of as much cum as you want without worrying about a babby. Just make sure you have a moist towelette to wipe the fecal matter off your penis afterward or have your bottom suck it clean.”

Imagine getting triggered by a show for preschoolers over cartoon rats. Don't these people have anything better to do, like save Zygotes or protest miscarriages?