r/unpopularopinion discusses islamaphobia, mods shut it down

55  2019-05-21 by ardasyenden


This, but unironically.


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My knee jerk reaction was to call this total bullshit, but I researched it and damn if you aren't right. There are several middle eastern countries (Iran most notable) that used to have fully-functioning, modern societies that thrust themselves back into the stone age when muslims took over. I hate all religion equally, but I can see Islam being the most dangerous religion.

Muslims took over in Iran in 1979 apparently

No Islam in Persian society before that

Watermark confirmed for brainlet for not understanding the largest anti Islam talking point

Oh wait I didn’t need to confirm it :)

Is this something you can compartmentalize to individuals or something that’s just easier to hate altogether?

I hate you. That I do know.

E d g y

Thanks fam

Are you really complaining 'bout edginess on r/drama?


Hating individuals without hating the huge swaths of people who share that person's values/beliefs is New Age fluffy bullshit.

One can hate the swaths without hating the values/beliefs.

Well, I can. Dunno if you can.

Why not do both?

Eh, not illegal.

Mods are just doing the work of Allah.

Unpopular opinion: Muslims are the good guys

mashallah, you are among the righteous

You are not alone brother, insallah

I thought that it was a popular opinion in Europe

Iran's takeover by hardliners and fundamentalists largely lies upon the overthrow of a democratically elected and relatively westernized ruler by the CIA in favor of a shah.

Rightoid rewriting history here, forgetting that Shah was corrupt as fuck and was hated by most of the country. Shah got his power through a coup organized by the Brits and Americans. Person before Shah had thrown BP out and said that he would die in Persian oil before he would allow BP in.

The Shah was laughably out of touch with his country in general and did pretty much everything he could to egg them on. Like not only supporting Israel, but just shoving loads of oil onto them and propping them up for a decade. Such that Israel actually used a blockade that could theoretically affect this flow of oil (even though no ship had gone through the Straits of Tiran in two whole years) as their pathetic justification or how the 1967 War of Israeli aggression was "self-defense" and justified conquest and ethnic cleansing they had long desired and wanted. If there hadn't of been a blockade they'd find another "self-defense".

you're agreeing with the text you quoted

It is obvious I can’t comprehend

Don't you dare delete this, you live with this shame forever you illiteratecel

I can read but I can’t comprehend the meaning of what I read. That makes stupid not illiterate. Get your insults straight.

Christianity originated religious terrorism and most Christians are evil people and you can’t change my mind at all. I am disgusted what Christians do and it makes me hate them. My dad is one of those disgusting people who is a stupid Christian who hates Muslims. Islam is honestly one of the most peaceful religion but dumbass Christians rather watch Fox News and be fed lies.

Muslims are just brown christians.

???, no they aren’t? Comparing something to Christianity is really insulting due to how dirty Christians are. Christians have started the terrorism things

yeah they are. It's the same shit, different color people. OK, I'll agree to one thing. Muslims wear cute scarf hats.

I don’t see this “same shit”, lol. They are different and YOU are trying to provoke me. Well it’s NOT working

Invisible man in the sky, hates all other religions, must kill people who don't believe, can't have sex before marriage....etc.

But the scarf hats so there's that.

Stop replying to me, i did not ask for a discussion. And muslims are more reasonable than Christians.

You're not the boss of me and you don't know me you can't run my life.

And you don’t know me so stop replying to me when i KINDLY ask. Ffs

I'm gonna....

In every other sub, arguments like this either result in one side being upvoted heavily, and the other side downvoted, or both being downvoted.

This sub somehow escapes that mould.

How did you end up in r drama lmfao


Because I can post here if i want to. And no, I have Aspergers.

What do you think about trump?

Do you own any pets?

What kind of music do you like?

I think Trump is the most repulsive and evil president. He’s ableist and openly sexist. His anger opens up the altrights hate to be public and cause them to commit violence. I fear what he has planned and as he can destroy America with his sexist tiny little pea brain.

No, I don’t.

I like Post Malone and DJ Khaled.

Imagine liking post malone and then eating the shit of the bottom barrel rapper dj khaled lmao

Okay kiddo: youtube up convolk or oliver francis stat okay?

Did you downvote me you little shit.

Or to whoever is the rogue downvoter im coming for that bussy. You hear? Gonna pound ya good skiddo. Take ur bussy to downtown poundtown

lmao I think these guys are unironically retarded

Lysis is trolling and throwaway guy is legit 90iq or less

This is what r/drama should be

If only we could ping like the good old days of honest milking.


you need the strong pimp hand of Islam to keep you modest and virtuous

I hate all religions equally but (...)

wow a true egalitarian 👏👏👏 based atheism

Allah is the one true god. Daily reminder that Anyone that disagrees is not getting 76 virgins when they die.

Next submit "I believe the State of Israel should exist with Jerusalem as its capital."

I believe the State of Palestine should exist with Jerusalem as its capital.

zero state solution. let's try anarchism instead. what could go wrong?

Voted 88% unpopular

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kinda funny

Islam is the answer and that’s the real unpopular opinion

Only chapos are high enough IQ to understand there bussy belongs to Allah and their gussy is but an object